you're not supposed to go out, amy. rudy, come on! i'm really late! how was school? why do you say that? what do you mean? so what's wrong with that? well, i'm sure you'll be able to think of something. if you can't, i'll help you. don't forget your backpack. don't forget your knapsack. give me a kiss. oh no, really? mr. everett? brian. hi. i'm samantha prescott -- i'm the lending officer? i am so sorry i was late. i got held up. believe me, it is not something i make a habit of. -- so i always just run out at 3:15 to pick him up and then run him real quick over to the sitter's house. anyway, larry never minded about it and i was just hoping it would be ok with you too. no it's not. oh -- no -- rudy sr. isn't "on the scene." so to speak. well -- brian? i understand what you're saying, and i think it's great. i do. because there's a lot of things around here that could use some attention. believe me. but i've honestly been meeting that bus every day for four years now and it really does take just fifteen minutes, and if i take the time out of my lunch hour. i'll do my best! he's eight. what?! he can stay in the little room. but you know what? he's not going to live here. he's only gonna stay for a little while. and it's ok if you don't remember him, because you were only six the last time he was here. but it'll be nice if you got a chance to get to know each other a little bit. don't you think? rudy? would it distract you if i put on some music? did you think of a story? what's it about? what about your father? can i read it when you're done? don't say that. anyway, bob, it's sort of this adventure story, and rudy's father is this secret agent or something, working for the government. and it just made me feel weird. you know? because i never really say much to him about rudy sr., because i don't know what to say. and i don't know whether i should just let him imagine whatever he wants to imagine, or whether i should sit him down sometime and tell him, you know, that his father is not such a nice person. you know? not much. he knows i don't have the highest opinion of him. and he knows i don't want to see him or know anything about him, ever. but i tried to keep it kind of neutral. anyway. i could go into a lot more detail, believe me. all right. what? i bet you were surprised! i should get going. yeah. i've got the baby-sitter. but. thanks for a lovely evening. hello?. terry!. i don't care -- i don't care, terry. i'm just so glad to see you! um, no, it's saturday. oh. no. you know, i just thought i'd -- you know i thought it was a special occasion. which it is. that's ok. you look fine. what? i'm fine. we're fine, terry. how are you? i mean -- -- where have you been lately, terry? i got a postcard from you from alaska? but that was in the fall, terry. i was a little worried. i mean -- well. i just wish you would have let me know you were ok. are you gonna stay in town for a while? oh. oh. well. that's all right! are you expecting someone? you just keep looking around, that's all. you were what? what?! what did you do? no! oh my god! -- -- what happened?! ok -- can you please stop cursing at me? i'm sorry. hey -- you don't write me for six months, i have no idea where you are -- -- i don't know if you're alive or dead -- -- and then you show up out of nowhere and tell me you were in jail? what? what do you need? money? i really wish mom was here. nobody knows what to do with you. terry? can i ask you something? well -- i mean, do you ever go to church anymore? do you? can you tell me why not? well -- can you tell me without like, denigrating what i believe in? well -- i mean, have you ever considered that maybe that's part of what's making things so difficult for you? -- that you've lost hold of -- well, not just your religious feeling, but lost hold of any kind of anchor, any kind of trust in anything. i mean no wonder you drift around so much. what could ever stop you? how would you ever know if you had found the right thing? to pick up rudy. well, of course i want you to visit, you idiot! i've been looking forward to seeing you more than anything! i've been telling everyone i know that you were coming home! i cleaned the whole fucking house so it would look nice for you! i thought you were gonna stay for at least a few days! it didn't occur to me that you were just broke again. i wish you would have just sent me an invoice! what? do you have everything you need? what are you going to do? maybe you should stay home for a little while, terry. i'm going to bed. do you have everything you need? good night. terry, i'm really glad you're home. ok. so we'll drop rudy off at the bus, then all you have to do is drop me off at the bank, and just pick rudy up at 3:30 in front of town hall, and drive him over to carol's house. and that's it. she's on harvey lane, right past where the dewitts used to live. rudy knows where she lives. god, mabel, don't those colors hurt your eyes? um, brian? did you want us to turn this time sheet in at the end of the day, or do you want it at the end of the week? seems like an awful lot of extra paperwork. you've got to be kidding me. brian? did you want to see me? oh -- didn't mabel -- i had a false alarm about my son. well, i did work it out -- more or less -- brian, don't yell at me. well brian: and eddy dwyer lives in buffalo, with his wife and two sons, if you can believe it. why? no comment. no, my computer palette's pretty conservative. what