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                       THE KINGDOM

                        Written by



1   OMITTED - SEE 68A                                             1


    We're in a kindergarten classroom of 25 SIX YEAR OLDS. All
    sitting on the floor, legs crossed. Sitting in front of the
    kids is Little KEVIN FLEURY, flanked by his mom LYLA FLEURY
    and his dad RONALD FLEURY, in a dark suit.

    Little Kevin has a large cardboard square with pictures from
    different stages of his life taped to it. He's telling the
    class about the photos.

    We're TIGHT ON the pictures. TIGHT ON the young faces. TIGHT
    ON Fleury.

                         KEVIN FLEURY
              This is my Fredricksburg house and
              my grandma Ruth playing with my
              skateboard ramp. It's a Tony Hawk
              jump ramp.

    A little girl, MICK raises her hand.

                        KEVIN FLEURY (CONT'D)

    Silence from Mick

              I forgot what I was going to say.

    Kevin points to another picture.

                        KEVIN FLEURY
              This is me at my second birthday
              party with my mom and my dad.
              That's my cake.

    Fleury looks down sweet at his son.

                        KEVIN FLEURY (CONT'D)
              This is me with my mom at the zoo
              and this is my dad and me and my
              grandpa Willie.

    Kevin points to another photo.

                        KEVIN FLEURY (CONT'D)
              And this is me and my dad and my
              grandpa Willie at my dad's office.

                                          KINGDOM 8/18/06   2.

The kids all lean forward and squirm as they try and get
closer to the pictures. MISS ROSS, the pretty twenty five
year old teacher watches from the side.

          Where's your gun?

                    LITTLE BOY
          Yeah, where is your gun?

Pretty much all the kids get in on this now. Everyone wants
to see Fleury's gun. Fleury makes eyes at Miss Ross. She's
giving him a `no fucking way' hard eye.

          I'm assuming that there are no bad
          guys in this room. Isn't that
          right? I mean, are you guys good
          guys or bad guys?

                       THE WHOLE CLASS
          GOOD GUYS!

          Right. So why would I have brought
          my gun to a room full of good guys?

This silences the class. Miss Ross keeps things moving,
pointing to a photo.

                    MISS ROSS
          What's that picture?

                    KEVIN FLEURY
          This is me and my dad playing
          Battleship at my dad's apartment.

Mick's hand goes back up.

                       KEVIN FLEURY (CONT'D)

          What is a battleship?

                    KEVIN FLEURY
          My parents are divorced.

A beat. Lyla and Ron look down at Kevin, stalled...

                                             KINGDOM 8/18/06    3.

                        KEVIN FLEURY (CONT'D)
              But that's OK `cause the most
              important thing is to know that
              everybody loves each other.

    This hits a bit hard on Lyla and Ron. Miss Ross jumps in.

                        MISS ROSS
              So, who's that in that picture up
              on top?

                        KEVIN FLEURY
              That's my fish, his name is Jaws
              and he's a really mean fish.


3   OMITTED - SEE 68A                                                3


    Kevin is still going strong.

                         KEVIN FLEURY
              My mommy is a Think Tank worker and
              she is really, really smart. She
              went to two colleges and has three


5   OMITTED - SEE 78A, 87                                            5

6   INT. WASHINGTON DC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - DAY                       6

    Kevin's pointing to a picture of Ronald holding him as a tiny

                        KEVIN FLEURY
              This is the day that my daddy says
              is the happiest day of his life.

                        MISS ROSS
              Really. His happiest day! Can you
              tell us about that day, Mr. Fleury?

    Fleury smiles, looks out at the class.

                                          KINGDOM 8/18/06   4.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          I sure can. That was December 4th
          and that was the day that we spent
          the whole day in the hospital
          waiting for this guy right here to
          come out of Kevin's mom's tummy.
          And we waited and waited but he
          wouldn't come and we kept waiting
          and finally the doctor said
          `OK...he's not gonna come out on
          his own so we got to go get him.'
          And well,

Fleury stops, checks in with Miss Ross.

                    RONALD FLEURY (CONT'D)
          Can I tell this story?

                       MISS ROSS
          Go for it.

                    RONALD Fleury
          So they take her and put her on a
          special bed and they give her some
          medicine so she doesn't feel any
          pain then they take out this tiny
          little knife and make a tiny little
          cut right here in her tummy.

The kids are mesmerized...

                    MISS ROSS
          Then what happened?

