the inside is beautiful. gleaning staircase, a cafe, comfortable chairs to sit, a bank of cashiers, everyone decked out in gray alligator shirts with a fox where the alligator should be, a rope for the checkout line, and seven cash registers with seven cashiers. of course, books, books, books, as far as the eye can see. we can hear the pickets marching and singing outside -- although the store is full of customers anyway. the fox men -- joe, nelson and schuyler -- are sitting in the cafe. nelson is holding a copy of a weekly newspaper, which has the old high-school yearbook picture of william spungeon on the front page and a headline: william spungeon emerges from hiding to support bookstore. as kevin and joe walk through the store. george is now the head of the children department at the store and he is sitting in the children's section on an itty- bitty chair. his staff is sitting on little itty-bitty chairs too. george is wearing the same pointed hat kathleen wore as the storybook lady. there's a sign that says: storybook person.