evening, sam. not a whole helluva lot. his final transmission was mangled. about something or someone called "ahab". whatever it is, it cost him his life. they're ruthless and they have a lot of firepower. it's only a matter of time before they figure out how to deploy silent night. then we're gonna have a catastrophe on our hands. we're gonna have to step in, sam. those cia boys couldn't find a clown in a field of cactus. let me take care of it. i'll go in with a team. but first i'm going to need some intel. i'll have to put someone inside, someone new, someone they won't see coming. one of their own. you wanna find out about rats, ask a rat. i've had my people put together a talent pool. i downloaded it to your desktop. the usual prospects. convicts, contract killers, murde. but programmable. and expendable. that's exactly why we need them. the name's gibbons. you were saying? looks like a diner. not bad. not bad at all. have a seat. most guys we ran through this either took off or helped them rob the place. i expected you to do the same. whether you thought this was for real or not, you jumped in and helped the waitress on instinct. that tells me something about your character. it's your lucky day. you just might get the chance to pay back our wonderful country for all the freedom you enjoy. alright, cage, you've got me. this is one of those moments. "many are called, few are chosen", that kind of thing. your government needs you. are you up for the challenge? why is that? oh i don't know, i think the tests work pretty well. sometimes they give me answers you wouldn't admit to in a million years. you've got this wrong. you're not under arrest, you've been abducted. and until i say different, you belong to me. sure as gravity. i've had a feeling about you from the start, cage. it's nausea. you know what i hate? it's always the assholes that pass the tests. congratulations, you've just graduated at the head of your class. good thing you were there to save the day. come walk with me. you've really got me confused, cage. on the one hand you showed leadership, courage under fire, a willingness to protect men you hardly knew. and on the other you have an arrest record that pegs you as near sociopathic. help me out here. i'm not following your evolution. you're perceptive too. i forgot to add that to the list of surprises. i'm with the national security agency. and unlikely as it may sound, i need your help. you're an adrenaline junkie with one foot in the penitentiary. you risk your ass building a daredevil myth that means nothing and you're not getting any younger. that's too bad. i thought a guy like you would appreciate the challenge. do you know the reason why i try to recruit guys like you? there's no risk. there's nobody back home who's gonna ask questions if you just. disappear for a while. there's some folks i want to keep tabs on. dirty, tattooed, uncivilized. your kind of people. if you find out what i want to know, and if i'm able to successfully use that information, you get to go back to your degenerate little life. if not, you take a bath. what's with that "x" on the back of your head? does that mean you're "extreme"? i've got some news for you, mr. x, you're a three time loser. so maybe you should tattoo another couple of x's on your head. one twitch and my finger and thumb will meet inside your esophagus. believe me, mr. x, i've put foot to ass for my country on many occasions and i don't feel the urge to stop just yet. so think carefully before you tell me: is "kiss my ass, hop- along" your final answer? i thought you might see it my way. where you going, x? i said where you going? wherever you go on the planet, i'll find you. there's no quitting. if you try to take it off, a ring of needles will inject enough curare into your bloodstream to kill you before you hit the ground. is all that clear? i expect you to call in regularly with progress reports. if he doesn't like it, we can make an exception just this once. we'll call him "triple x". crude and defiant as always, triple x. it fits so well because you're obscene. just remember, i'll be watching. if you're trying to push my buttons, you're on the right track. don't make me question my own judgment, x. one point two million dollars? i did not authorize you to spend one point two million dollars! we're not after car thieves here. that information is classified. you're there to gather information on their operations, period. my friend, if you're planning on crossing me. i think we should send him whatever he wants. if it means getting silent night back, absolutely. he's gotten closer in 24 hours than all of the other operatives combined. he got us an account number to boot. now even if he's just dumb and lucky, i say we back his play. i put him out there, sam. if he doesn't come up with the money, they'll kill him. i can't let that happen. so the odds are up to fifty-fifty? i can deal with that. you did say "ahab"? you're sure about that? this is good work, x, damn fine work. you need to press on at all costs, find out what they have planned with this "ahab". i'm gonna be en route with a team shortly to relieve you. just keep the pressure on until the cavalry arrives. and x? you done yourself proud helping those people today. you're a grungy little phoenix, you know that? keep up the good work. what the hell has been going on, triple x? how about a status report? i'm on the way with a team to relieve you. what's the latest? yes it does. silent night is the name of a top secret binary nerve agent. the glass canister is shot into the air and detonated. the black and white chemicals mix, forming a toxic cloud. when it settles down to earth, it'll kill everything in the vicinity. yeah, that's right. so now that you know, you understand why it's important that we get it back. somebody else makes those decisions, not guys like you and me. you've done your job, x, head back to prague. i'll be landing in 90 minutes. this is my operation now. thought you bought the farm down there, x. glad as hell to see you. you've kept up your end of the bargain, i'll do the same. but you really should consider staying on, you make a decent agent. cut the crap, x, i saw you down there. you're a hero. don't be afraid to join the good guys. you know what they say, the only way to change the system is from the inside. on come on, x. did you really think we were that barbaric? all for show. just a psychological mind game to get you to do the right thing. we'll be talking soon, you'll see. you'll be back.