wanna rock out tonight? want a flier? oh, it's you. never mind. i knew after a year and a half of wearing you down, you'd give in. i'm renee by the way. carl. cool. i like to thank everyone personally who comes to our performances. it gives it a nice intimate touch. see you soon carl. hey, give that back. you already took one. destroys the earth. also, they cost me ten cents a copy. besides, are you even going to come? see you tonight, carl! hello jake, penelope, carl and rodrigo. we are the flying buttresses! i don't think i hit a high enough octave in fairy dream song. but i can hit like way higher. like check this out. i think this tone might be more appropriate for my water nymph song? i've got to write a song about that. i could call it. i like it. i can work with that. i gotta clear. well, thanks for coming, carl. i must bid good night. i lead a jogging, photo group for people who want to both exercise and practice photography. amateur, but yeah. i show every friday. five. so we can see the sunrise. oh, it's beautiful. makes great photos. nice meeting you, carl. wow. you look tired. mammals are meant to be up at dawn. it's how we're built biologically. where's your camera? awesome idea. so light. let's hit it. alright! enough standing around! that's probably my best photo ever. my collages aren't bad. but personally, i think i excel at pottery. how do you have time to come to every one of my rocks shows even the one in fairfield county that was seventy-five miles from here? i almost skipped that one. at first i thought you were a weird stalker and i was scared. but now i think you're just a really shy dude with a crush. and while it's been suspenseful to see when. if you'd ask me out -- yes, i would. like what? in that case, what do you say we do korean? do you want any more squid hot pot? it's really good here. what do you mean? where i can sell my photos and pottery? of course not. they're terrible. yeah, they're awful. i'm not asking for sympathy. my voice is way too high-pitched, my pottery looks like poo, and my photos are blurry and subjectless. but who gives a shit? not everything needs a goal. the world is a playground. you know that as a kid but then somewhere along the way everyone forgets. i bought a ticket for four months from now. honestly, i'm terrified. so if it's lame why do you work there? what's that? that actually sounds really cool. so, what do you say we hit this crazy party? white noise? i don't know anyone who's totally boring. crack a person's shell -- there's always something creepy underneath. what's going on? i currently don't have a television. it's a party. let's socialize. told ya there was something weird under that white noise shell. what did i miss? you work for the aspca? you have a lot of mexican viagra. you better not be a criminal. because one time i dated this guy who jacked cars for a living and i did not enjoy living on the edge as much as i thought i would. a hundred boxes of mexican prescription drugs borders on something vaguely criminal. no, you can't watch. you know what i would love? a massage. oooh. yeah. oooh, right there. that's fine. it's only the very first time i've met your friends. what's with the "they're out there" and "i gave" button? you think? we went to three different prada stores to find the right fit. i paint. i'm in a band. i do volunteer work at a shelter. i teach esl. i do balloon animal art. you know, a little of this, a little of that. it is big. how about you guys? i sublet. i have this corner of a loft. i hate owning things. because when you own something, you suddenly are invested in that thing not breaking. and i break everything. i've gone through three tvs in three years. i smashed one with a hammer, dropped one off my roof and the third one just went on the fritz. so i set it on fire. it was great meeting your friends. they are a little stiff. what do you feel like doing? ralph? the guy who plays at the promenade? no. it's ten on a friday night. and that guy's crazy. don't you want to go home and make out? what's up, chicken butt? congratulations! i was kidding. not as sexy as it seems. it gets in like everywhere. what should we do to celebrate? how about korean? oh, no, you probably already had some today. you've just been so busy -- it'd be fun to have a night just the two of us. i wish we could just go to the airport and hop on the first flight outta here. i think we're going to london. moscow, russia, comrade. what was that? maybe we shouldn't do this. hey, who's your friend? it was nice meeting you. we're actually flying together. so, now that we're here, what should we do? it is? we don't have to do this. i think i might have whiplash from that tractor ride. watch your back, carl. i mean it. i'm very litigious. would you. want to. travel around the world with me? yes? i think i'm falling, you know. are you. ? before our flight, what do you say we grab a couple nebraskan steaks? i got us weekly, star and, for a little culture, the national enquirer. they have movie reviews. what's in the package? i'm sorry, i have to go to the bathroom. what the hell is that? what the hell happened? so explain. are you a drug smuggler? you expect me to believe a nice lady asked you to bring chocolates on a plane? i don't think you do. so you've just been saying yes to everything. oh. i thought we had so much in common but if you just yes to everything i don't know that we do. how do i know if you even like korean food? do you even want to travel around the world at all or do you want to work at that bank and buy a lot of prada suits? when i asked if you were falling for me all you said was yes. yes. it was. what're you doing here? i didn't ask you a question. are you here because you want to be here? thank you, your majesty.