you are called suck. "god looked on my sacrifice with you think you're so superior to everyone else. really? let's see how good you are at getting your ass kicked. no! this smug asshole insulted you and i want him to take it back. take it back! (turns on him sharply, still holding the bloody he's all right. probably just yeah. you could've stopped me! there's two of you and only one of me. you calling me a murderer? it was an accident! right? okay-- yeah-- good. but it might be better if we don't mention the "accident" to anyone. people might get the wrong idea. understand? i think you should come with me. they're wheels, numbskull. they make the cart roll. hail, father. cain stops the cart and dismounts with zed and oh. cain can these guys stay for supper? (off adam's questioning abel? haven't seen him. i thought he was with you. you guys see him? they shake their heads and cough nervously. i think that was yesterday. that might've been boaz--- hey, we're brothers, we argue sometimes- it's not that big a deal. it's been the same damn thing my whole life. "why can't you be more like abel?" "oh, your sacrifice was good, too, but abel's was-- wow!" yeah, hey-- where's everybody going? i said good luck. i'm really worried about him. he turns aside and makes a goofy sarcastic face for oh's benefit. yeah, i am. i just have to finish toiling over here, then i'm right behind you. adam and the others hurry off, and as soon as they're gone, cain rushes over and starts harnessing the oxen to the cart. cain now listen, i'm getting out of here, and you better come with me. i have a feeling they're going to try and blame this whole "abel- killing-thing" on you. because when they find him and his head is all bashed in, they're going to start pointing fingers, and you guys are drifters, so they'll put two and two together and that makes-- he stares expectantly at zed and oh. cain four! it makes four! now stop asking so many questions and hop on. we gotta get out of here! he urgently whips the oxen and they climb aboard as the cart lumbers forward. they're gaining on us! zed and oh look back. hey! come here. i think we worked something out. wait! i know these guys! brothers!! he embraces them. they look confused and doubtful, but relieved. you know, you guys are lucky that sergeant is a friend of mine. i let him sodomize me once right after i got here and he's been real nice to me ever since. wait a second. do i detect a tone here? whoa whoa whoa! hold a grudge much? that was like a fortnight ago. give me a break! i was dealing with the death of a close family member and i needed some space. but now i realize that you guys are like my brothers. and it's so rare to find a brother that you love. right? he embraces them. you're gonna love sodom. trust me. it's crazy. this morning, i almost got a handie behind that pita stand. hey, what happens in sodom, stays in sodom. he takes a jug of wine from the stall of a wine merchant. the merchant just bows obsequiously and keeps his mouth shut. cain you know, if you guys are staying you should join the guards. the pay's not great, but there's tons of perks. i'm telling you, it's the only way to go. cain grabs a piece of candy from a small child and stuffs it in his mouth. the child starts crying, cain kicks her in the ass and she runs away. come on, i'll introduce you to the captain. pretty much. we just look for troublemakers and kick the living shit out of 'em. if we see a thief or a pickpocket, we just slap him around-- maybe cut off a finger or an ear, or the tip of his nose, lower lip-- anything you can just grab and slice in one fluid motion-- then we take our share of the loot and let him go. mostly what we worry about are activist types, rabble rousers, getting people all riled up against the king or the temple priests. that's death for sure. harsh times, brother. we're in the middle of a famine. people are starving. if we don't get some rain soon, it could get ugly. then we'll get to start kicking ass big time. he stops to flog a beggar with his hand out. cain beat it, you filthy beggar! yeah, well, just remember, it's the palace that pays you, not the people. the princess inanna. she's totally hot, but don't even think about it. because she's royalty and you're scum? the entire crowd starts moving in the same direction as the royal entourage. to the temple. let's go. you have to see this. everybody will be there. it's pretty self-explanatory. her wish is my command. the three of us are inseparable. we're like brothers. cain squeezes both their shoulders and gives maya an artificial smile. just like abel. i oughta just bash your head in-- for the crimes of blasphemy-- (the crowd grumbles its shut up! for these and other crimes they may not actually have done yet but we're pretty sure they were thinking about, the prisoners will be stoned to death. the crowd roars as guards stationed around the square pull canvas covers off big baskets of rocks and the people rush to grab stones to throw. zed and oh instinctively move closer to each other. anything to say before the sentence is carried out? him? he's just a kid! all right! all right! we'll try it. kid! grab a rock. the boy picks up a good-size rock. zed turns to oh. okay, everybody on this side now! on the count of three! one-- two-- at your service, my lady. anytime, anywhere. your highness, with all due respect, those were "woos." they love you. they were "wooing" you. the king looks doubtfully at the hostile crowd. just doing my duty. tough guy, huh? you want a piece of me? get ready to have your head bashed in! peace--- brother. zed does a double take at the voice, shrugs, and walks off with maya-- as a torrential rain begins to fall.