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   EVIL DEAD by Sam Raimi


                      BOOK OF THE DEAD

        "The Ultimate Experience In Grueling Terror"


                          Sam Raimi



Interior - I
Exterior - E
Day      - D
Night    - N
Twilight - T


CAR  - Car
B    - Bridge
CAB  - Surrounding area outside cabin
W    - Woods
M.R. - Main Room
D.R. - Dining Room
K    - Kitchen
C    - Cellar
W.S. - Work Shed
L.B. - Linda's Bedroom
S.B. - Shelly's Bedroom
C.B. - Cheryl's Bedroom
B.T.R- Bathroom


12   ID - D.R.


Scene #12, Interior, Day, Dining Room

1    ED - W

     Something evil is lurking deep withing the wooded moun-
     tains of Tennessee, and the camera takes its point of
     view. Rising from a swampy bog, the mud slides from view
     allowing it to see early morning mist hanging about the
     forest. Creeping silently past trees, gliding over small
     shrubs, it moves onward through the woods until a mammoth
     oak rests directly in its path. The tree is uprooted by
     this unseen force, and falls with a deafening crash.

2    ED - CAR

     Near by, a stretch of highway curves along the base of
     a mountain. The road winds off into oblivion beyond other
     peaks. From behind view, the rumble of an engine can be
     heard. It is a large logging truck headed south. Moving
     away, the truck becomes smaller until finally it disap-
     pears in the distance. From where the truck emerged, a
     dilapidated gold 1973 Oldsmobile comes into view.

3    ID - CAR

     Inside, five people can be seen. They are couples ASHLY
     and LINDA, SCOTT and SHELLY, and CHERYL, ASHLY's sister.
     Both SCOTT and SHELLY wear "Michigan State" T-shirts,
     and are students along with the others at that univer-
     sity. SCOTT is driving and SHELLY sits next to him up
     front. ASHLY, LINDA and CHERYL are in back. They listen
     to an old "Baby Moses And The Thrillers" song on the
     radio, and SHELLY is slapping the dash board as if it
     were a drum.


               (Singing with the music)... Together,


               Ash, where are we?


               I'll tell ya in a second. Now we're
               still on seventy-five just past the
               county border...

4    ED - W

     Once again, the camera takes the point of view of the
     dark and brooding force which stops atop a forest ridge
     to peer downward. Its view focuses upon the 1973 Olds-
     mobile speeding along the narrow highway below.

5    ID - CAR

     ASHLY traces a route on the map with his finger.


               ...Which would put us...which would
               put us...


               Jesus Christ, just tell us already
               will ya?

     ASHLY zeroes in on the map with his finger.



     SCOTT is growing impatient.







     Suddenly, the radio stops, and the steering wheel jerks
     from SCOTT's hand.

6    ED - CAR

     The car screetches out of control into the opposite lane.
     A large oncoming tanker truck with its horn screaming
     races toward the car on a collision coarse.

7    ID - CAR


               Scotty, watch out!

8    ED - CAR

     The truck races closer.

9    ID - CAR

     Their steering wheel is locked.



10   ED - CAR

     At the last possible instant, SCOTT's wheel again can
     be controlled, and the car swerves sharply back into its
     own lane.

11   ED - CAR

     The truck speeds harmlessly past them.

12   ID - CAR


               Damn it Scott, what the hell was that?
               You trying to kill us?


               Don't yell at me, it's your lousy
               steering wheel. The damn thing jerked
               right out of my hand.


               I can't understand it. I just had
               this thing in for a tune-up.


               Radio's dead too, ace.


               And I just had 'em tune up the whole
               thing yesterday.


               Well, then take it back 'cause the
               damn thing don't work. Only thing
               that works on the whole car is the
               lousy horn.

     SCOTT honks the horn.

13   ED - CAR

     Several local MEN walking down the highway respond to
     the horn by waving.

14   ID - CAR

     SCOTT yells out the window at them.


               Aw, go to hell, I'm not waving at ya!

     He looks in the rear view mirror. The MEN are still wav-
     ing in the distance. SCOTT turns back to drive.


               Jesus Christ.

     SHELLY turns around in the front seat and holds up a
     pint of Scotch.


               Well, I'd like to make a toast. To
               Scott who almost killed us.


               Aw, eat shit and die will ya?

     SHELLY and the others laugh.


               Okay, okay- then to a wild week-end
               in a wonderful cabin with good friends,
               (She glances at SCOTT) provided we
               live that long.

     SHELLY cooly drinks from the Scotch and passes the bottle
     back to ASHLY and LINDA. ASHLY pours LINDA a drink in the
     bottle cap and keeps the bottle. They raise their drinks.

                         ASHLY and LINDA

               ...With good friends.

     They toast, drink and react to the strong liquor. ASHLY
     tries to hide his reaction to the Scotch in front of
     LINDA, since SHELLY had reacted so calmly. ASHLY passes
     the bottle to CHERYL who stops him with a polite "No,
     thank you," then back up front to SCOTT.


               Hey Scotty, what's this place like


               Well, the guy that's renting it says
               it's an old place, little run down,
               but it's right up in the mountains-
               totally secluded. (He takes a drink
               from the bottle) Best part is, we
               get it so cheap.


               Why are we getting it so cheap?


               I don't know, might be in real bad


               You mean nobody's seen this place


               Not yet.


               Might not be too bad.




               Actually, it might be very nice.




               It's probably a real pit.


               I can't believe that we're renting
               a place for a week-end that nobody's


               (Mumbling to himself) Jesus Christ,
               not this again...


               (Turning to ASHLY) You know, mom and
               dad would never let us go up to a place
               like this if they knew-


               -Which is exactly why they don't know.
               I'll tell you who I am gonna call.
               The guys that fixed up this car.

15   ED - CAR

     The car approaches an exit along the highway.

16   ID - CAR

     ASHLY glances at the map again.


               Hey, I think this is where we get

17   ED - CAR

     The car turns off the main highway and follows several
     back roads until it approaches a narrow dirt lane that
     winds upward along a twin set of mountains.

18   ID - CAR

     SCOTT glances up to the peaks.


               These mountains seem familiar.


               What do they remind you of? Some-
               thing majestic? Adventure?


               Yeah, more like adventure.


               Any adventure in particular?


               Shelly's sweater.

     ASHLY and SCOTT laugh out loud. LINDA laughs quietly,
     and CHERYL lets out an embarassed giggle to herself.


               (Teasing) Oooh, you're gonna get it
               Scotty, when you least expect it,
               you're gonna get it good.

19   ED - B

     Finally, the car arrives at a wooden bridge extending
     over a great chasm. Carefully, the vehicle crosses.

20   ED - CAB

     It is late afternoon when they eventually arrive at their
     destination. The small wooden cabin is surrounded by
     thick dark woods. SCOTT shuts off the car but it contin-
     ues to sputter and backfire.

21   ID - CAR

     ASHLY reacts to his car.


               I...I sent 'em a check for the tune-up.
               but I'm just not paying for it.


               This place is perfect.


               The woods come awfully close to the
               house don't they?


               So what's wrong with the woods, they
               can't bite ya.


               It's just a little claustrophobic
               that's all.


               Well, I think it's beautiful.


               Me too, it's gonna be a bomb week-

22   ED - CAB

     SCOTT moves to the front door of the cabin where he finds
     a small ring of keys concealed on the shelf above the
     door. ASHLY unloads the car to the others.


               It's supposed to be one of these on

     After trying several keys, he is able to unlock the door.

