we never lost you, my friend. i believe you know my colleague? logan and agent zero stare at each other. there is a history between these two and clearly the memories are not fond. stryker we're with the department of agriculture now. boys, please. could we take a minute of your time? we want you back. logan turns away from them. he tosses aside the axe, picks up a load of firewood and . stacks. it beside the cabin. stryker you're a born warrior. you can hide up here as long as you want, that's never gonna change. it's. creative work, i can assure you of that. and it pays well. we're putting together a team. best men in the business. men with. special qualities. men like you. it's a team of hunters. we're going after some very bad people. logan climbs into the driver's seat. stryker you read the papers, logan? they're killing mutants. logan closes the door, turns the key and revs the engine to warm it. stryker taps on the window. logan grits his teeth and rolls down the window, not looking at the colonel. stryker listen to me. they have names. they have addresses. all right, forget about yourself. your country needs you. his name is victor creed. logan turns and sees stryker standing at the entrance to the operating room. stryker i can help you find him. he escaped from an ultramax penitentiary in nevada last year. started murdering mutants. shape- changer in new mexico, pair of telekinetic twins in california-- logan turns on stryker, grabbing the colonel by the throat and shoving him against a lamp post. i came to warn you-- he got the list. the list. every known mutant in north america. government's been keeping it for years. names, addresses, everything. someone must have leaked it to him. there are people in washington who want to see you all destroyed. logan releases stryker. the ex-colonel straightens his jacket collar and composes himself. apparently he doesn't have much tribal loyalty. logan turns and walks away. he looks like a homeless man, his clothes torn and bloodied, his hair disheveled. he walks fast. stryker calls after him. stryker do you have a plan, captain? do you have a plan? cnnttnt tf.tf 1 you already tried that. he's a hundred miles away and you're walking out of the hospital. logan's fists are clenched. he's ready to hammer stryker into the ground, but the older man does not back down. stryker you can't beat him. not the way you are right now. you've probably gone your whole life without losing a fight, but i'm telling you now, you can't beat him. could you unsheath your claws? logan raises his left hand. the bone claws pop out, the same length they were before creed shattered them. stryker remarkable. full regeneration. logan examines the markings on his forearm. we're going to make you indestructible. but first we have to destroy you. stryker heads for the door but stops midway and turns. stryker i forgot to give you something. he reaches into his jacket pocket, pulls out an old set of dog tags and tosses them to logan. logan inspects the tags with ambivalence. held on to them for years. figured you'd be back one day. logan slips the steel chain over his head. stryker ad nauseam, lieutenant. he can handle the pain. no other animal would survive the experiment. correct. some experiments succeed, some fail. that's why we call them "experiments." the man's well-being is not my concern. proving that the science works-- that's what matters. hines does not relish confrontation and she's afraid of stryker. but she gives it one more try. you also swore. to protect your nation. you remember that oath, lieutenant hines? i don't need you to understand. i need you to follow orders. stryker continues down the corridor, leaving hines standing alone in the fluorescent light. you're witnessing medical history in the making. we've begun bonding adamantium to weapon x's skeleton. it took us three years to prepare enough alloy for the skeleton. if this works, general, weapon x will walk wherever he wants. remains to be seen. we're in uncharted territory here. we need the eleven. our victory in the war to come depends on it. oh, it's coming, general. the enemy walks among us. we'd better be prepared. he's a warrior, hines. he can handle it. victor creed plunges his clawed hand into logan's gut. on the contrary. the probe is diamond-tipped. it's not hard enough to penetrate adamantium. you're trained to care for humans, doctor. weapon x is not one of us. easy now. magnificent. he's got nowhere to run. closed circuit monitors show logan running down a tunnel. stryker the only exit is a 25 ton blast door. it was built to withstand a nuclear detonation. alert the containment team. bring him back. nttntjf.j) ) either way. just bring him back. these soldiers are the creme de la creme. they're equipped to handle the situation. there's a high-voltage fence on the perimeter of the base-- negative. come back to base. you don't have the weaponry. nord, goddamnit-- where are you? you ran on me, goddamnit. we had a deal. now you get back