                    RONALD Fleury
          Then the doctor put her hands way
          up into Kevin's mom's tummy. WAY
          IN! And then you know what they

A little girl, LU LU: WIDE EYED

                    LU LU
          What did they do?

                    RONALD FLEURY
          They started to pull and pull and
          pull... they had something in there
          and it started coming and they were
          pulling and the doctor all of the
          sudden said "STOP!"

The class is frozen. Fleury has them.

                                            KINGDOM 8/18/06   5.

                        RONALD FLEURY (CONT'D)
              They stopped pulling and the doctor
              looked up at me and said `Hey, Mr.
              Fleury - you ready to have your
              world rocked?' And I just stared at
              her and she pulled this little head
              up out of that belly. And it was
              him. His head. And I looked down at
              him and screamed "Kevin!!" And he
              looked down at me and screamed

    The kids are howling!

                                                      CUT TO:

7   EXT. AN UNKNOWN ROOFTOP - LATE DAY                             7

    A Muslim family sits together at a table under a tented-
    canopy: 32 year-old MAN nervously chewing on a toothpick, and
    his 8 and 15 year-old SONS. The 8yo leans his weight into an
    old MAN hunched and obscured by his grandson - this is his
    Grandfather. He gently rubs the Boy's head with an ancient
    left hand. The Boy finger-paints in Arabic script, right to
    left, getting paint on the table. Read the translation: There
    is no God but Allah.

    The Grandfather's face is down, obscured by his shumagh: the
    head-wrap worn by some Muslim men. Never a clear view of his
    face. His 32 year old Son and eldest Grandson sit next to
    them, the Son talking quietly on a cell phone, chewing that
    toothpick, eyes set on something in the distance: A Security
    Gate three hundred yards away, the entrance to some sort of
    compound. The Compound looks like a walled-off subdivision,
    most of which we can see from this high up.

    The landscape is foreign. Scrub desert. Ten miles beyond, on
    the horizon: the shimmer of a modern skyline. Surreal
    monolithic shapes made more so by the heat.

    Muted yells-claps-screams waft in from that Compound now...
    Catches the youngest Grandson's attention. Eyes lift up from
    his painting: the yells-claps-screams are coming from a
    softball game mostly visible behind the Compound's reinforced
    walls that extend a mile in each direction. Played on the
    only stretch of green grass visible from this vantage.

8   OMITTED                                                        8

                                              KINGDOM 8/18/06   6.

9    EXT. COMPOUND MAIN ENTRANCE - LATE DAY                          9

     Sounds from the softball game much louder now, just over the
     walls. Security perimeters two checkpoints deep before you
     get to the main gate. A maze of concrete Jersey-barriers to
     slow all entering vehicles: give machine-gun emplacements
     flanking the entrance plenty of time to shred those vehicles
     if need be. Middle-Eastern Police platoons. 500 lbs. lift-
     gates to dissuade any vehicle that just tries to ram through.

     SERGEANT HAYTHAM: a lean, 27 year-old Middle-Eastern
     Policeman in-command of the Entrance. Sweats through his
     uniform. A late-model Range Rover with blacked-out windows
     queues up. All the windows roll down: just a single, portly
     White WOMAN behind the wheel, her INFANT CHILD in a car-seat
     in front. Two other Uniformed Officers mirror-scan the bottom
     of the Rover.

     A brief exchange, as Haytham checks his ID:

               How are you today, Sergeant?

               Sun is shining. Wind is blowing.
               How bad can I be doing?

               I like that, "Sun is shining..."

     A tight smile from Haytham.

     The other Officers are checking the inside of the Rover now.
     They nod to Haytham, Haytham hands the ID back to her.
     Windows rolls up. Lift-gate goes up. Range Rover pulls away,
     navigating the zig-zag jersey barriers.

10   INT. COMPOUND - NEXT MOMENT                                 10

     Stay with the Range Rover as it moves deeper into the
     complex. Think middle-class Phoenix suburb circa 1960: stucco
     homes sandwiched between dormitory style apartment blocks,
     concrete and rock where grass should be.

     The Range Rover passes a tank with a caged SOLDIER on top
     sitting behind a fifty caliber GUN. A Police Land Cruiser
     parked in the middle of the road is the last of the security.
     Official markings, emergency lights in the grill.

                                              KINGDOM 8/18/06   7.

11   EXT. UNKNOWN ROOFTOP - SAME MOMENT                           11

     The Son studies the compound through binoculars, while the
     youngest Grandson squints to study the softball game:
     Interest cut with jealousy. More muted cheers float. Behind
     and above him, his Grandfather's voice, rough as sand, to his
     32 year-old Son, in Arabic:

                         GRANDFATHER (O.C.)
               Hang up the phone. If they're not
               ready now, no words will change it.