23   ID - M.R.

     The interior of the cabin is completely dark. SCOTT
     opens the door and stands silhouetted in the doorway
     for a moment, then enters to find the light switch.
     The illumination reveals floors, walls, and ceilings
     made of cedar. There are two small bedrooms, a kitchen,
     and the main room which contains a stone fireplace set
     into the wall. An old grandfather clock stands silently
     in one corner, partially hidden in the shadows. A door
     in the rear of the cabin leads to a small work shed
     containing a work bench and an assortment of tools upon
     the wall. Located centrally in the main room is a trap
     door leading to the cellar. This catches SCOTT's eye.


               Hey, this place has a dungeon.

     CHERYL puts down a case of art supplies, and moves over
     to SCOTT by the trap door. He unlocks a chain securing
     the trap door with one of his keys and hands the ring
     to SHELLY.


               Put these back will you?

     SHELLY leaves with the keys, and SCOTT tries to open the
     hatch but cannot.


               They nailed it shut.


               Good, I don't like cellars. Probably
               just some garbage down there anyways.


               Cheryl, they don't nail garbage in
               cellars. I mean it's not going to
               try and get out or anything.


               Well, what's down there?


               Well, could be any number of things.
               Old baseball cards, mushrooms, dead


               Hey, look at this!

     LINDA is standing in the corner next to the old grand-
     father clock. She repositions a balance weight, and it
     begins to tick.


               Ta daaaaaa!

     The others applaud and whistle. LINDA smiles.

24   ET - CAB

     The cabin is seen from the outside. Twilight has come.

25   IT - M.R.

     CHERYL sits alone in the living room near the window. She
     is drawing sketches of the old clock. As she works, the
     ticking stops unexpectedly. CHERYL puts down her pencil
     and looks up to the clock. It stands silently in the cor-
     ner with its hands frozen in position. There is a rust-
     ling from the woods. CHERYL looks out the window but can
     see only the trees. Something is moving outside, yet re-
     mains hidden within the forest. A gust of wind fills the
     room. CHERYL glances down at her hand. It turns a pale
     white and begins to shake and jerk about uncontrollably.
     She stares on incredulously as her hand, guided by some
     unseen force picks up the pencil and begins to sketch
     a figure upon her pad. The wind gales through the open
     window but dies down slowly as her hand completes the
     drawing. Whatever was at the edge of the woods has now
     retreated further into them. Her hand loses the pale
     cast and is now under control once more. CHERYL picks
     up her pad of paper. The likeness of a book with some
     form of ancient writing on its cover has been sketched.
     She looks to the woods which are now silent. A snapping
     of wood is heard from the cellar. CHERYL quickly turns
     to the trap door still nailed shut in the floor. Pos-
     sibly just a mouse, but she fixes her gaze upon it.
     Another sound, almost like faint breathing comes from
     the cellar.

26   IT - K/M.R.

     ASHLY and LINDA enter from the kitchen. ASHLY is drink-
     ing a beer and moves over to CHERYL. He stands between
     her and the trap door.


               What're you drawing Cheryl?

     He picks up the piece of paper. LINDA looks over his
     shoulder to glance at it.


               I...I don't know.


               Is it a bible?


               No, no it's no bible. (She glances
               again at the cellar, knowing some-
               thing is down there) I don't know
               what it is.


               Well, this one of the clock's not

     LINDA picks up the sketch and walks over to the clock
     with it a few steps away. She stands comparing it to
     the real thing with her back to CHERYL and ASHLY. She
     is only a few inches from the trap door, and CHERYL
     wants to call out in warning when ASHLY kneels in front
     of her to speak secretly.


               (In a whisper) I got it right here.

     He taps something in his shirt pocket. CHERYL is looking
     past him paying no attention. She watches only LINDA's
     feet, waiting for whatever is in the cellar to grab them.
     LINDA looks at the drawing in comparison.


               Cheryl, this is really good. I like
               how you did the numbers in that wood-
               ish style.

     ASHLY produces a small box from his shirt and opens it
     quickly to show CHERYL. It contains a gold pendant on
     a necklace. LINDA takes a step closer to the clock. She
     is now standing almost upon the trap door. Although
     nailed shut, it opens slightly, pulling the nails with
     it. CHERYL gasps. ASHLY is pleased with her response.


               (Still in a whisper) I knew you'd
               like it.

     Quickly, he places it back in his shirt and touches his
     lips with a finger to indicate the secrecy of his sup-
     rise. LINDA returns with the sketch and places it back
     on CHERYL's small drawing table.


               It's really good Cheryl. Very close
               to the origional.


               (In a relieved whisper) Yes, very


               I'm gonna check dinner.

     LINDA returns to the kitchen and ASHLY turns to CHERYL.


               You better get washed up. I'll see
               ya in there.

     He winks, then follows LINDA into the kitchen. CHERYL
     again looks at the cellar. Slowly, from her point of
     view, the camera moves in toward the trap door, wait-

27   IT - K

     A blender screams as it mixes up a drink in the kitchen.
     SHELLY shuts it off and carries it to the dining room.

28   IT - D.R.

     She joins the others who are now seated at the dinner
     table and serves the mixture. SCOTT sits between LINDA
     and CHERYL. He leans over to CHERYL.


               (In a whisper) Dead bodies in the
               cellar, dead bodies in the cellar...


               Will you stop it?


               Scott, leave her alone will ya?

     SCOTT turns toward LINDA.


               Will you relax, I'm just kidding
               around. She can take a joke-

     He stops talking as he hears the trickling of water. He
     turns to see CHERYL finish pouring a glass of water in
     his lap. The others laugh. SCOTT is silent for a moment,
     then begins chuckling to himself. He turns to CHERYL.


               (Jokingly) I'll get ya.

     With a napkin, he blots the water from his pants.


               I'll get ya for this Cheryl.

     ASHLY stands with his drink and raises the glass.


               I'd like to make a toast for all
               here this evening. As a greek friend
               of mine once said, "Nis-hat-nis-fert-


               Which means?


               Party down!

     The laughter is stifled by a loud snap and cracking of
     wood heard from the main room.


               What the hell...

     All stand from the table and hurry to the main room.

29   IN - M.R.

     The nails that held down the trap door have been ripped
     out, and although still in tact, the hatch is wide open.
     They stand silently in front of it, looking blank as to
     what could have done this. CHERYL is slighly more nervous
     than the others. ASHLY is the first to speak.


               (Slowly) What is this?


               Whatever it is, it's still down there.


               I don't like cellars, let's close it
               up. (She does not want to deal with
               it) It's probably just some animal.


               An animal?! An an...ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-
               that's the stupidest thing I ever
               heard in my life. Jesus Christ.

     SCOTT locates a flashlight and peers into the hole. He
     traces the old wooden steps into darkness with his light.


               Maybe it is just some animal.


               Yeah, probably right. It's probably
               just some animal. Uh...Cheryl, why
               don't you make sure.

     He hands the flashlight to CHERYL who quickly gives it


               Scotty, I'm not going down there!


               Okay, okay you cowards, I'll go.


               Scotty don't. You're crazy if you
               go down there. Why don't you wait
               until morning.


               Look, I'll be all right.


               What melodrama! What courage! A kiss
               my brave hero.

     SCOTT kisses SHELLY and with flashlight in hand, he descends
     the narrow steps into the cellars blackness.


               I, your virgin queen eagerly await
               the precious moment when you will


               Virgin queen?! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-

     He disappears below the floor. SHELLY, CHERYL, LINDA and
     ASHLY wait above.


               (Calling down) Hey Scott, see any-

     There is no answer.


               Hey Scott!...Scott!


               He's just kidding around.

     There is silence.


               Isn't he?

     No sounds come from the cellar.


               Linda, get me a flashlight.

               That's the only one we brought up.

     ASHLY spots a lantern on the fireplace mantle.


               Then get that lantern.