to base-- i'm giving you an order, soldier! return tobase-- we're bringing you in. one way or another, we're bringing you in. logan bows his head, considering his next words. we have information that he was in las vegas two nights ago. we'll find him soon. i disagree. i'd say the experiment has been a success. weapon x is a prototype. nothing more. he's the walking proof that enhanced skeletons are viable. that, along with the healing factor we've replicated from his blood, will insure that the eleven is capable of protecting our species from extinction. disappointing, general. expected, but still. disappointing. you're having a massive heart attack, sir. leading cause of death for men in your age bracket. the general gasps for air, trying to rise to his feet. in his death throes, he knocks the glass of water from the table. it shatters on the floor. stryker. the war is coming. it's time to choose sides. the general collapses-and stryker stands above him, staring down at the dying man with pitiless eyes. stryker you chose treason. good. hines? they won't kill him? a blank slate. easy to train. stryker fondles the shining bullet lovingly. stryker she's a pretty little thing. mm? oh, he's coming back, doctor. we have what he's looking for. hello, old friend. we've been waiting for you. logan walks toward the desk, slowly now, a man in a nightmare he can't wake from. stryker did you really think we just let you walk away three years ago? you're a dangerous man, my friend. we like to keep an eye on dangerous men. when logan reaches the young woman he puts his hand on her shoulder. kayla silverfox turns and stares up at him, tears streaming down her face. she's real, old friend. your eyes are telling you. your ears. your nose. logan ignores stryker, staring at the love of his life. i asked you nicely to join the program. and you were so stubborn. but i knew if nothing else could motivate you, revenge would. stryker smiles at kayla, a proud professor beaming at his student. stryker tell him. tell him about the day you died. kayla, head bowed, is silent for a long count. when she speaks her voice is a strange monotone, devoid of feeling. everybody's a sucker for something. figuring out what it is, that's the trick. for you, it's a woman's love. an easy weakness to forgive. but still a weakness. stryker signals to cornelius. the doctor and his assistant attach a nasty-looking copper halo to logan's skull. the halo is wired to the electric chair. logan never takes his eyes off silverfox. stryker don't be angry at her. she was just serving her country, keeping the mutant menace in check. she and victor have been a real credit to their race. it takes logan a moment to understand this comment. she's a gifted girl. she can plant thoughts in anyone's mind, make them believe what she wants-- as long as she stays focused on them. he strokes her long dark hair, proud of his protege. kayla doesn't seem thrilled by stryker's touch, but she endures it. stryker a useful tool in a seduction. so, logan. the truth is, you're a real pain in the ass. but we've invested far too much time and treasure to terminate you. we're starting over. cornelius checks the digital gauges on the machine. let me know when he's clean. i have to look in on our other guest. stryker exits the room, followed by victor. lieutenant. victor and i were just discussing how to kill you and we thought you might have some suggestions. when the turks captured a traitor, they strapped a steel basket to the man's stomach. inside the basket was a rat. now, even a rat can't chew through steel. but it can chew through a stomach. so it would. right through the skin and the fat and the muscle and the intestines, right on out the other side. l cdnttni7et) i enjoy yourself. we are. we're saving humanity. yes? i want the eleven combat ready. 1 i want them ready! the lead technician flinches and barks orders to his subordinates, who enter commands into their computers. the lids of ten thousand isolation tanks slide open. as the camera roams among the eleven, needles and hoses detach from their bodies, releasing their metallic grip. the cloned creeds begin to stir in their stainless steel coffins. activate the pa system. the lead technicians flips a switch. stryker speaks into a microphone; his voice booms from speakers mounted on the pillars throughout the cavern. stryker soldiers! the eleven snap to attention with machined synchronicity, all ten thousand facing stryker. the man's committing suicide. he leans into the microphone. the eleven listen to their commander's voice, amplified by hundreds of speakers stryker no army that ever marched could stand against you! you will never abandon your mission, and your mission is simple! kill the mutants! kill them wherever you find them! stryker points at logan. stryker attack! attack! the eleven charge. from above we can see the full-scale of the onslaught, wave upon wave of cloned murderers closing in. 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