hate those russkie choppers. rattle- trap pieces of garbage. i'm agent shavers. toby lee shavers. i'm looking for what's his name. three x' s. figures. you got someplace we can spread out my gear or what? i mean today. back off, just go away you klutz. alright, here's the story. the items in these cases belong to me. i designed them, built them, and was going to use them in the field myself until you showed up. is that supposed to be funny? i'm not laughing. i've worked for ten years to get my shot at being a field agent, funny boy. and ar the last minute i get bumped by you, some reject from the ozzfest. listen to you. right away, sir, anything you say, sir. you're gonna need it, rookie, trust me. an all-terrain mobile video monitoring system for surveillance. i call it the "roach cam". see the little camera it's got for a head? "terminator" climbing claws. miniature power cams set in on contact, giving you a sure grip on any surface. this is your standard dart gun. you've got your chromium knock-out dart, microphone listening dart, explosive dart, even one with a splatter blood packet, whatever you need. they also come in a special 9mm casing for use with your service pistol. multi-view binoculars. nine different enhanced vision modes, plus a digital camera. infrared, starlight. even a special "penetrator" mode to see through walls, curtains, almost anything. think again, that's government property. you have to sign for everything. i've got one more that wasn't on your list. it's a stakeout suit. it's got food, water, recording gear, anything you need for covert spying. it's all- weather, fire retardant, and if you give this buckle a sharp pull, the whole outfit deploys into a parachute. now that i've given you the overview, we're going to spend the next couple hours going into extensive operational detail.