life. we are all living it. i am sorry, my friends. but i cannot hear you? shhhhhhh. come on up, future yes man! you can't audit life! now get on up here! then i will come to you! let me guess, carl. this was not your idea to come here, carl. you can tell me, carl. we are all alone, carl. that's what i thought, carl. and you think this is all bullshit, carl, isn't that right, carl? is there any other way? but you are stuck in your life, carl? am i right? you once had a dream? you wanted to own a boat? a house? a fancy car? you wanted to a doctor, a lawyer. a business man? it's odd that ten years can pass just like that. i want you to do something for me, carl. tomorrow, i want you only to say yes. can you do that for me? for one day, carl? please, carl. do it for me and you will be doing it for yourself. if you don't have the best day in ten years then i am the uncle of a monkey. will you do it for me carl? just for a day? welcome to the world of yes! will you do it for me carl? just for a day? of course, of course! please come in! fantastic. so how do you plan on continuing with your journey? outstanding, carl. except for one thing: you are completely bullshitting me! you're like a cigarette addict, carl. except you're addicted to boredom. on the way in here, carl, i offered you a coffee and you refused. perhaps that would have been the most delicious cup of coffee you would have ever had. who's to say? not you, carl, because you said no! anyone can quit smoking for a day. but for a lifetime? no. behold, carl, -- the maniyesto. a close friend who will not tell a soul. if someone asks you "do you want to go to the art museum" and you do not want to, you may not use this lack of desire as an excuse to not go. and finally, a warning. and here. kind of. and finally, my friend, please hold out your hand. that should heal by new year's. until then, you are a yes man. of course! would you like to purchase my new book, "the power of yes: life is yessy"? well, this line is for book customers only. can't you see that i'm eating? how well off? i should know all the data. this is what i recommend. every winter, i throw a two week long seminar in aspen. it's only ten grand a week and it will open your mind up -- for you, eight grand a week. i have helped celebrities like cher and jack welch. you will love it -- i am not a con artist. have i not set you on the life path you desire?