o el, lord of heaven and earth; baal, the sublime; shapash, goddess of the sun; hadad, the storm god, over-ruling son of dagon, the bountiful, god of grain, our earthly sustenance-- we come before you in humble supplication, invoking your blessing, the sweet rain which waters our fields, enriches the harvest, fills our storehouses, makes mighty the house of ish-ka-bi- baal and the city of sodom-- the king nods graciously. high priest --and feeds us, your children, with the bounty of your grace. accept now this humble sacrifice to the power and glory of your magnificence. he starts inspecting the vestal virgins, beautiful young women in diaphanous, almost transparent white gowns. for the love of the gods and the glory of their creation, the great dome of heaven, the green growing earth, we commit this maiden to your holy fire. another great cheer from the crowd as they throw her into the fire. well, the liver is streaked with gray-- that's not a favorable sign-- but the heart looks good. see how nice and red it is here. that's always a good omen. usually it means that the sheep took very good care of itself, probably sticking to a high-fiber diet of grass and hay. well, it could mean either a surprise visit from a former friend or sweetheart-- or that you're going on a long sea voyage! wouldn't that be fun? because i'm your brother? perhaps it's not time for a new high priest. aaaahh! he dramatically flings his fingers out at the prime minister, as if wielding the power of the gods. nothing happens. high priest and let that be a warning to you. next time, i will hurl a lightning bolt at your face. you there! golden boy! rub me with oil. the high priest dismisses the young men, then stands and lets his rich outer robe fall to the floor. his chest, back and shoulders are incredibly hairy. then maybe you'd rather i speak to your commander and have you whipped to within an inch of your life. or perhaps i whip you myself? how would you like that? i'd say so. the high priest lies back down. oh looks around, finds a pitcher filled with precious oil and dribbles some on the high priest's hairy chest. more. no! more oil! much more, you insolent dolt! oh pours oil liberally over his chest, back, and shoulders. high priest that's good. now rub it in. do it! oh grimaces and starts gingerly massaging the oil into his hairy chest and shoulders. high priest mmmmm, i love it. the sweet scent of precious oil. the oily-- oiliness. eema walks by with a pitcher of wine and sees oh massaging the high priest. she gasps. mnum imam. i have an idea. why don't we go back to my place and see what's under all that paint? my life is devoted to the service of the gods and the good of the people. i take nothing for myself. he has a huge gold ring set with precious gems on every finger, and a gold tiara on his head studded with rubies and emeralds. yes, it is. it's just so-- lonely. sometimes i hunger for the touch of another human being. come, i'll show you. he takes oh's arm and leads him down the hail toward a set of incredibly impressive doors covered with cuneiform writing and arcane religious symbols. high priest behind those doors is the holy of holies-- the earthly domain of the it needs no cleaning. i assume they finished it, then the gods descended. i just told you! to enter is instant death! only i can go in and only once a year after very elaborate purification rituals and days of special prayers and offerings. fine! enough! i'm sorry i brought it up. let's go. move. move. he shoos him down the hall. i don't-- i suppose it's possible- i'd have to examine some new we implore the great gods of heaven to show us a sign that we may honor your divine will and be worthy of your blessing. yes! well and truly, the gods are with us-- the crowd drowns him out. burn them! now! he grabs maya and starts dragging her toward the gaping mouth of the idol and the raging fire within. she struggles but is too drugged to put up much resistance. he grabs the sacramental pitcher of oil and starts sloppily anointing her. high priest what did you say? still not getting it. zed rolls his eyes in frustration and starts tentatively climbing down from the top of the idol. he jumps the last few feet and lands right in front of the fire, blocking the high priest's way. keep away! no! the gods demand a sacrifice! and you ruined it! he wrestles maya even closer to the fire.