     LINDA brings it over. ASHLY opens the kerosene valve,
     lights the wick, and descends into the basement.

30   IN - C

     Down below, ASHLY moves quietly past the old stone walls
     and wooden beams which support the main floor above. In
     front of him stands an old door which leads to another
     section of the cellar. Cautiously, he moves toward it.
     Before he can touch it, the door swings open slowly with
     a moan. ASHLY moves through the doorway and deeper into
     the cellar. Condensation from water pipes above turn the
     cellar into an echo chamber as drips fall into shallow
     pools on the dirt floor below. As ASHLY scans with his
     light, he spots a shadow move out the corner of his eye.



     ASHLY breaks into a cold sweat as he moves away from
     the area where the shadow passed. He backs sqarely into
     a pair of arms which grab him.



     It is only SCOTT behind him.


               What the hell are you doing down
               here, jerkin' off? How come you
               didn't answer me?




               Just now, I mean upstairs.


               I didn't hear you.


               Oh well, did you find anything?




               What's this?

     SCOTT sweeps his light to another corner and reveals
     several items atop a small table. Beneath a dusty cloth,
     he finds a book which appears to be covered in some sort
     of animal hide, with an ancient form of writing on the
     cover. Along with this book, SCOTT and ASHLY uncover
     a reel to reel tape recorder, an ancient dagger, and
     other parapanalia including a box of rifle shells.

31   EN - CAB

     It is evening as darkness surrounds the small cabin.

32   IN - M.R.

     The group sits huddled around the fireplace talking
     quietly about school. The same bottle of Scotch is passed
     around. ASHLY is rewinding the tape recorder, and once
     this is done, he turns it on. The voice of an old man
     is heard. ASHLY turns to the others who are talking.


               Shhh, listen to this.


               My name is Julian Knowby. I am a pro-
               fessor of ancient Egyptian mythology
               in Dextin university's ancient history


               This is the tape I found downstairs.


               (Continuing)...I am recording this
               entry from a small cabin in the south-
               ern mountains of Tennessee. Here, I am
               staying with my wife for a few weeks
               so that I may continue my research un-
               disturbed. Since May, a group of assoc-
               iate professors and myself have been
               excavating the ruins of Ca'n Dar. I
               believe I have made an important find
               in that area, and thus the reason for
               this log. With it, I can keep an ac-
               curate record of translations from
               my latest find; the first of six, the
               others still lost, volumes of ancient
               Sumarian burial practices and rites.
               Basically, it is a book of do's and
               don'ts dealing with the deceased en-
               titled "Naturan Demanto" roughly trans-
               lated "Book Of The Dead." It is bound
               in human flesh, and inked with blood
               of the deceased...


               Jeez, I'd hate to find out what they
               used for pens.


               (Continuing)...This particular volume
               deals with demons and demon resurrect-
               ion. These are of the Katardi family,
               meaning those forces believed to inhab-
               it the jungles and woods of man's do-
               main. The first few pages that I have
               translated warn that these demons are
               dangerous, everpresent, and exist
               primarily through this book. As legend
               has it, only the sacred high priests
               of the Ca'n Dar tribe could posess
               these books, for they alone could
               properly control the resurrected de-
               mons. It is only through the act of
               reciting the resurrection passage
               that these demons would be able to
               posess the living. For many years, it
               was thought that this legend-

     CHERYL turns off the machine at this point.


               Hey, what'd you do that for? It was
               just getting good.


               I just don't want to hear any more
               that's all.


               (Singing) Cheryl's scared, Cheryl's


               Scott, leave her alone will ya?


               Jesus Christ.

     He moves to the tape recorder and fast forewards it for
     a bit then stops.


               She's acting like a baby- it's no
               big deal.

     He turns the machine on. The passage continues.



33   EN - CAB

     As the tape plays, all natural sounds from the forest
     die out, and the autumn colors in the trees fade to a
     gloomy grey.

34   IN - M.R.



     All eyes except CHERYL's turn to the window.

35   EN - CAB

     Outside, clouds roll in from the east, thunder booms in
     the distance, and as the wind picks up, it begins to rain.

36   IN - M.R.



37   EN - CAB

     A section of ground deep within the woods begins to crack,
     and opens. Smoke seeps out from within, as if some evil
     force was now being unleashed.

38   IN - M.R.


               (In a whisper) Shut it off.



39   EN - CAB

     The winds howl, and blackbirds fly from their nests,

40   IN - M.R.


               (Louder now) Shut it off.

     ASHLY, hearing her for the first time, turns from the
     window to CHERYL. She is overwhealmed with fear.



41   EN - CAB

     A bolt of lightning strikes very near and its thunder
     crash is deafening.

42   IN - M.R.

     CHERYL can no longer control herself. She screams and
     covers her ears.


               Shut it offffff!

     The window shatters when a branch from a nearby tree
     tears through it. ASHLY runs to the tape recorder and
     turns it off. CHERYL is crying now, and runs to her room.
     ASHLY turns to SCOTT.


               Scott, you knew not to play it, I
               mean...I mean you knew it was upset-
               ting her. You just don't know when
               you're carrying something too far.


               (To SHELLY) C'mon. (Back to ASHLY)
               Big deal, it's just a joke, shit.

     SCOTT and SHELLY head for their bedroom. SCOTT mumbles
     to himself along the way.


               You'd think she's three years old or

     SCOTT slams the door behind him. ASHLY sighs. He moves
     to the broken window and reaches through it to close
     the outside shutters.


               He's really been bothering you hasn't

     ASHLY walks to a chair near the other window.


               No. It's not Scott. Scotty's okay.
               It's just that ever since we came
               up here, things have been a little
               too tense. (He sits) All these crazy
               things going on. And look at that
               window- we're gonna have to pay for
               that window now.


               It'll be better tomorrow. Things'll
               smooth out, you'll see.


               I hope so.

     He looks at LINDA lovingly for a long moment.


               What'ya say we stay up for a while
               and listen to the storm.


               Deal. Lemme check on Cheryl. I'll be
               right back.

     From across the room, she is seen opening CHERYL's door
     a crack. LINDA asks if she is all right, and gets a
     muffled reply. In the foreground, ASHLY removes the
     small box he showed to CHERYL earlier and places it in
     his hand. He glances behind to LINDA. She closes CHERYL's
     door and walks back to find ASHLY sound asleep with the
     box in his hand. She reaches for the box and ASHLY opens
     his eyes to watch. LINDA looks at him, but his eyes are
     closed again in time to still appear fast asleep. LINDA
     turns her attention back to the box. ASHLY watches again
     wide-eyed as she removes it from his hand. Quickly,
     LINDA turns to him but as expected, ASHLY is sleeping
     like a baby. She begins to turn back toward the box
     and ASHLY opens his eyes, but LINDA turns back again
     in time to catch him with his eyes wide open.


               Ah ha!


               (Laughing) Stealing from the blind
               eh? It's for you.

     LINDA begins to open the box.


               It better be good.

     The gold necklace is revealed inside.


               Oh Ash, it's beautiful.

     LINDA kisses ASHLY. He removes the necklace from the box
     and holds it around her neck.


               (Fastening it around her neck) I was
               going to give it to you before we
               left, but things got so hectic, this
               is the first chance I've had. Do you
               like it?

     LINDA moves to a mirror.


               It's beautiful. I really love it.
               (She turns to ASHLY) I'll never take
               it off.

43   EN - CAB

     Lightning strikes as something in the woods examines the
     small cottage. Through the outside window, ASHLY and
     LINDA can be seen embracing. This force watching them
     moves around the house to another window. The silhouette
     of SCOTT and SHELLY undressing can be seen. The force
     continues around and arrives at CHERYL's window. Inside,
     she brushes her hair in front of the mirror for a
     moment, then sets down her brush and moves to the window.
     She stops to uncrumple the sketch drawn earlier, looks
     at it, then out to the dark woods.

