hey, there. i'm chris parker. the new president of southwest bank. just wanted to come by and personally introduce myself to every branch manager. i was "just a teller." and now i'm "just president of the largest bank in the southwest." you need anything, you let corporate know. you hear? carl kendall? i'm chris parker. president of southwest bank. (no recollection of it at but then i got suspicious. what drives a man in his mid to late thirties who's still at the absolute lowest level of our corporate family? generous helpfulness? or raging revenge? which is when i got the numbers from your loan desk. you've given out over 682 below minimum loans. one of them was literally for fifteen dollars and eighty seven cents. how do you explain yourself? because the paperwork makes any profit moot. unless you're raiding our coffers. i would if i could, so why wouldn't you? you're the kind of person we want in corporate. we're taking some clients on a golfing trip. you golf? you free tomorrow? of course you are. i better watch my back around you, carl kendall. soon you'll be taking my job. see you on the links. what happened to you? i love the concept of charity. it's awesome. you speak korean? you sneaky devil. i knew i should watch my back around you. you're a funny one, carl kendall. remember, they have to win. in asian cultures, there's a concept called saving face. you have to let them win. but if they smell for a second that you haven't tried your hardest, they'll commit hari kari. who knows? it's a delicate balance, kendall. like two little girls on a see saw with a crocodile beneath them. make the wrong move, and the little girl will end up in the croc's maw. alright, buddy. it's all you. what was that? i bogied the fifth hole. i'm still pissed about that. i'm promoting you to bank manager. i've got my eye on you, boy. don't you forget it. so i got a call from the police department. i spent a couple years in prison myself. so i backdated some stock options. excuse me for trying to help our bottom line, right? we are their slaves. honestly, i prefer for all my top guys to have been in the big house. we've all eaten the slop. there's a trust there you can't break. could you look through these numbers and let me know which of our five branches have been lagging behind in profit? you're a vp, buddy. you do it all now. carl, i'm glad you could join us. so, to keep you all updated, we should be merging with korean bank international within the year. i know that maple's where you got your start, but if i don't lay those people off then i get laid off. it's a vicious cycle. if we don't close these branches than kbi will buy our competitor instead of us and put us all out of business. if you want to be an executive and get to do fun stuff like your microloan project, then you also have to be the bad guy who lays people off. that's why we get paid the big bucks. to make the hard decisions. some asshole protestor threw a rock at my head. i wish using hoses wasn't such bad what is the best way for us to enter the teenage credit card market? yes. nice. anyone else? carl? that's why they're such a ripe market. any ideas on how to pick that low hanging fruit? i like that. i like that a lot. and i need to talk to you. you mind doing a little ceremonial translating? believe in yourself and the world believes in you. kbi is the at the forefront of the financial world. with your help, southwest will be as well. we look forward to working together and extending our reach across the globe. so with this hand shake, i make official the acquisition of southwest by korean bank international. excuse me?