     Another Middle-Eastern POLICEMAN takes in the motley
     competition: half-smiling, half-smirking at a plump-pink
     White Man cheering on his plump-pink 9 year-old Son sliding
     into third.

                            WHITE MAN
               GET DIRTY!

     Safe. Clapping and Hoots. The PITCHER: an older White Man in
     his middle forties visibly frustrated. A 25 year-old African-
     American Batter steps to the plate now. Pitcher turns to his

               STEP IT UP NOW!
                   (back the Batter)
               Ready for my knuckle-curve?

     The Batter just stays focused as the Pitcher tosses a high-
     lob. Batter smacks the ball a mile high, deep to left. The
     teammates of the plump-pink Boy on third:

               TAG UP! WAIT `TIL SHE CATCHES IT-

                   (spins, points up at the
               -COMIN' HOME!

     A 14 year-old Indian girl sprints underneath the fly-ball:
     sets up, catches it, juggles it, drops it.

     We pick up different families on the grass nearby: A young
     WOMAN helps her five year old DAUGHTER untangle a yo-yo. A
     black COUPLE doing a crossword puzzle together, the wife's
     head on her husband's lap.

                                               KINGDOM 8/18/06   8.

13   EXT. UNKNOWN ROOF TOP - SAME MOMENT                          13

     The muted reaction to the dropped ball. The whole Family,
     save the youngest Grandson, intently focused on two Officers
     walking up to that Police Land Cruiser parked in the middle
     of the road, well inside the compound: no blinks now.

     The youngest still enthralled by the softball game, the
     cheers, the running, the shorts and t-shirts. We see his
     Grandfather's left hand stop rubbing the Boy's head, and move
     to the Boy's temple, placed like a blinder so he can't see
     what's about to happen. In Arabic:

               Don't stop watching the game.


     Noises from the softball game close again. Track these two
     Officers on foot walking toward the Police Land Cruiser ala
     shift change: nonchalant but quick.

15   INT. POLICE LAND CRUISER - SAME MOMENT                       15

     The Driver eyeing the two approaching Officers: something off
     about them. Uniforms wrinkled, one with a full beard. Driver
     turns to his Partner, in Arabic:

               You have a copy of the duty rost-

     -POP-POP-POP before the Driver finishes. The Officers on foot
     rapid-firing 9MM pistols. The Driver and Passenger hit
     multiple times instantly, crumble lifeless in their seats
     before anyone has time to process the sounds, link them to an
     attack. The two firing `Officers' move low-fast like
     professionals: rip the fresh bodies from the Cruiser, jump
     in. The new Passenger rips an AR-15 rifle off the center
     console. The new Driver lays rubber into the Compound.

16   EXT. UNKNOWN ROOF TOP - SAME MOMENT                          16

     The youngest Grandson wide-eyed, startled, watches as every
     member of the Security Details in and around the Compound go
     prairie dog: search with necks extended, eyes wide -- what
     the fuck was that? The Boy tries to turn his head away from
     the game to look for himself: Grandfather just pushes his
     head back to the game, voice harder now, in Arabic:

                                               KINGDOM 8/18/06   9.

                         GRANDFATHER (O.C.)
               I said keep watching the game.

17   EXT. COMPOUND MAIN ENTRANCE - SAME MOMENT                     17

     Haytham instantly sprints toward another nearby Police Land
     Cruiser as most everyone else ducks. In Arabic:

                            SERGEANT HAYTHAM
               LOCK DOWN!

     Then points at the Officer in the Driver's seat:

                            SERGEANT HAYTHAM (CONT'D)


     Game forgotten. Parents up, screaming for loved ones, moving
     fast toward the parking lot. The Middle-Eastern Officer that
     has been watching the game hustles onto the field, next to
     the Pitcher, waves people toward him. Gathering but sporadic
     gun-fire in very near distance.

                         WATCHING OFFICER
                   (accented English)
               COME TO ME! FOLLOW ME!

     People immediately flocking around the authority figure.

                                                         CUT TO:

     The 14 year-old Indian Girl running in, more puzzled than
     scared: why is that Cop wearing a jacket in this heat?

                                                        BACK TO:

     The Officer rips a yellow gun-shape from his jacket pocket.
     The Pitcher sees it, instinctively tries to rip it away from
     him. Gets a handful of collar, pulls as violently as he can,
     shreds the front of the Officer's coat: a white linen vest
     with a bulge in-front underneath the jacket...

