yeah, come in! yeah: brian. yeah, hi, how are you? come on in. sit down. yeah, we missed you before. i'm sure it's not. actually -- could you just, could you close that door for me? thanks. well -- samantha -- i realize that scottsville is not exactly a major banking center. no -- i know it's not. but it's kind of a personal challenge to me to see what we can do to bring local service up to the same kinds of standards we'd be trying to meet if we were the biggest branch in the state. and that means i don't want anybody running out at 3:15 or 3:30, or whenever the bus happens to come in that day. now is there anybody else who can pick your son up after school? does your husband work in the area? do you -- well, i can give you a couple of days to make some other arrangement, but. i'd really prefer it if you would make some other arrangement. ok? how old's your son? that's a terrific age. yeah! hi, sammy. what can i do for you? oh, yeah, end of the day'll be fine. i like paperwork. hey, sammy? yeah. i was kind of wondering what happened to you today. yeah, i kind of thought you were gonna work that out. then why're you running outta here in the middle of the day without a word of explanation to me, sammy? i'm -- i'm not yelling. i'm just gettin' a little frustrated here. sorry, could you close the door please? yeah. this doesn't apply to you directly, sammy, but i've noticed that some of the employees have their pc monitors set with all kinds of crazy colors. purple and polka dots or what have you. and it's not a big deal, but really, this is a bank. you know? it's not really appropriate. so i'm just asking that people stick to a more quote unquote normal range of colors in future. like i say, it doesn't really apply to you. excuse me? well, that's all you gotta say! i didn't say there was. could i please -- could i please -- may i respond? may i respond? first of all, i don't appreciate being spoken to with that kind of language. that's not the way i talk to you, and i'd appreciate it if you wouldn't talk that way to me -- second of all, if you say you didn't change the colors on my computer screen, then of course i accept your answer. but you and i are gonna have to find a way to work together -- but that's not gonna happen with the attitude, it's not gonna happen with the lateness, it's not gonna happen by fighting me every step of the way -- ok, well not you, you're not late, but too much of that stuff goes on around here -- i'd really like to finish! this is chuck. chuck, this is my wife, nancy. this is mabel. this is sammy, our lending officer. sammy, this is my wife, nancy. sure -- let's go in my office. yeah. you're working late. oh, fine. she wasn't feeling so great. no -- i don't mean -- she's not ill. she's just. i don't know. that's it. she's pregnant. yeah. listen, i'm sorry we've been stepping on each other's toes -- i -- i'm not actually that bad a guy -- well, i -- i'm just trying to do my best here -- and i'm gettin' it from all sides. anyway. we'll work it out. i could use a tranquilizer. must be so tough raising a kid on your own. although i'm beginning to get the idea my wife wouldn't mind a crack at it. well, no, it isn't. but never mind. well, here's to improved employee- management relations. well -- let's -- let's not talk about the bank. let's just forget about the bank for tonight. sammy? i want you to tell me who changed the colors on my computer screen. yeah, good morning. could you get the door? ok. sorry. it's brian. i'm buying milk. i just thought i'd say hello. look, i know it's probably too late, but is there any way you can come out for a little while? i know i am. can you meet me? yeah, i was just about to give up on you. hey, that's what i've been trying to tell you guys at the bank. mmmm. what's the matter? hey, you know, nancy's gonna be gone for the rest of the week. yeah? um -- yeah. sure. if you want to. yeah. sure. ok. you're right. mm hm. sure. anyone hear from sammy this morning? uh huh. well, if anyone ever hears from her ever again, will you let me know? yeah, it's brian. what the hell happened to you today, lady? you're fired! well. i'm sorry you're havin' all this trouble. but you made a pretty good speech to me yesterday about people sticking to their commitments. well. you made a commitment to this bank, sammy. to this job. and to working things out with this tough new son of a bitch boss of yours. and whatever might have passed between us after hours doesn't mean you just walk away from that commitment -- yeah, even when you have a legitimate family emergency. which is why i think in the calm cold light of day, we should both think real hard about whether or not you really want to continue on here at merchants national trust. you're not happy, i'm not happy, it's not good for you and it sure as heck isn't good for the bank. come on, sammy. i don't wanna trade insults with you. well -- that's -- don't threaten me, sammy: i'm not threatening you. i -- it's just an area i think we should explore. yeah. fine. why don't you just take over the whole bank?