this is a contact sport, ladies. if you don't like hitting people, try golf. logan comes up behind wraith, unseen by the texan. look at this. you never get old, do you? the two men'embrace. there is genuine affection here, the camaraderie of men who have fought together, bled together. wraith nobody followed you? can't be too careful, brother. i've been retired five years i still check under the car every time i drive. why don't you two get a manicure or something and meet me back here in the morning. want a beer? i love you like a brother. so i'm giving you thirty minutes. after that, you're too dangerous to know. what i hear, our friend the colonel's got eyes all over the country looking for you. he ain't about to let weapon x go rogue on him. wraith pops the caps off the beer bottles and hands one to logan. you are. a walking, talking, hundred-million dollar experiment. i keep my ear to the ground. people like us, we never really quit the game. our friend the colonel has big plans. hear a lot of chatter about something called the eleven. my boys in arlington say it's the biggest covert weapons project since fdr built himself an atom bomb. other than that, no one knows a goddamn thing. wraith places his bottle on his desk and sits up straight in his chair. wraith look, i. i heard about what happened to your woman. for what it's worth, i'm sorry. logan nods. he doesn't want to talk about it. wraith i did a little contract work with creed back in the day. i've known some seriously foul people, but that cat. they say he took out a whole village in nicaragua one time, every man, woman, and child, killed 'em all, just 'cause he was bored. till they got wise to him. wherever he went there was a trail of bodies. and not always the right bodies, you know what i'm saying? there is murder in logan's eyes. he's a hard cat to track. might want to talk to his friends from the ultramax. people call him the blob. you find him, you'll know why. got out of the hoosegow a few months ago. went home to iowa. town called elgin. i bet you'll find out. he'll find you.