19   EXT. UNKNOWN ROOF TOP - SAME MOMENT                           19

     The youngest grandson's wide-eyed face. Then we see the
     Grandfather's right-hand slide down the other side of his
     youngest Grandson's face, coming to rest on his other temple:
     making sure he's still watching the Softball diamond now. The
     Grandfather's right hand: missing an index and middle finger.

                                              KINGDOM 8/18/06   10.


     Panic. The Officer swings the yellow gun-shape, what we now
     realize is an electric drill crudely modified into something
     else, bashes the Pitcher's face with it. Those that had
     gathered have turned, are sprint-stumbling away...

     The Officer closes his eyes, depresses the drill trigger,
     vanishes before we comprehend the massive release of blue-
     black chaos, expanding in an ever-wider sphere. Immediate
     surroundings dissolve: players, parents, stands, cars, the
     light standards surrounding the field and parking lot.


     Located behind straight-a-way center field, at the nexus of
     four fields. We see it from profile as shock-wave and
     shrapnel blast the structure: another Officer hiding behind
     it staggers out now, sprawls ugly: balance fucked from a
     blown inner-ear. He also wears a jacket, and holds a modified
     yellow plastic power drill. Moves uneasy toward screams in
     the nearby parking lot.


     The off-balance Officer stops over a 30 year-old African-
     American woman pinned under a Toyota. She hyperventilates,
     her bare leg and open-toed sandal kick at air. The Officer's
     breathing calms: the sight of exposed skin as divine
     reassurance. CLOSE-UP: the vented rear of the drill as the
     14.4 volt motor sparks blue. A second blue-black explosion
     that shreds the parking lot as cars smash into one another
     desperate to escape.

23   EXT. ADJACENT STREET - NEXT MOMENT                           23

     Panicked women walking dogs. Frozen. A Police Land Cruiser
     with bullet-scarred windows roars around the corner. Stops
     near the women. They smile: cavalry to the rescue. Then a man
     with leans out the window with an AR-15: point-blank
     staccato. Tracers exit bodies, drill asphalt. The Land
     Cruiser rolls, spraying passing homes indiscriminate...

24   INT. JACKED LAND CRUISER - NEXT MOMENT                       24

     Tearing through the streets, Passenger firing at all signs of
     life. Sits back for a lightning-quick re-load. Leans back out
     -- before he can begin firing again-

                                              KINGDOM 8/18/06   11.

25   EXT. COMPOUND STREET - SAME MOMENT                            25

     -another Police Land Cruiser from nowhere hammers their
     Driver's side. Vicious. The Passenger is launched out his
     window, head-first into the curb. Both vehicles smoke-
     screech. Momentary pause after the a massive collision.

     Then Sergeant Haytham, 9MM in-hand, falls from the Second
     Land Cruiser. Stalks bloody to the Passenger side of the
     jacked Land Cruiser still slowly rolling backwards, leaking
     all it's vital fluids, it's snapped drive-shaft leaving a
     groove in the pavement. And Sergeant Haytham empties his clip
     into the interior while walking along side.

     The Officer Haytham told to 'move,' rips himself from the
     Passenger's side of their vehicle, bleeding profusely,
     screaming something unintelligible into his handheld radio.

26   EXT. UNKNOWN ROOF TOP - SAME MOMENT                           26

     Just the youngest Grandson's horrified eyes: he had no choice
     but to see it all, carnage painted permanently. His face
     still held tight between his Grandfather's hands. In Arabic:

                         GRANDFATHER (O.C.)
               Our Time is not a peaceful one. God
               has left it to us to make it so.

     Hold on those deep, young, brown eyes.

     Those young brown eyes finally blink.

                                                         CUT TO:


     Everyone eats snacks that the Fleurys brought. Kevin's the
     center of attention. Fleury's passing out juice boxes.

     Fleury's cell phone vibrates. TIGHT ON THE ID: 911. Fleury's
     mid-juice-pass, answering his phone at the same time.

     Kevin looks to his Dad, already grimacing. Fleury walks away
     from the kids.

                         RONALD FLEURY

                                       KINGDOM 8/18/06   12.

We hear Fran's voice as though we're on the line with him:
raspy-ragged, like he's been crying.

                    FRAN (O.S.)
          You getting this yet?

                    RONALD FLEURY
          Hey, I'm at Kevin's school. What's
          goin' on?

