cain, my son! greetings, strangers. i am called adam and you are welcome to share the fruits of our toil. where is thy brother, abel? your sister lilith said she saw him in the field with you. no, this day. she said you both made offerings. no, you and abel. she said it looked like you were arguing. and his flock was untended in the i fear the worst for abel. i am sorely vexed. for my sin the ground is cursed. thorns and thistles does it sprout for us, and we are doomed to toil all the days of our lives. for as the lord has commanded, by the sweat of your brow shall you get bread to eat until you return to the ground from which you were taken. for dust you are, and to dust shall you return. it's the way of the world. you are welcome to stay the night and lay with my daughter lilith. zed looks at the luscious lilith, then back at adam. she is without a husband, and as the lord has said, thou shalt be fruitful and multiply. lilith nods demurely and exits through a curtain. zed starts to follow her out. you may share the bed of my son seth. cain! to look for abel. what did you say? you're not coming?