are you wearing? what's up? um, yeah, thanks, i did. are you guys sure you're gonna be ok? what is happening here? why don't i just call the plumber? thank you. thank you both. now, call if there's any problem, and if i'm not there, i'm either on my way or on my way back home. so lights out at ten. and don't spend the whole night watching tv. two hours tops. bob. are you serious? i. i don't know what to say. i -- i. i'm totally. i don't know what to say. that's it: i want to think about it. what is going on in here? did you know my mommy used to take me and uncle terry out at night to look at the constellations? did you see that one, what's the one -- it looks like a big "w"? cassiopeia? ow! shit! i've got a great idea. why don't you let me call the plumber? oh, does that make you mad? brian, get off my ass! i didn't change the colors on your stupid computer screen. there is nothing wrong with the work i do here. i have been doing just fine, the whole time before you came here -- and if you think that riding people in this petty, ridiculous way is the way to improve service in this bank or anywhere else i think you're out of your mind! no, that's really all i have to -- well -- brian -- i am not late and i do not have an attitude -- well then don't tell me i'm late if i'm not late! they were where? hi. it's nice to meet you. brian? rudy! look, i'm glad you guys are getting along so well -- like, you have no idea -- but if i can't rely on you to remember to get him once a day. -- and what are you doing taking him to play pool in the middle of the night, and then telling him to lie to me about it? how did your wife like the bank? that's too bad. pregnant? it can make you kind of cranky. yeah, i am too. i know you're not, brian, but you're driving everybody crazy. i know you are. well. i could use a beer. last i heard, rudy's dad was living over in auburn. but that was last year. oh. it's just the hormones. amen. you can't judge all of scottsville by the people in that bank, believe me. good idea. yeah? i'll never tell. nowhere. i had dinner with my boss. yeah. how was rudy? did the plumber come? terry -- give me a break!!! nothing. i'm just tired. no i don't. why, you got some? so. bob asked me to marry him. i don't know. if he'd've asked me this time last year i would have probably said yes. but the minute he said it, i don't know, i felt like somebody was trying to strangle me. i know. plus, terry. i fucked my boss! i know! and his wife is six months pregnant. i know, i know. terry, i'm sorry i got so mad before. i just don't want him, you know -- terrified of "telling," if there's -- oh really? what's his problem? oh yeah? and how do you think he should behave? uh huh. and what do you -- first of all, he didn't tell me anything: darryl did. ok? second of all, i don't really give a shit if you took him to play pool: i was mad at you because you left him standing at the bus stop in the rain. but no, i don't want you telling him not to squeal, because i don't want him put in that position! you are in idiot. yes! morning. listen -- i just -- brian, that's enough. i'm sorry. of course i've been thinking about it. well -- i mean -- i don't know, bob. i mean, we haven't exactly been going steady the last few months, if you know what i mean -- -- and then we see each other twice and you suddenly say you want to get married? i mean. what are you talking about? don't make me feel bad for you. hello? brian. where are you? brian, i think you're going crazy. um, ok. um -- i have to go out for a minute. do you want anything? i don't know. i just have to go out for a little while. i just have to go to mabel's house. you know what, rudy? it's personal. this is a personal matter that has to do with mabel. i just have to go see her for a little while. well, a lot. but principally. i was just wondering if you had an opinion. if you know someone, in your family, or just someone you really care about, and they just can't seem to get ahold of themselves. that's great, honey. well. i didn't mean to discourage you -- what do you mean? i'll take you, sweetie. i realize that you're mad at me -- -- but he didn't do anything to you. and you cannot promise a little boy that you're gonna -- would you please. listen. i am sure, if you put your mind to it, you can think of some other way of getting back at me besides this. so would you please just give it some thought, and take him fishing tomorrow? you suck. anyway. i don't know what the church's position is on adultery and fornication these days, but i felt really hypocritical not saying anything to you about it before, so. what is the official position on that stuff these days? good: i think it should be. why not? i think you should. maybe it was better when you came in and they screamed at you for having sex with your married boss, and were really mean to you, and told you what a terrible thing it was. maybe it'd be better if you told me how i'm endangering my immortal soul, and if i don't quit i'm going to burn in hell. don't you ever think that? well, it's a lot better than all this "why do you think you're in this situation" psychological bullshit you hear all the time. with which one? i feel sorry for them. isn't that ridiculous? no. i'm not gonna stay long. bob, i don't want to get married. i've really thought about it a lot, and if you had asked me last year i'm sure i would have said yes. but i'm not sure it would have been a good idea then