44   IN - C.B.

     CHERYL can faintly hear some kind of sound. It is the
     same sound she had heard earlier from the cellar. A
     noise almost like that of something breathing.

45   EN - CAB

     The evil entity rounds the corner of the cabin as CHERYL
     walks through the rooms to the front door. She can be
     seen stepping out the door. It closes behind her. Wind
     shaking the tree branches sends dead leaves fluttering


               (Calling to the woods) Is anybody
               out there?

     There is no answer. CHERYL steps away from the cottage
     toward the woods.

46   EN - W

     The breeze animates her nightgown and it too seems alive.
     CHERYL stops.


               I know someone's out there...I
               heard you...I heard you in the cellar.

     Suddenly, CHERYL becomes chilled. She folds her arms
     around herself and stands at the woods edge, listening.
     There is only darkness and sounds of the evening wind
     blowing through the trees. CHERYL steps into the forest
     a few feet then stops. A cry deep within the woods can
     be heard. She freezes. Whispering in the distance grows
     somewhat louder and a soft wail is heard- like that of
     something long since dead, dredged up to roam the earth
     again. CHERYL is about to turn back toward the cabin
     when a rustling comes from a group of trees about twenty
     yards behind her. She stops. No sound. Nothing moves.
     Several yards to her left a twig snaps suddenly. She
     turns but there is silence again. The winds die down,
     leaving a deathly stillness throughout the woods. Then,
     all at once, the entire forest becomes alive in a flurry
     of chaotic noises and movement. Snake-like vines wrap
     around her ankles and slither up her legs. Tree branches
     near by begin to claw and rake at her. The force is now
     moving through the woods toward her. CHERYL is able to
     break the vines and run toward the cabin. She emerges
     from the woods and into the clearing. The force is
     still following.

47   EN - CAB

     CHERYL reaches the cabin door but it is locked. She
     begins pounding upon the door.


               Help, help, let me in. Open the door!

     The evil entity now emerges from the woods.


               Ashly! Linda! Open up!

     CHERYL spots the small key ring above the door where
     SHELLY had returned them earlier. One by one, she fran-
     tically jams one key after another into the lock, but
     still cannot find the right one. The force comes closer
     with each key.


               Please, someone please! Help me, help

     The evil entity is almost upon her, but her actions are
     so frantic that the ring falls to the ground. She bends
     down to pick them up, but a hand grabs her arm. It is
     SCOTT who has opened the door from the inside. She
     pushes him in the door and slams it tightly.

48   IN - M.R.


               What the hell happ-


               (In hysterics) tried to kill
               me. I, I heard a noise and...and I
               ran and the trees...the trees!


               What are you-

     He is cut off by ASHLY approaching with the others.


               Cheryl what's wrong with you? Did
               something in the woods do this to


               No, no, no...the woods themselves-
               The trees- they're alive...

     She hugs ASHLY tightly and cries in hysterical sobs.


               They're alive...


               Ash, why don't I take her into the
               bedroom so she can lie down a little-


               (Cutting her off) -I'm not lying
               down! I'm not staying here. We're
               leaving this place, we're leaving
               this place right now!


               Wait a minute, I'm sure as hell not
               going anywhere.




               Cheryl, there's nothing out there.
               Trees do not attack people.


               Ashly, will you drive me into town
               or not?


               (Looking at his watch) Right Now?
               (He realizes how desperate she is)
               Sure, sure I'll drive you into town.
               But if you'll just listen to what
               you're saying, you-


               I don't care how it sounds. I want
               to leave this minute. You can bring
               back my things when you go.


               Okay- if you don't want to stay, I
               can't make you.

     LINDA puts a coat around CHERYL as ASHLY helps her to
     the door.

49   EN - CAB

     ASHLY and CHERYL move to the car. ASHLY helps CHERYL in
     then then gets in the drivers side.

50   IN - CAR


               I'll stay some place in town tonight.

     ASHLY tries to start the car. There is no response.
     CHERYL becomes somewhat worried. ASHLY tries again.
     The car will not turn over. A look of dread comes
     across CHERYL's face.

51   EN - CAB

     SCOTT and the others join the two outside.

52   IN - CAR


               It's not gonna start.

     ASHLY again tries the engine.


               I know it's not gonna start. It's
               not gonna let us leave.

     ASHLY keys the engine and it turns over this time, start-
     ing up with a roar. ASHLY, worried by CHERYL's condition
     glances over to her. Confused and upset, CHERYL turns
     away from ASHLY and looks out her window. They drive off
     into the night through the wooded mountains toward town.
     ASHLY glances at CHERYL who is studying the forest in-
     tensely for any sign of movement. The concern for his
     sister is made obvious by the expression on his face.
     Their car approaches the narrow bridge area and slows


               Why are you slowing down?

     ASHLY brings the car to a halt.


               What is this?

     ASHLY's gaze is fixed directly ahead, and his mouth opens
     slowly. He flips on the high beams which stab through the
     evening mist.

53   EN - B

     The bridge over the chasm has been torn away. CHERYL is
     silent as ASHLY walks to the ravine's edge to examine
     any remains.

54   IN - CAR


               (Mumbling to herself) No, no, no, no,
     's not going to let us leave,
               it's not going to let us's
               not gonna let us gooooo!

55   EN - CAB

     An axe is raised into the air, then brought down smash-
     ing upon a log, splitting it in two. SCOTT is chopping
     wood outside the cabin. Behind him, through a window,
     CHERYL sits with a cup of tea in her hand watching him.
     SCOTT sets his axe down, gathers the wood and moves
     away. CHERYL shifts her gaze from SCOTT to the woods
     beyond. The camera moves in toward CHERYL then past
     her to SHELLY and LINDA who can be seen playing cards
     on the floor. ASHLY is seated near the fireplace with
     the tape recorder in front of him. He plugs an earphone
     in so only he can hear it. SCOTT enters the cabin and
     passes in front of ASHLY to drop his wood to one side
     of the fireplace. He throws a log in, and heads back

56   IN - M.R.

     From inside, LINDA speaks.


               Cheryl, wanna play some cards?


               (Turning with a smile) Uh-uh.

     CHERYL turns to face the window again.


               Hey, tomorrow morning, we'll find
               some way around that cliff into town



     Outside the window, SCOTT chops more wood for the nights
     fire. ASHLY turns on the tape recorder to listen with
     the ear plug.


               March 12th. Suzanne came after me
               and almost murdered me. My own wife.
               At first I thought it was a mental
               or physical disorder because of what
               had happened to her eyes, but I was
               only fooling myself. I knew what it

     Outside the window, SCOTT continues to chop and gather
     wood. SHELLY, still engaged in cards with LINDA, holds
     up one in particular.


               Okay, guess this card.


               How am I going to know what card
               that is?


               Guess, I'm going to see if you're

     The card is a two of clubs.


      it a queen?








               Hey Ash, I guessed the card right.


               (indifferently) Truly amazing Linda.

     He is listening intently to the log as it continues.


               Three days have passed since that
               thing has been down there. I was hop-
               ing to weaken it without food or
               water. Nothing worked. Finally, in
               desperation I dragged her out to the
               shed and dismembered her so that what-
               ever it was could not get up again.


               Cheryl, did you see that?

     CHERYL remains with her back to them staring out the


               Try this one.

     She removes a nine of clubs from the deck and holds it up.


               Okay, lemme think, uh...

     She puts her hands to her head in a curved funnel form-
     ation as if to direct her thoughts to the card.


               ...Um, it's a seven.


               Oh my God, what suit?


               Diamonds, no wait! I mean hearts!