                     FRAN (O.S.)
          I'm sorry, Brother.
          Riyadh. Many Dead.

Fleury's demeanor shifts to HARD immediately.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          Where exactly?

                    FRAN (O.S.)
          The Al-Rahmah Western Housing
          Compound. Oil Company employees.
          Hit a company picnic.

                    RONALD FLEURY

                    FRAN (O.S.)
          Big. Broad daylight. Blew up a
          softball game.
          Kids, Brother.

Fleury looks at the kids eating and laughing.

                    KEVIN FLEURY

Fleury smiles best he can at his Son. Into the phone:

                    RONALD FLEURY

                    FRAN (O.S.)
          Just went off -- twenty minutes
          ago. Two bombers. A Shooter crew as
's just awful.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          Fran, I'm rollin' right now. Let me
          call you back: I gotta ring bells

                                         KINGDOM 8/18/06   13.

                    FRAN MANNER (O.S.)
          Go. I'll be here.

Fleury hangs up, walks to Kevin, kneels down - oblivious to
everyone watching.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          Son, I gotta go to work.

                    KEVIN FLEURY
          We're gonna do ceramics...

                    RONALD FLEURY
          I gotta go to work...

                    KEVIN FLEURY
              (points to the phone)
          Who was that?

                    RONALD FLEURY
          Big Fran -- you remember him?

                    KEVIN FLEURY
              (beat, thinking)
          Uncle Fran? Put peanuts in his Coke
          so he could drink and eat all at
          the same time?

                    RONALD FLEURY
          Where he's from in South Carolina
          that's called fine-dining, Bud.

                    KEVIN FLEURY
          What happened?

                     RONALD FLEURY
          Something bad.

              (impression of his Dad)
          `Lotta bad people out there...'

                    RONALD FLEURY
              (smiles, already homesick)
          I love you.

Kisses his boy's forehead hard.

                    KEVIN FLEURY
          You gonna go see him?

                                             KINGDOM 8/18/06   14.

                         RONALD FLEURY
               I'm gonna try...

     Looks at Lyla who's been through this drill too many times,
     knows this face. Ronald can only give a little shrug, which
     Lyla gives right back.

                         RONALD FLEURY (CONT'D)
                   (to Lyla)
               Can you get a ride?

     She nods yes. Miss Ross nearby, surprised by this:

                         MISS ROSS
               Where's your husband going?

                         LYLA FLEURY
               Ex-husband, and God knows.

     Then a wave of fear ripples across her face. She hesitates,
     then calls after him:

                          LYLA FLEURY (CONT'D)
               BE SAFE.

     Ronald turns, gives a little Cheshire grin, puts the phone
     back up to his ear.


     The shattered softball diamond and parking lot. Emergency
     lights swirl from everywhere. Acrid smoke.

     FRANCIS MANNER (FBI LEGAT, US Embassy) is giant. The kind of
     American that only grows in tiny southern hamlets. Military
     whitewalls, short-sleeves, khaki Dockers, a thick Casio G-
     shock, FBI credentials visible on a chain.

     Hangs up his phone. Lifts his eyes: Hell from one side of the
     frame to the other. Saudi teams setting up portable lights
     that bathe the horror in industrial incandescent. Columns of
     black smoke. Fleets of emergency vehicles. 100 uniformed men.
     Another 200 in bio-suits combing the ball field, the parking
     lot. Fran has to do something/anything.

     Move through the horror with him now. His hands shake, his
     face already dirty with soot. Jumps in with a Saudi team
     pulling a half-burned WOMAN out of a smoldering Range Rover.
     She fights them, gouging Fran's face, trying to get back in.

     She is the woman we met at the gate of the compound.    She
     wants her baby.

                                            KINGDOM 8/18/06   15.

     Fran bloodied, just kind of steps away from the woman. Leaves
     the Saudi emergency team to fight with her. Backs away until
     he feels grass under his feet. The woman's screams
     reverberate. Fran just sits in the grass. Staring at the
     woman, her shattered soul. Forces himself to look away. Eyes
     come to rest on a child's baseball cap: ragged holes ringed
     with black stains: where blood dried on the blue felt.

                         VOICE (O.C.)
                   (immediately behind)
               Fran. You gotta stand Big Man...

     Fran turns to find REX BURR: 5'7" fireplug. A long silence.
     Fran points to the hat:

                         FRANCIS MANNER
               Rex, how old were you when your hat
               was that small?

     We watch tears well in Rex's eyes...

                         REX BURR
               You gotta stand, Big Man.

