this pizda? never seen him before. cops. like a plague. no matter how many you pay there's always another with his hand out. how did you pick him out? i appreciate you bringing this to our attention. whatever you want, the rest of the night, consider it on the house. sorry, man, don't know what you're talking about. xander cage! this is insane, man. xander cage in prague. come on, sit. sit with us. i remember that one where you jump the motorcycle over the freeway at rush hour. we seen all your shit! so you want cars? we get whatever cars you need. what are you looking for? don't look at me, x, she handles all the details. alright, now that business is finished, we party! bitches, come! we have a drink and toast the deal! has it arrived yet? perhaps he is not all he says he is. i'm somewhat less so. we seem to have a bit of a problem. of course. this is a gift. from me to you. it's a little nothing, you take it. come on, get in. what in the hell? what's going on, my friend? he's not with us, xander. he must be with you. get him! find out who he is! that's the cop from the club! what are you doing? get in the car! i don't believe it! you can't shoot a cop in the middle of the street! you say you get a million, you get the million. some cop gives us shit, he's dead. jesus christ, man, you're hard-core! total chaos, man! welcome to anarchy 99! it's all this craziness! it's what we've been living since 99, when we left the army. one of our brothers died in grozny and we said the hell with this shit. what for? he dies for what? politics? who's politics? not ours. that's what i'm talking about, man! that's why anarchy 99 was born. to us it means no walls, no speed limits, no jails. it's everybody does what he wants. people think democracy is freedom but they don't have a clue. there's an old punk song. it says: "america stands for freedom, but if you think you're free" you got it, man. it's stupid but it's true. true freedom is when you do whatever you want anytime you want. that's when you know you're living, man. easy. you get enough money that you grow an ass big enough for the whole world to kiss. you hang with us, buddy, taste some freedom! petra! dance with this guy! xander, check it out! the revolution begins! let's get some air, man. it's a beautiful town, prague. it's been good to me. you, an army brat? i don't see that one at all. did you join the service as well? connections and politics, it's the same everywhere. next week these idiots are having a peace conference here. what the hell are they going to talk about? it's the system itself that causes all the world's problems. you're okay, buddy. come on, it's getting early. this way, girls, let's go! not bad, yes? the original owners, they just one day decide to move out. i've got meetings this afternoon, i've got to get some sleep. just pick a girl. you want to insult me? this is my hospitality. pick one. good, now find a room to crash in. something bothers me about you, mr. xander cage. get kirill. now! i'm inside the police mainframe. do you see anything? i've searched their e-mail. no funeral announcement, no obituary, no call- to-arms. nothing on the news, even. i swear i saw a cop get shot yesterday. how come no one is talking about it? i also check the wire transfer. i follow the money back to it's source, but there is no source. it comes from nowhere. first they bring cia, then british sas, now maybe they plumb the lower depths. maybe now they send someone who looks like us. maybe someone like our houseguest mr. x. where is he? ready the boat. it all happened so fast. such an unfortunate accident. let's go. what was that for? you've been so quiet lately, petra, i thought you no longer cared. viktor! stay the course. perfect! xander, my friend, that can only be you. why don't we put our weapons down for a few minutes and discuss this like friends. how would you like to come to work for us instead? we could rage against the machine together. come on, you're the one who's fooling yourself. why risk your life for your government when we can offer you a future that is truly free? he blew the gate control. anders! get the bastard! that was for anders. look who we found playing outside. petra, my sweet dove, do you notice anything strange about x? he looks slightly less than dead. do you think i didn't know about you all along? my contacts in the kgb told me you were coming. you show up undercover and, i must admit, you play your part to the hilt. when it's time to be cruel, you are cruel. when it's time to be passionate, you are very very passionate indeed. i could have killed you, but i thought this would be so much more fun. to twist you and use you how i see fit. and to be honest, you went much farther than i ever expected you would for your country. and you. why do you have such a problem staying away, my friend? did you miss us that much? not bad, man, not bad. you put things together quick. prague it is. nice place to start, don't you think? you think i'm after money? i told you, my friend. anarchy. time for a change. money is good, but for true freedom you have to get rid of the rules themselves. easier than that, buddy. i'll get them to destroy each other. you kill an entire peace conference, someone is going to have to pay. then our friend ahab continues down the river to the ocean and begins his world tour. london, cairo, beijing. pretty soon everyone's involved. these guys bomb those guys, those guys invade these guys. soon the whole world is like your wild west cowboy days. no rules, no law, everybody free to do what they want. sure, if that's what you want. why not? it's all human nature. so we just have to launch our baby and wait for the decline and fall of civilization as we know it. come on, xander. you used to stand for something. what happened to you, man? i thought you'd get it. you both could have been a part of it. you could have ridden with us into a new day, the dawning of a new age of -- screw you too, buddy. hurry up, kill him! they're coming! get back there. i've got it, go! cover me! this is going to be exciting, buddy! front row seats to the apocalypse! come on, sing with me! "i am an antichrist . i am an anarchist . i. wan-na be. anarchy!"