               That's right- seven of hearts!


               Hey Ash, did you see that? I guessed
               two cards in a row.


               (Still not paying attention) How do
               you do it Linda?

     He is concentrating on the tape.


               This is when I saw the dark figures
               moving about in the woods. I should
               have never tampered with the "Book
               Of The Dead." I now know that what-
               ever it is I have resurrected through
               this book, is coming for me.


               You know, I always thought I had
               some sort of extra sense. You know,
               like e.s.p or something.


               What's this one?

     She holds up the queen of spades.


               Another seven!


               I don't believe it!


               (Still looking outside) Queen of

     SHELLY looks at her card then back to CHERYL. She holds
     up another card.


               Four of hearts.

     The card is a four of hearts. SHELLY bites her lip in
     fear and reaches for another card. ASHLY and LINDA listen
     in silence.


               Eight of spades.

     SHELLY picks up the card. CHERYL is correct again.


               Two of spades- jack of diamonds-
               jack of clubs-

     Faster and faster she calls them off. Even before SHELLY
     can flip them to keep up. Suddenly, CHERYL turns toward
     the group. Her eyes are bone white. SHELLY's deck of
     cards slip from her hand and scatter across the floor.
     CHERYL's body is hoisted up to its feet and jerked about
     like a white-eyed marionette. She speaks in a voice un-
     like her own.


               Why have you disturbed our sleep,
               awakened us from our ancient slum-
               ber? You will die. Like the others
               before you. We will take you one by
               one. All of you ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-

     She screams in a low gruff voice and collapses to the


               Oh my God, Shelly, get Scott in here!

     SHELLY does not respond.



     She exits through the front door. LINDA moves to CHERYL
     and lifts her head gently. CHERYL appears unconcious but
     behind her, she reaches for a pen.


               Did you see her eyes? I'm scared.
               What's wrong with her?

     ASHLY begins to speak when SCOTT and SHELLY enter.


               What happened to her?

     CHERYL's hand clutches the pen tightly.


               Look at her eyes.

     SCOTT's hand reaches for CHERYL's eyes to inspect them,
     but they blink open. The pen in her hand races upward,
     then slashes down, ripping into LINDA's achilles tendon.
     LINDA screams fiercely and with a blur, the bloodied
     pen is raised again. ASHLY grabs CHERYL's arm stopping
     her, but with a powerful swipe, she swings her remaining
     arm at LINDA who is sent sprawling across the cabin
     floor. CHERYL then clutches ASHLY and, almost lifting
     him, sends his body reeling across the room into a book-
     case which topples over, trapping him beneath its weight.
     SHELLY stands screaming as CHERYL now advances toward
     ASHLY's face with the bloody pen. He struggles to pull
     himself out but cannot. CHERYL is almost upon him when
     SCOTT grabs her from behind. Effortlessly, she tosses
     him off and moves toward ASHLY again. SCOTT climbs to
     his feet and grabs the axe. CHERYL raises the pen above
     ASHLY's face, and SCOTT gives her a sharp jab in the
     jaw with the wooden handle. CHERYL stumbles past LINDA
     and falls backwards, head first into the cellar. She
     begins to climb out but SCOTT slams the trap door shut
     upon her hand. It won't close. CHERYL starts to push
     the trap door open from below. SCOTT climbs on top
     and is almost thrown off until he viciuosly rams the
     butt of his axe down upon her protruding hand. Demented
     screams and moans are heard from below as CHERYL's hand
     is finally pulled back and SCOTT manages to secure the
     chain across the hatch.

57   IN - LB

     Later that evening, LINDA is seen in her bed, sleeping.
     ASHLY covers her with a blanket, kisses her, and walks
     to the door, closing it quietly behind him.

58   IN - M.R.

     ASHLY joins SCOTT and SHELLY who sit near the fire in
     the main room. From the cellar, strange moans, sobs and
     laughter emerge, then horrible rasping sounds from CHERYL's
     breathing. Through the next sequence of dialogue, her
     breathing becomes louder then somewhat quiet.


               She'll be okay Ash, she just took a
               bad bump.


               (Quietly) Yeah.

     SCOTT and SHELLY listen to the strange noises from below
     as ASHLY looks out the window to the woods beyond.


               We've still got a few hours before


               I don't know if I can wait that


               You have to. We all have to. Then,
               once it's light out, we'll try to
               find a way to get around that chasm.


               (Covering her ears) Why does she keep
               making those horrible noises?


               I don't know.


               And what about her eyes?

     ASHLY and SCOTT are quiet.


               What about her eyes? (Desperately)
               For God's sake what happened to
               her eyes?!

     CHERYL patiently sits in the cellars darkness with a
     streak of light across her eyes from the crack in the
     trap door. Her head is slightly tilted as she watches
     and listens to what is said above. From her point of
     view we hear SCOTT speak to SHELLY.


               Everything's gonna be all right.

     CHERYL's lips part slightly and a thick blackish yellow
     liquid drools out between her teeth. She grins.

59   EN - CAB

     Outside, the forest is very dark. The unseen force moves
     from the wooded area, pushing over small trees and shrubs
     as it advances. The cottage comes into view and the evil
     entity glides up to it. The figure of a girl in the cabin
     window can be seen looking out. The force stops and moves
     behind a bush.

60   IN - M.R.

     Inside, SHELLY is studying the woods.


               Scotty, I...I think there's some-
               thing out there.

     SCOTT joins her at the window and looks out.

61   EN - CAB

     From within the woods, this force watches SCOTT peer out,
     but he can see nothing. Through the window he says some-
     thing to reassure SHELLY and moves away.

62   IN - M.R.

     Inside, SCOTT can be heard in mid sentence.


               ...Is to get some rest. Ash and I
               can stay up with Cheryl.




               Everything's gonna be okay. Come
               morning- you'll see.

     SHELLY heads to her bedroom. SCOTT walks back to the
     fireplace and sits. He slices twigs from a branch with
     the Sumarian dagger and tosses them into the fire. ASHLY
     glances at the Book Of The Dead, then to the old clock.
     It stands silent.

63   EN - CAB

     Again, the evil entity watches from outside. It sees
     SHELLY leave one room and turn the lights on in another.
     She begins to undress near the window. The force now
     moves from behind its cover and rushes at tremendous
     speed to SHELLY who is looking out her bedroom window.
     She sees it and sheer terror covers her face as a scream
     stifles itself in her throat, but it is too late.

64   IN - M.R.

     A noise is heard from SHELLY's bedroom. SCOTT drops the
     small stick he was whittling and looks up. He places
     the dagger on the floor and walks toward SHELLY's room.


               Shelly, are you okay?

     She does not answer. SCOTT approaches her door and turns
     to ASHLY.


               Keep an eye on Cheryl for a minute.

65   IN - S.B.

     SCOTT enters the darkness of her room and sees nothing
     amidst the shadows.



     He looks over to her window. It is open, and wind blows
     upon the curtains.

66   IN - S. BATH

     SCOTT steps into SHELLY's bathroom and sees that the
     shower curtain is drawn. Cautiously, he moves up to it.



     He pulls the curtain back to reveal an empty tub. SCOTT
     turns back to the bedroom when SHELLY steps into the
     doorway, posessed. With a scream, she latches upon SCOTT.
     Her eyes have gone bone white and she claws at SCOTT's
     face and clothes with her nails.

67   IN - S.B.

     Screaming, SCOTT stumbles through her bedroom with SHELLY
     still upon him biting at his throat.

68   IN - M.R.

     They stagger into the main room where SCOTT manages to
     knock SHELLY off himself and into the fireplace. She
     remains motionless as her head smolders upon the hot
     coals. SCOTT rushes to her, grabs an arm and pulls her
     out. SHELLY's face and hair on one side of her head are
     seared and blackened. She blinks her eyes open, turns
     her charred head to SCOTT, and speaks in a rasp.


