i understand you have invited my daughter to the beach. nick spins around to see mr. saunders reclining in his armchair. he is an immense, florid-faced, verdant eye-browed ogre in a rumpled blue suit. aha! then i trust, sir, you are aware that in doing so you have entered into an oral contract to perform in loco parentis, i.e. to provide for the safety and well- being of aforementioned minor female. vaya con dios! she most certainly is not. as a matter of fact, we've banned you from her life, nick twisp. trent preston informed us that not only were you moving here to pursue my daughter, but that you're not even mentally-handicapped, and thus molested my wife in the shower of sound mind and body. you watch your language. this is a christian home. we're sending sheeni to les cole des arts and literatures in santa cruz. then i guess it's a good thing trent is going there too. she'll have someone to console her. and with that, mr. saunders slams the door so hard in nick's face that the entire two story mobile home rocks back and forth. you are very, very tall. i can feel the floor pushing against me. can you feel it too, tall youth? nick glances over at mrs. saunders who is now eating the flowers. who died?