sorry `bout wompin' ya. i'm dwayne. say, nick? why do you suppose guys got only two testicles when we got ten fingers and toes? hey, nick! albert barks and jumps at dwayne's feet. ain't ya heard. we're gonna be roommates! ain't that zinky? nick looks to his father in horror as dwayne goes chasing after the dog. say, nick. you wanna sleep in bed with me? it'll be tons warmer. is it a love letter, nick? `cuz otherwise i'd stay up all night playin' nintendo wii. say, nick, can i walk albert? pleeease, nick? whatchu want them pills for, nick? nick, you got a girlfriend? if you asked your girlfriend as a favor, would she do it with me? i get ya. you're worried `cause your girlfriend might get knocked up. what if i pull out, nick? nick seethes inwardly. there comes a ruckus from the back bedroom and lacey emerges. what's all the ruckus about? you wanna play nintendo all night? don't be mad, nick. i like you. dwayne throws off his sheets. nick shudders at the sight. . which is when mrs. crampton barges in. nick made me take them off, mom. he took off his too. what about vijay joshi? nick stands stiff as a board. the officer peers around him at dwayne sitting inside. i'm pretty sure he's injun. the officer makes a note.