               Thank you. I don't know what I would
               have done if I had remained on the hot
               coals burning my pretty flesh. You
               have pretty skin- give it to us!

     Cackling, SHELLY clutches SCOTT's neck and begins throttl-
     ing the life out of him with a vice-like grip. He tries
     to break the hold but cannot. ASHLY also tries but with
     a backhand blow, SHELLY knocks him into a cabinet, smash-
     ing it to bits. A garbled cry for help escapes from
     SCOTT's frothing mouth. SHELLY reaches down, picks up
     the Sumarian dagger, and holding SCOTT by his throat
     with one hand, she raises the dagger with the other.
     ASHLY, slightly injured, crawls to his feet. SCOTT
     grabs her raised arm and although choking, swings
     his camping knife from its side sheath and slices
     deep into SHELLY's raised wrist, almost severing it.
     A murky black ooze pumps from the wound. She emits
     an ear splitting- howl and tightens her grip on SCOTT's
     throat. He drops the hunting knife. ASHLY watches
     terrified, unable to move as SHELLY raises her dangling
     hand (Still clutching the dagger) to her mouth and
     bites it off. The useless part falls to the floor
     with the dagger still firmly in its fist. SCOTT, now
     almost dead, grabs her severed hand clutching the
     dagger and in a last attempt, swings it around ramming
     the blade into her spine.

     SHELLY screetches along with CHERYL in the cellar, the
     old grandfather clock gongs and lightning strikes all
     at the same instant. SHELLY reaches around with her
     remaining arm to clutch at the severed hand and knife
     protruding from her own back. A thick black ooze pours
     from the wound as she bends backward screaming. ASHLY
     stands in horror, clutching the axe, unable to move.
     Black ooze runs from SHELLY's mouth as her body writhes
     about spasmatically upon the floor. Gradually, the move-
     ments cease and she is dead. As SCOTT slowly stands to
     his feet, SHELLY's arm grabs his leg.



     Some force reanimates her, even though the body is




               Hit her!

     SHELLY's body is hoisted up, jerking about to its feet,
     and laughing madly.


               Hit it!

     SCOTT screams this as he backs toward ASHLY who stands
     with the axe, paralyzed. Gurgling black ooze, SHELLY
     advances toward them with one remaining arm. SCOTT
     grabs the axe from ASHLY, pushes him away and slams
     it into her. Lightning flashes, thunder booms, and
     CHERYL screams from the cellar. SCOTT brings his axe
     down again and again in a frenzy. Then, after the
     final chop, there is silence.

     SHELLY's body remains on the floor for quite some time-
     until ASHLY can cope with the fact that she is dead and
     something must be done.






               What is uh...what are we gonna do?


               Bury her.


               You...can't bury Shelly. She's a friend
               of ours isn't she?


               Ash, she's dead.

     ASHLY moves away from SCOTT.


               Shelly's dead. We're gonna bury
               her now.

     ASHLY bites his lip and looks about blankly.

69   EN - CAB

     Finally, the body is dragged outside and buried near
     the work shed. Harsh floodlights from the house make the
     task look very stark and barren.

70   IN - M.R.

     SCOTT and ASHLY return inside. ASHLY heads to LINDA's
     room to check in on her.

71   IN - L.B.

     He peers in to see LINDA sleeping peacefully.

72   IN - M.R.

     ASHLY quietly returns to the main room. SCOTT is load-
     ing new batteries into a flashlight.


               I saw an old hiking trail when we
               were driving up here. Now I don't
               know if it goes all the way around
               that gorge-


               -Or if it's even still in tact.


               Or if it's even still in tact. But
               uh, I guess I'll find out. Take good
               care of Linda.


               I will. Do you have everything?


               (Putting on a small back pack) Yeah-
               all set.


               Listen...Scotty...I'm sorry about
               falling apart like that when-


               Don't bother, really.

     He steps out the door.


               If I find a way out of here, I'll
               mark it and then come back. Then if
               I'm not back here in a few hours...
               if for some reason...well, if I don't
               come back, grab Linda, leg and all,
               and just get her the hell out of here.

     They shake hands.


               You're a good man.


               Good, I'm the best.

73   EN - CAB

     ASHLY smiles a good-bye to SCOTT and watches him move
     off into the night. He lingers for a moment by SHELLY's
     grave, then slowly disappears into the woods.

74   IN - M.R.

     ASHLY closes the door and turns back to the main room.
     He sees CHERYL's eyes through the crack in the cellar.
     She has been watching all of this through a space be-
     tween the trap door and floor. ASHLY walks past her to
     LINDA's room.

75   IN - L.B.

     He opens the door and a crack of light falls across her.
     LINDA wakes up.


               Who's there? Ash?


               It's me Linda.


               Ash, I had a bad dream about Linda.


               You did baby?


               Yeah. She's all right isn't she?


               Yeah. Fine.


               Is Shelly okay too Ash?

     ASHLY can no longer hide his fear and anxiety. He speaks
     in a whisper so as not to let his voice quiver.


               Yeah, sure. She's sleeping that's


               Ash, I love you. (She turns over)


               Get some rest.

     ASHLY closes the door behind him and the fear from a few
     hours ago engulfs him once more.

76   IN - M.R.

     ASHLY moves into the main room and stops dead in his
     tracks when a voice in the cellar speaks.


               You lied to her. You lied to Linda.
               Shelly's not sleeping. She's dead.
               Don't you know the difference? You
               killed her. You and Scott cut her up
               with the axe. She's dead ha-ha-ha-ha-

     ASHLY picks up the axe and slams it down upon the trap
     door. CHERYL is silent from below for a moment, then
     the hatch opens an inch or so. (The length of the chain
     securing it) CHEYL's white eyes can be seen again.



     ASHLY takes the axe and steps outside.

77   EN - CAB

     He begins to chop wood, taking out his emotions upon
     the logs with each blow. SHELLY's blood can still be
     seen on the blade of the axe.

78   IN - M.R.

     From her dungeon, CHERYL watches ASHLY chop wood in the
     window. The shadow of his axe rising then striking is
     seen over her white eyes.

79   EN - CAB

     Exhausted, ASHLY puts down the axe. He looks off into
     the woods but there is no sign of SCOTT. He returns to
     the cabin.

80   IN - M.R.

     CHERYL begins her taunting again.


               Soon all of you will be like me and
               then who will lock you in the cellar?

     CHERYL begins to violently ram her fists against the trap
     door. ASHLY walks by her to LINDA's room.

81   IN - L.B.

     She is still asleep. Quietly, so as not to wake her, ASHLY
     pulls back her blanket exposing the bandaged leg. He re-
     moves the wrappings and looks at the wound. As he does
     this, it infects with a blackened coloration at an in-
     credible speed. ASHLY looks up to see if LINDA is still
     sleeping and sees that she has been watching him with
     white eyes and an evil grimace upon her face. She lets
     out a low growl.

82   IN - M.R.

     ASHLY jolts backwards out of her room to escape through
     the front door. He steps outside and stops to look back
     in. He can see the main room, but finds it difficult to
     see in LINDA's room, being lost in the shadows. Something
     ragged and bloody grabs him. It is SCOTT's mutilated
     body ripped and torn to shreds. He is still alive. ASHLY
     looks behind him through the door to LINDA's room. He
     can barely make out LINDA who sits on the bed watching
     him with glaring white eyes. ASHLY helps SCOTT to the
     couch so he can sit. SCOTT is in agony and can barely


               Ash, I think I'm dying. Jesus, I
               can't feel my legs.


