take the slaves! marlak starts for zed but two soldiers ride up and throw a heavy restraining net over him. zed grabs oh and takes off running over the nearest sand dune. sargon watches them flee. no. let the desert have them. they won't get far. tend to the slaves. we leave for sodom before daybreak. stand still, wench! i want to see what's under that skirt. as he starts to lift her hem, she drops the whole tray of food on him. his cohorts laugh. that was no accident! sargon grabs her and raises his hand to hit her. zed steps in quickly. try using a hot poker. that they understand. by order of the king, the sentence has been commuted. the crowd cheers. zed and oh exchange hopeful looks. it is the judgement of our most merciful king that the prisoners are to be enslaved to toil at hard labor until they die of exhaustion or starvation. all is in readiness, majesty.