i can do the gasket for twenty bucks. but new t-sprocks, for this thing? two, three hundred, maybe? no skin off my ass. but a few days, weeks, your whole transmission could blow. four hundred seventy-five horsepower. twenty-eight inch wheels. it's a classic. let me dig around out back. maybe we got a used set. you son-of-a-bitch, stay the hell away from my sister! you don't say a word?! you just leave her sittin' there?! get out a' here! she's not home, anyway. no. she's honest with you, so you bolt? and then what, you wake up feelin' sorry for her? amazes even me, a guy's capacity to be a world-class asshole. fortunately, i'm familiar with the cause. no. you won't. oh, really? you get near her, i'll feed your nuts to the neighbor's dog! huh? shrooms, huh? i'll tell her you came by. hey. i was lookin' for luke. how ya' doin'? i'm max. you live here too? i always thought "luca" was a guy's name? italian or something. cool. i'm part italian too. the important part. lei sono una bella donna. amerei per mostrarlo il che inclinando torre di pisa. you in town for a while? i'm way into hockey. i was hopin' luke could show me the ropes. is he as awesome as i've heard? do you play? really nice meeting you. hey. good game. i dropped by your place. any chance you could give me a few pointers. you're awesome out there. and according to my sister, you walk on water. truth is, i uh, met your cousin. luca. you both have practically the same name? well, she's cool. actually, she's hot. i was hopin' maybe you could hook me up. boyfriend? she a lesbian? yeah, okay. so? michelle's my sister. you gonna' tell me you wouldn't like to do her?! what is your deal?! keep the fuck away from me! and michelle too! "must be a special view, finding a me with a you, on the inside of love." you're about the last person i expected to see. yeah? what the hell. you're better than luke. i thought you left town? good. just tourist stuff. "i'll have the spaghetti bolognese." "how much for a room?" little italy. in new york. someday, though. want to go with me? yeah. of course. i know. are you and he? it's really none of my business. please don't say you're "just visiting." that you "need to leave." i'm the one who needs to leave. what's the point? it never works out. or they just cheat on you anyway. sorry. he can't handle this. us. he can't handle who he is. or him being a girl. no one wants to know who i really am. it's impossible. he was the one person i thought could understand. but no, it's impossible. hey. new york. left two days ago. just 'til friday. true. thanks. for what? ow! son-of-a-bitch! stepped on a nail. damn it! so, you gettin' used to this at all? you definitely had me confused. thanks. but you're not interested? for whatever it's worth, i think you're pretty hot too. too bad you're a moron. i have incontrovertible proof.