               Uh...uh Scotty you're gonna be okay.
               You're gonna be just fine- you'll see.

     He throws another log on the fire.


               You'll see.

     He looks off into LINDA's bedroom again, but she is gone.
     She is now sitting in the corner of the main room where
     ASHLY is, watching him. SCOTT begins to cough with hor-
     rible rasping sounds.


               It's, it's not gonna let us leave...
               Cheryl...Cheryl was right...we're
               all gonna die here...


               We're not gonna die!


               ...All gonna die. All of us.

     ASHLY grabs SCOTT and shakes him violently.


               We're not gonna die! We're not gonna
               die! We're getting out of here! Now
               listen to me- is there a way around
               the chasm.

     SCOTT passes out.


               Scotty. Scott!

     ASHLY slaps SCOTT. He stirs awake and mumbles.


               Jesus Ash. I don't want to die. So...
               so lonely to die like this. You're not
               gonna leave me are you? Are you Ash?


               (Imitating SCOTT) I don't want to
               die. So lonely to die like this. You're
               not gonna leave me are you? Are you
               Ash? Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-


               Scott, is there some way around the


               Ash, I'm scared- I...I can't feel
               my legs.


               Scott, listen to me please, for
               God's sake. Is there a way around
               the chasm?


               There way, the trail...but
               the trees, they know...don't you see-
               they're alive!! They're ali-ahhhhhhh!

     His sentence is cut short as he cries out in sharp pain.
     Blood dribbles from his nostrils and he doubles over
     grabbing his stomach. LINDA begins to laugh. ASHLY looks
     to her, or rather what posesses her with hatred.


               Shut up!

     She continues to laugh. CHERYL in the cellar joins in
     the laughter. ASHLY walks to LINDA and slaps her but
     she continues. He grabs a hunting rifle from a rack on
     the wall, loads it with shells, flips off the safety
     and places the barrels against LINDA's head.


               God forgive me Linda.

     The laughter stops and her eyes return to normal. It
     is LINDA again. ASHLY puts down the rifle.


               Ash, oh Ash, help Me! Please.

     She hugs him tightly.


               Don't let them take me away again,
               please, please, please.


               (Crying and holding her tightly) I
               won't, I won't- I promise.

     CHERYL's voice is heard from the blackness of the cellar.


               Ashly? Ashly, help me. Let me out
               of here. I'm all right now.

     ASHLY releases LINDA and moves cautiously to the cellar.
     LINDA remains behind nervously fumbling with her necklace.


               I'm all right now, Ashly. I'm all
               right. Come unlock this chain and
               let me out.



     There is no reply from the cellar. ASHLY looks through
     the crack but sees only darkness. He reaches for the
     chain and begins to unlock it, but sensing something
     wrong, he stops.



     He puts his ear to the floor listening for the slight-
     est sound. CHERYL's arms rip through the floor boards
     and grab ASHLY's head. He breaks away and her hand
     reaches for the chain but cannot quite grasp it. Slowly
     it withdraws beneath the floor.


               (A little too sweet) Ash, what are you
               doing? This is your sister Cheryl. Don't
               you recognize me?

     Her voice drifts off, and the evil leughter resumes from
     the celler.


               (Crying and yelling to the cellar)
               You bastards! Why are you doing this?

     There is silence for a moment. Laughter from behind him
     begins again. It is LINDA. Her eyes are white once more,
     and she laughs at ASHLY.



     With newly found courage, ASHLY angrily grabs LINDA by
     the legs and drags her outside.

83   EN - CAB


               It's useless, useless, useless. In
               time we'll come for him, then you

     ASHLY leaves her in the woods and runs back to the cabin,
     closing the door behind him.

84   IN - M.R.

     SCOTT is coughing again.


               Ash, Ash, please...I don't want to
               die- but...but I can't stand this
               pain. It hurts Ash. Gimme something.
               Gimme something to put me out.


               Scott, I can't. I- I know it's bad.
               But I can't be alone now, I can't.
               I'd lose my mind.


               Please Ash, please.


               You'll get better- you'll see.

     LINDA's laughter is faintly heard outside. ASHLY moves
     to the window and pulls back the curtain. LINDA is no
     longer in the woods but sitting at the edge of the clear-
     ing, watching ASHLY with her glowing white eyes.


               Yeah, tomorrow, soon, you'll be
               better and we'll both get out of
               here tomorrow.


               There is no tomorrow! You- you've
               got to kill her and cut- cut her
               up- your sister too.


               No, that was only with Shelly. You
               had to with Shelly. You- Linda loves
               me. You're delirious- I...I'll get
               you some water.

     ASHLY places a glass to Scott's lips.


               Now, now the sun will be up in an
               hour or so and we'll get out of here
               ...together. You, me, Linda, Shelly-
               n-no not Shelly, she- we'll all go
               home together. Wouldn't you like to
               be going home? You'd like that I'd
               bet, wouldn't ya?

     There is no answer from SCOTT. The water runs out of
     his mouth.



     SCOTT is dead. LINDA's laughter is heard again. ASHLY
     walks to the window and pulls back the curtain. There
     is nothing there. He turns and she is there! With the
     Sumarian dagger, LINDA rips into ASHLY's shirt, cutting
     his arm. He screams and watches in horror as she runs
     her tongue over the dagger, licking the blood from it.
     She turns her attention toward ASHLY again but he grabs
     her and they struggle. LINDA backs ASHLY up against
     SCOTT, knocking his body to the floor. CHERYL's gnarled
     arm reaches up through the broken floor boards and
     grabs at ASHLY's foot. He manages to turn LINDA's arm
     so the knife is behind her back. Forcefully, ASHLY
     pushes her over the body of SCOTT and she falls back-
     ward upon the dagger, impaling herself upon it. The
     blade tears into her back and rips through her stomach.
     Lightning flashes, thunder roars, and LINDA screams in
     a deep growl once, then all is quiet.

     ASHLY drags LINDA's corpse past the crumpled body of
     SCOTT, past CHERYL, who watches all of this from below,
     through the back door and out to the work shed.

85   IN - W.S.

     He lifts her up onto the work bench and secures her body
     to it with a number of chains which hang from nails
     along the wall. He rips down a tarp hanging on the
     wall to reveal a chain saw. He starts it up and moves
     toward her. Buzzing madly, the saw is lowered to a
     position several inches above LINDA's neck. ASHLY looks
     into LINDA's face. Her eyes have gone back to blue. He
     turns off the saw.


               (In a whisper) Linda...

     He drops the saw and breaks down crying over LINDA's

86   EN - CAB

     An evening mist drifts out of the woods and cloaks the
     shed as ASHLY carries LINDA's body outside for burial.
     He lays the body upon the ground and picks up a shovel.
     Harsh floodlights from the corners of the cabin create
     strange shadows on the ground as ASHLY digs LINDA's
     grave. She lies on her back during the digging. One of
     her eyes opens. It is white. ASHLY drops the shovel
     and looks at her. She appears to be dead.

87   IN - M.R.

     Inside the cabin, CHERYL begins slamming her fists
     against the trap door in the cellar again. She wants
     out. The screws holding the hatch in place begin to

88   EN - CAB

     ASHLY places LINDA's corpse in the grave, oblivious to
     CHERYL's pounding. He begins to cover her with dirt.

89   IN - M.R.

     CHERYL has ripped out all but one screw which holds the
     trap door in tact.

