come. what do you have? he was the best there was. that makes three agents lost. silent night in the hands of a bunch of impertinent cowboys how will you fix it? so you'll dredge the bottom again. you've done that before. the results were. uneven. the scum of the earth. i've seen enough. turn it off. they're degenerates. there's not a man in there that would give a damn if the chinese took over. get these "scum", mr. gibbons, bring them in. test them. train them. find your man. ridiculous. cut him off. i'm sorry gibbons, you pulled up a shark this time. you what? a wire transfer of this size? you're talking about a very expensive risk here. why not? you were going to throw him in a tub full of acid, weren't you? alright, do what you want. but keep the screws on him. he's a wild card. that could be either good or bad.