had a sudden intense craving for a cherry popsicle. what a relief. i'm sydney. you? workin' late, huh? luke? sometimes you guys are just unfathomably stupid. why in the world do guys say "it sucks" as if it were a bad thing? i mean, every guy's dying to get a blow job, right? so, you think they'd treat those words with profound respect, like holy scripture. "what an unbelievable sunset, honey: doesn't it just suck?,". "you won an olympic gold medal?!, that blows!" it must be great at your age. that river of testosterone coursing through your veins, the damn about to burst! how about we just lock this place up and go for an olympic gold? i ought to dye my hair. don't you think? your hair is such an incredible color. i love it. do you think i could cut just a little piece? match the color? it really "sucks." i'm not. i love it. you really should get rid a' that thing, anyway. i have clippers in my bag. cowlick. right here. see? i can just snip it off. what's the matter? don't you like being touched? don't you like being a guy? may be. but i learned long ago, you can't change your true nature, even if it can change you. can i buy you a drink? you are? who? where is she? luke, if you like this girl, we better talk. anything happen since we last spoke? hot flashes? pressure in your chest? dr. sydney catchadourian. keenan, right? we exchanged e-mail. i came right away. your friend here has an extra chromosome. i tested your hair. denial, denial, denial. always the first step. keep him away from that girl. chromosomes. most people have forty-six: two x if you're a girl, an x and y if you're a guy. he's got forty seven: an x, a y, and a please. you see that couple over there? i don't get it. what's he see in her? yeah? so could he. i'd prefer not. this could get bad. actually, i'm hoping he's got one for me. jeremy! bourbon. fast! better give me the whole bottle. i was afraid a' this! make sure no one gets in! now, will you listen to me?! it's gonna' come back. drink this! valium. flexeril. and a shitload of darvon. you gotta' calm down. here we go. he's a zerophiliac. i am a doctor! you breathe one word, anyone else sees him like this, and he's fucked! pictures all over the net, tabloids, television! no! we're gonna' get it back! you let me help him, he gets a normal body, lives a normal life. now, you his friend or not?! hang onto him. so he doesn't get hurt when he passes out. there are no recorded incidents of transmission from physical contact. nothing. you're a z. oh, will you calm down? finally. he'll be alright. he didn't go all the way. when you fall asleep or pass out, a z almost always reverts back. it's called a nocturnal remission. oh, relax, it's not contagious. in the world? a hundred. a thousand. there's no way to know. it doesn't show up in any normal dna test. it's triggered when you first have sex. now, you're morphescent whenever you're aroused. it's not a disease! but there are steps you can take. take it easy. you can't rush this. before anything, you need to try going all the way. you need to turn all the way into a female. you have to give it a try. fine, but i warn you, they've never seen this before. first, they'll try a barrage of antipsychotic medications, surgery, electroshock therapy, -god knows what. oh, for chris' sake! i'm trying to help you. that z chromosome's not latent anymore! you don't get control a' that thing, you don't know when it's going to kick in, what it's gonna' do! you want to end up with three left breasts, behemoth hips and one testicle?! now, there's no reason for that to happen. sorry. you're not the only one who didn't get any sleep. now, are you going to let me help, or not? he's a z. you become morphescent when you get turned on. you can change all the way when you have an orgasm. i'm available. well, excuse me. truth is, at this stage, you don't really need anyone else. it's a lot to absorb, i know. when you're ready, give me a call. your first time, you shouldn't be alone. what are we doing here? amazing, huh? hmm. was it difficult making the switch? a lot of guys could use one of those. no, it doesn't work like that. this may sound odd, but i need to know if you're attracted to me. hmm. you're not gay, are you? okay, calm down. this could be a problem. right now, you can go either way anytime you want. it's a very special and critical time for a z, something you'll experience only once in life. you need to use this incredible opportunity you've been given, to figure out which you're supposed to be: male or female. don't you see? you get to choose. yes, well, the thing is, sometimes your desires can conflict with your desires. it's important to know for sure. i think you need to try again. why're you so resistant? if the truth is, you want to be a guy, great, but if not. well, clearly some part of you feels differently. you couldn't change if you didn't want to. that's the thing about the truth. it'll set you free, but first it can really piss you off. then what's the problem? you are one. i will, the moment you're ready to try again. you can come back to my place right now if you want. well, it's very sexy. i love men's clothes. what else have you got in your closet? my god, he's gorgeous. oh, we'll see about that. i certainly hope so. you two better have a seat. he should have full control over this now. something must be really confusing him. the only thing i can think of. when he became luca, was he attracted to one of you? you can get really thrown by that. janine? wasn't it just the two of you? whoa! hang on! right now, luke needs your help. he needs to know you're behind him, no matter what he wants. bottom line? maybe luca really likes this boy, -enough to want to be female. hey! listen up! i know what i'm talking about. you see this? ex me. was. i made a terrible mistake. and once you finally figure out who you are, it's a horrible thing not being yourself. that's why it's crucial we help luke. oh, honey. come in. i didn't want to confuse the issue. maybe some part of you. i don't know. but i believe there may be thousands of z's out there, millions for all we know, go their whole lives without even knowing they are one. nothing ever happens. you couldn't keep it from happening. i think whatever part of yourself you deny, just gets bigger and bigger until it takes you over. i think for some, making it stop is more important than knowing who you are. it was for me. right now, you're morphescent. the key is to have sex with another z. you become adulmorphic. your gender locks. you can't just change anytime you want. that's why i came all the way out here. thought maybe i could save you some distress. but you say you're not attracted to me. for it to work, both of us have to be into it. okay then. not right now? okay. tonight. it was courageous. and multiple o's. actually, male z's have multiple o's too. been so long i nearly forgot. okay, to be honest, i'm relieved you sorted this out. my conscience would have bothered me for decades if we'd just gone ahead without you being certain. to womanhood! we just do it. and, . it just happens. do you like this dress? "stay a guy?" let me get this straight. you didn't decide to be a woman? just testing you. hold on a moment. there's something i forgot. you've never done it with another z. trust me, you need to be tied down. on the contrary. just let yourself go completely. when two z's do it, the lateral hypothalamus gets completely overwhelmed,. cellular fission kicks in, and, well,. you can go zytusional!