90   EN - CAB

     ASHLY glances to the grave and sees LINDA's necklace on
     top of the dirt mound. He reaches down to pick it up
     when LINDA's hand shoots up from beneath the grave and
     grabs him! She pulls herself up out of the grave scream-
     ing and clutches ASHLY's leg with a black and bloodied
     hand. He twists around, trying to free himself, but she
     will not let go. By now, LINDA is almost completely out
     of the grave. With her fingernails, she rips into ASHLY's
     leg, tearing his skin. Screaming, he picks up a large
     log nearby and swings it roundhouse into her face again
     and again, breaking the wood into smaller bits. She grabs
     the log with him clinging to the other end, lifts him
     up and throws ASHLY log and all, away from her. ASHLY
     hits the ground with considerable force and for the
     first time begins to comprehend the power of this thing
     he is dealing with. Thick black ooze pours from LINDA's
     nose and mouth as she turns toward ASHLY sprawled on
     the ground.


               Stay back.

     His hand gropes for the handle of the spade. LINDA
     advances toward him, laughing.


               Linda please, if you can still hear
               me. Keep away.

     His fingers tighten on the wooden handle. With a scream,
     she lunges toward him. From the ground, ASHLY swings the
     spade upward, lopping off her head. The head falls into
     the mud, but the body falls upon him, grabbing and jerk-
     ing about spasmatically. Thick black ooze pumps from
     her neck and ASHLY manages to pull himself out from
     underneath the body. He backs away in disgust and falls.
     He picks himself up again and sees LINDA's necklace
     upon the ground. ASHLY stashes it in his pocket and
     staggers back to the cabin.

91   IN - M.R.

     Inside, he looks to the main room beyond SCOTT's body.



     It is a moan from deep inside him. The trap door is open
     and CHERYL is gone. ASHLY walks over and kicks it shut.
     A slight breeze sweeps through the front door causing
     SHELLY's bedroom door to creak open. ASHLY picks up the
     rifle again and cautiously moves to the door.

92   IN - S.B.

     He enters. The room is dark and the closet door bangs
     back and forth because of the breeze. ASHLY moves toward
     it, grabs the handle and slowly opens the door. Only
     clothes are inside. He turns toward the other end of
     the room and CHERYL pops up in the window right by him.
     He swings and fires, shattering the window. CHERYL
     backs away and spots the open front door.


               The door...

     He makes a mad dash through SHELLY's room.

93   IN - M.R.

     In the main room, ASHLY races for the door.

94   EN - CAB

     Outside, CHERYL is almost upon the door.

95   IN - MR

     ASHLY arrives in time, but CHERYL has already started
     reaching in. He slams the door on her fingers and rams
     his gun butt down upon them. Horrible screams are heard
     as CHERYL withdraws her hand. ASHLY is able to slam
     the door and bolt it. He runs to the back entrance lead-
     ing to the shed and locks it also. On his way back to
     the main room, he pumps his rifle in preparation. It is
     his last shell.


               (To himself) More shells. Where did
               I see that box of shells?

96   IN - C

     From the basement, the trap door lifts open and ASHLY
     decends. The bottom step, now rotten, breaks under his
     weight, and ASHLY sprawls to the floor. Slowly, he picks
     himself up and walks through the dividing stone doorway
     beneath the water pipes to a small table. On it, he finds
     the box of shells and quickly loads them into the gun.
     He ascends the steps and enters the main room once more.

97   IN - M.R.

     The sound of ticking catches ASHLY's attention. He looks
     up to see the old grandfather clock slowly winding back-
     wards. He watches and waits tensely. Turning carefully,
     ASHLY tries to monitor all the windows. The ticking grows
     louder. A shadow passes in the window before him and he
     fires, shattering the glass into a million pieces. Wind
     whips through the cabin swirling glass and leaves to the
     floor. ASHLY waits, leaning against the front door for
     something to happen. He is tense and more determined
     than ever to survive. He whispers to himself.


               C'mon, c'mon, get it over with, why
               are you torturing me like this?

     Placing his hand to his side, ASHLY discovers something
     in his pocket. He lifts it to his eyes. It is LINDA's


               ...Linda. (He whispers)

     The ticking stops. He tilts his head for the slightest
     sound. All is silent. From behind, two arms rip through
     the door and grab him. ASHLY tears away and falls to
     the floor. The necklace is tossed away in the confusion.
     CHERYL's hands pull away and she looks through a hole
     in the door. From the floor, ASHLY raises his rifle and
     fires at her head.

98   EN - CAB

     Clutching at her face and screaming horribly, CHERYL
     is jolted from the door.

99   IN - M.R.

     ASHLY places a dresser and chair against the holes in
     the door. Behind ASHLY, SCOTT's corpse sits up and opens
     its white eyes. It stands and moves toward ASHLY. He
     turns with the gun, but SCOTT knocks it out of his hands.
     Desperately, ASHLY grabs a table lamp and shatters it
     across SCOTT's head, then jams the exposed socket into
     his face, shocking him. SCOTT staggers back several
     steps, then continues after ASHLY.

100  EN - CAB

     Outside, Cheryl is now pounding against the front door.

101  IN - M.R.

     ASHLY picks up a small table upon which are the Book Of
     The Dead, and the professors journal. He throws it at
     SCOTT. This does not affect him, and he advances closer.
     The Book Of The Dead lands near the fireplace and edges
     of the paper darken from the heat. SCOTT picks up ASHLY
     and begins to throttle him as if he were a rag doll. The
     front door begins to give under CHERYL's pounding. ASHLY
     brings his hands to SCOTT's eyes. With a crash, CHERYL
     breaks through the front door and begins to push the
     dresser away. Pages from the Book Of The Dead are smolder-
     ing now. ASHLY jams his fingers into SCOTT's eyes and
     slips from the grip. SCOTT clutches his eye sockets and
     his back begins to smolder. ASHLY now sees the book. Its
     pages burn at the edge. CHERYL topples the dresser and
     enters the room. Her face is partially torn away from
     the shot gun blast. ASHLY rushes to throw the book onto
     the burning logs, but CHERYL, smoldering also, gives
     him a backhand blow across the head, and he is sent
     sprawling to the floor. She grabs a fireplace poker with
     her crushed fingers and turns back to ASHLY who is crawl-
     ing toward the fireplace. When almost in reach of the
     book, SCOTT grabs his leg and begins to pull ASHLY back-
     ward. CHERYL approaches with smoke pouring from her
     clothes and slams ASHLY across the back with her poker.
     ASHLY screams. A glitter catches his eye. It is LINDA's
     necklace. Grabbing it, he tosses the end with a clasp
     toward the book. It slides off the cover. SCOTT pulls
     him back once more as ASHLY swings the necklace in a
     last desperate attempt. CHERYL raises the poker for the
     final blow. The necklace drapes over the book and as
     ASHLY is dragged, the clasp hooks the cover and pulls
     the book with him. With a yank, he seizes the book and
     tosses it upon the blaze.

     CHERYL and SCOTT freeze. The Book Of The Dead burns in
     a bluish green flame. Smoke pours from SCOTT and CHERYL
     as distant demonical screams are heard from the woods.
     The fireplace poker slips from CHERYL's hand and sticks
     into the wood scarcely an inch from ASHLY's head. The
     bodies of SCOTT and CHERYL then begin to cave inward
     upon themselves, collapsing to the floor in smoldering
     heaps. Finally, nothing is left but the burnt clothing
     and a blackish grey ooze on the floor where their bodies
     once were.

     The old clock begins to tick again, normally. ASHLY slowly
     climbs to his feet to stand above the fuming debris. Open-
     ing his hand, he looks down at LINDA's necklace. The force
     retreats from him, out the door, slowly returning to the
     darkness from which it emerged. Gradually, the natural
     sounds of the forest swell and trees lose their gloom as
     Autumn colors return. The first rays of sunlight gleam
     over the woods beyond the cabin. Daybreak has finally


Evil Dead

Writers :   Sam Raimi
Genres :   Horror  Fantasy  Comedy

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