the cries of ecstasy coming through the wall along with the repeated exclamation of lance's name. nick rolls over in bed. bloodshot eyes. he hauls himself out of bed. nick let's out a yelp of pain as lance brings a broken tree limb against his bare bottom. whack! whack! whack! nick tries to shut out the sound of dwayne getting into the creaky bed behind him. nick's in bed reading lovemaking for advanced gourmets. he glances up at dwayne playing nintendo and scowls. there comes the strange warbled sound of a trumpet from the next room, and it is joined by other instruments until we hear the nutley brass' rendition of i want to be sedated. nick furrows his eyebrows in confusion. nick watches the headlights from the arriving bmw travel across the walls. they go out. he listens to the front door being keyed followed by his father bellowing. nick gets up and wanders into.