yes, isaac. as god has commanded me. the lord will provide the sheep. abraham takes a cord and starts tying isaac's hands together. no, i was going to sacrifice him. there's a difference. by what right do you interfere? art thou an angel of the lord? verily, thou wast sent to stay my hand by the eternal one, blessed be he. i am abraham, son of terah of the house of nahor. the tents of my kinsmen lie just beyond. there will you find all that you desire. come. my brothers, let us give thanks unto god for staying my hand on the mountain this day. and for the bounty which he hath bestowed unto us. friends, whence comest thou? zed and oh look at each other blankly. the lord has cursed them for their abomination. they bow down before false gods and worship graven images. the men of the city are weak and soft, fat with rich food, intoxicated by strong drink. their women are whores; their shameless lust knows no bounds. they flaunt their flesh without shame and any man may have knowledge of them. accompany me. abraham sweeps out of the tent. zed and oh jump to their feet and follow. isaac tags along. their fate is sealed. but for my faith and devotion, the self-same god has given unto me the whole of this land, from the jordan to the negev, from the river of egypt to the great euphrates. this did he grant to me and my seed. he raises his arms and spreads them wide. for eternity. i and my kinsmen have vanquished our enemies by the mighty hand of the lord, praised be he. zed and oh fake their way through a ritual response. therefore, to signify my covenant with the one true god, on this night will i circumcise the flesh of my foreskin, and of you and every male who dwells hereby. we will grasp the foreskins of our penises and cut therefrom the extra flesh. no. so it shall be written, so it shall be done. get my big knife. zed and oh both reflexively cover their crotches. death to the idolators! abraham's small army of hebrews reveal themselves, draw their weapons and attack the reinforcements. the last hebrew to unrobe is isaac, who just stands there observing the growing chaos. what am i? chopped liver? at the altar, maya, revived now, embraces zed.