my teller reporting for duty. you're a soldier on the front line of finance. that would be me. norman calhoun. definitely. check and check. think about my party, carl! valentine party. just wear something red! dress as your favorite animal -- -- historical figure -- what do you think you're doing? alex eberts! is this an alumnae prank? i love pranks! we have a situation. hey, carl. we're a little short on our saturday staff. i know this is going against ten years of precedent, but you have any interest in coming in today? there really is something magical about this place. morning, carl. thanks for coming in and being part of the saturday banking experience. oooh, munchkins. are those for the office, you dirty devil? you didn't approve this with petty cash. kidding! munchkins are always approved. although, i can't reimburse you. today is free munchkin day. that's right! free munchkin day! you're a teller, not a loan specialist. what's this? inta-maresting. my grandma loves beanie babies. although unfortunately, we have a minimum loan floor of ten thousand dollars. she only wants five. i don't make the rules, i just break `em. oooh, thank you. feed the addiction, am i right? carl, could i see you for a moment? earlier today, you showed some initiative. and i loved it. what do you say to a permanent spot at the loan desk? we need a loan specialist a lot more than we need a teller and greeter. besides, you'd have a starting salary of 52. no, dollars. what is this darfur? sorry, patricia, that was inappropriate. of course grand. to celebrate, next saturday, i'm throwing a party. dress up as your favorite character from heroes. don't dress as hiro. i got dibs. may i speak to you, carl? i know what you're doing. you're loaning below our minimum. i know. these microloans are pretty interesting. so i'll you spearhead a little pilot program at the bank. if corporate finds out, you're the one who's getting fired. so keep it quiet. we need a volunteer to think up local marketing ideas we need someone to be a weekend cashier. carl! welcome. or should i say, uerukamu! you didn't tell her? this is a dress-up as your favorite character from heroes. do you watch? i don't know what to do with that information. there are drinks, chips, dips, various and sundry noshes. i entreat you to make friends. let's get this party started! baked lays people! it is on! hey, the boys upstairs are here to speak with you. he asked for you specifically. ixnay on the small loans-ay. the bank's all i've got. every morning i restock the hard candy, polish the safe, write today's interest rates on the board. you should protest with us! yeah, throw a rock!