hey, i need to speak to a loan specialist and there's no one on the floor. but there's no one around. you're really not going to help me? can you help me now? i need to speak to a loan specialist. i want to refi my house and spend the capital on my personal business. i see you've got a 5.25 7 year arm, but over at chase they're offering 5.00 7 year arm. can you refi lower, like at 4.85 par example, or am i going to have to bring my beeswax elsewhere? yes? that's it? selling beanie babies online. more like highly profitable. i've crunched the numbers. i can't afford the payments on ten. you can't do five thousand? this is the fifth bank i've been to. please? thank you so much! i promise i won't let you down, mr. kendall. on me. of course. aren't you just a dear?