what are you all talking about? i tried to have cybersex once but i kept getting a busy signal. is that the thing where you get cold suddenly, bang? i had that. i had that too. only i had it in seville, where it was called ,el estruendo de amor. and vice versa. about $1200 less than the same week last year. or not. that's a lovely idea. ten rooms. i just rattle around from one to the other. no difference whatsoever. "kathleen kelly and her mother cecilia kelly have raised your children. if this precious resource is killed by the cold cash cow of foxbooks, it will not only be the end of western civilization as we know it, but the end of something even dearer: our neighborhood as we know it. save the shop around the corner and you will save your own soul." frank, that's charming. just say thank you. spare us. let's ask her. cecilia, what should we do? shhhh. she has no idea, but she thinks the window display is lovely. good night dearie. seville. yes. what did you decide, dearie? keeping the store open doesn't keep your mother alive, although sometimes i think we all think it does. but it wasn't meant to be. he ran spain. the country. he ran it. that was his job. and then he died. just as well.