do you know what we do with people come round here? you know what we do with people come in our business? we cut the achilles tendon. your feet flop around like a marionette. you ain't walkin' nowhere no more. sound good, tough guy? or maybe instead you wanna tell me something. whatchu doing here? that's some accident, hombre. you accidentally fall out of a plane in the middle of the night and land up in my back yard. we seen this kind of parachutes before, you know. u.s. army. you got some friends here, jump out with you guys? no friends, huh? that's funny, i don't know no u.s. army that comes without no friends. that's cuz u.s. army is pussies. they always come with the five hundred guys and the helicopters and the see-in-the-dark glasses. so don't you tell me you all alone out here, my friend. you bullshitting the wrong guy. you ain't begun to see crazy yet, amigo. you saving me? you talking pretty tough for a guy got himself chained to the ceiling. now you're gonna make me enjoy this, funny guy. now i'm gonna take the whole foot off. whatchu think of that? what's that, eh? i thought you didn't have no friends!