either. i'm going through a really hard time right now and i just think that getting engaged to you or anyone would be just about the stupidest most self-destructive thing i could possibly do. and i really think you have to grow up. bob. this is so crazy. i mean. i don't even understand why you. i don't even get it. bob! well -- i don't know. well -- i mean -- i love you too -- oh shit. i gotta go. i'm sorry -- i'm supposed to -- i gotta get mabel back her car. oh god, i don't know. call me later. sorry i'm so late. well -- maybe it would've been better if you had. i mean -- look, i don't mean to be unsympathetic about your domestic situation, whatever it is, but i'm just beginning to think that if people tried a little harder to stick to their commitments and started taking a little responsibility for their actions, they might end up having a lot less trouble generally. that's all. well, i really don't think i can do this anymore. this is incredible. that is not what i mean. what time is it? oh my gosh. you know. brian. well, i don't want to. i mean, couldn't we just. i mean, could we give it a rest? i mean. i just think. i don't know: we had a great little fling. you know? let's not push it. i mean, is that ok? i just -- so are we still friends? all right. good! around two o'clock this afternoon. yeah, a ninety three toyota tercel. new york plates v127ac. please. thanks for coming over. i just want to have a car handy just in case. well -- what about other towns?. yes! yes! i called the highway patrol four times. well what am i supposed to do all night? hello? darryl, i really appreciate this. hello? brian -- hello? good! rudy? is there anything you want to ask me, about your father? what? no -- rudy -- that was him. but that was him. i wish it wasn't, but it was. rudy. yes it was. your father's name is rudy kolinski. he lives in auburn. could you turn that off for a minute please? i want you to leave. i mean i don't think you should live here anymore. i don't think you know how to behave around an eight-year- old and i don't know how to make you stop, so i think you shouldn't live here. i don't know what else to say. that's right -- are you out of your mind!?! now you just listen to me. i may not be the greatest mother in the world, but i'm doing the best i know how. and he doesn't need you to rub his face in shit because you think it's good for him. he's going to find out the world is a horrible place and that people suck soon enough, and without any help from you. believe me! i think you should get your own place. i thought, if you want, you could -- i'll be glad to help you out financially -- i mean i -- yes. well. if that's what you want to do, that's fine. but that's not what i'm saying. you are a very important person to rudy, and you are the most important person to me. but i'm saying that i can't take any more of this -- -- i thought -- maybe you could sell your half of the house to me, and i could pay you whatever it is over a certain amount of time, and that way -- well -- that's not what i'm saying. is that for you? you don't have to do that. well but -- are you gonna come back to say good-bye? well -- look. i know you're upset about uncle terry leaving, and so am i. but he's just not in control of himself, and i don't want him hurting your feelings anymore -- or mine. and you may not like it, but that's how it's gotta be. ok? you don't care. i don't care either. thank you. yeah? i know i'd -- i'm really sorry i didn't -- you're not serious. you know you're the worst manager we've ever had? by far the worst. well, i don't want to be fired, brian. i've been working here for seven years. and if i were you i'd be a little nervous about firing an employee i just had an affair with. ok? i'm not thr -- you explore it. i'm going back to work. oh, and i have to pick up rudy today because there's no one else to do it. but i'll find someone as soon as i have time. well, i called where uncle terry said he was gonna stay, and there was no answer, so i don't know if he's still in town or not. rudy? are you not speaking to me? well, i'm sorry you're so mad at me, but i only did what i thought i had to do, and i hope you don't stay mad at me for the rest of your life. rudy, that's too much. you gotta cut this out! you don't know what you're talking about! there was nothing else i could do! i can't explain it better than that, but you can't go on like this because you don't know anything about it and you don't know what you're doing! i don't want you to be sorry, i just want you to stop it! hi. i didn't know if you left yet. well -- what time? well -- can i -- i'd like to see you before you go. i mean, can i give you a lift? or do you want to have breakfast or anything? and i think rudy would really like to say good- bye. terry, you can't just leave like this. i -- all right -- but just -- we have to be out of the house by eight, so -- i don't want to tell rudy you're coming unless you really think you can make it -- all right. you should get your sneakers on. sweetie, i'm sorry, we have to go. do you need some cash for the bus? oh -- yeah. that's ok. terry, i don't even know where you're going. oh, are you gonna try to see that girl? what? i don't want anyone to have a crack at you. you will? what is gonna happen to you? well, terry -- i do root for you. i feel like i'm never gonna see you again! please don't go till you know where you're going. please! of course i do!