     Fran does. Wipes his hands on his pants. Slack-jaw hopeless.
     The first moments in what will be weeks of reverse-
     engineering the murders of unknown dozens. He and Rex step to
     a group of WALKING-WOUNDED. A NEIGHBOR doles out mugs of
     coffee. Most everyone from the compound is out, pondering the
     proximity. SAUDI emergency teams sprint past. Fran spits,
     settles in:

                         FRANCIS MANNER
               We need to get everyone back, then
               get all their-

     SOMETHING HUGE EXPLODES over their shoulders, 50 yards away.
     The Attack's coup de grace: wait for people to lift up their
     heads, hit them again. Five times the size of the suicide
     bombs. Shreds emergency vehicles, nearby homes and apartment
     buildings. Kills Saudi rescuers by the bushel. Fran is
     crushed by a flying portable light standard. Rex is blown
     into the man handing out coffee. The walking wounded get


     Slowly lift up and hold on Al-Rahmah as it burns. Black smoke
     and flame pour skyward from the site of the coup de grace
     explosion. Massive crater. Screams. Chaos postcard.

                                               KINGDOM 8/18/06   16.

29A   EXT. WASHINGTON, DC HOUSE - DAY                             29A

      Establishing shot.


      Fleury sits with GLENDA MANNER... a toy remote-control robot
      comes into the room. Little Teddy Manner (5) peeks his head
      around the corner of a door.

                It was... I don't know what time it
                was... the dishwasher's broken...I
                was waiting for the dishwasher...
                The doorbell rang - I thought it
                was... it wasn't the dishwasher
                guy...It wasn't. It wasn't.

      Glenda breaks down, starts to completely lose it. Her little
      boy Teddy climbs up onto his mother.


      Fleury sits on the bed with little Teddy looking at a
      beautiful black and white photo of Fran holding a new born
      Teddy up over his head. Eye to eye.

      Little Teddy shows Fleury his toy helicopter. His dad's
      soldier boots.

      Fleury can't take it.


      Fleury stands with Glenda.

                Glenda, I want you to look at me.

      A PAUSE: Fleury freezes up on a shock of raw emotion,
      struggling to contain himself.

                          FLEURY (CONT'D)
                Please... I'm going to take care of
                this. Whoever did this... I give
                you my word. Whoever did this will
                pay. I can't change this, but I can
                promise you that I will make
                someone pay for this.

                                            KINGDOM 8/18/06    17.


     Startling quiet in contrast. AGENTS cluster beneath 32-inch
     Televisions suspended from the ceiling. Tuned to Al-Jazeera,
     CNN, BBC, etc. Most eyes focus on the double-bloody scoops
     from CNN. Volume low:

                         CNN REPORTER
               ...1 hour ago: blasts in Saudi
               Arabia, in or around the `Al-
               Rahmah' western housing complex
               near Riyadh. More than 100 feared
               dead, including children. The Saudi
               Foreign Minister has released a
               statement calling this a `heinous
               act possibly committed by

                         BBC REPORTER
      to thousands of Westerners
               and other non-Saudis who work in
               the Kingdom, there have been
               several attacks on these compounds
               in the last five years. As such,
               they have become very tight in
               terms of security, with both the
               Saudi National Guard and police
               taking command.

     Fleury walks under the televisions. A folder in-hand, heading
     down a long hallway, subordinating his fury to tasks-at-hand.


     Fleury enters, steps to a podium, opens his folder. 50 Agents
     seated lecture hall-style. Steam from fifth, sixth cups of
     coffee. Plasma screens behind show still-images of the crime
     cribbed from Al-Jazeera.

     Throughout the scene, Fleury constantly refers to a roster of
     his ERTs.

                          RONALD FLEURY
               Numbers so far: 100+ dead, 200+
               injured. The target was a softball
               game. Rumor is the Killers wore
               Saudi police uniforms.
               Special Agent Fran Manner was

                                       KINGDOM 8/18/06     18.

JANET MAYES, 29 years-old, stifles a sob in the front row.
Fleury steps from behind the podium, puts a hand gently on
Janet's shoulder, leans in and whispers something no one but
Janet hears. Whatever his words, they give back her
composure. She nods.

                    RONALD FLEURY (CONT'D)
          So was Rex Burr from State.

Fleury lets the news absorb as he steps back to the podium.
No one says a thing. Fleury lifts his eyes again, real
trouble maintaining control...

                    RONALD FLEURY (CONT'D)
          Fran was the best among us...we'll
          feel this loss the rest of our
              (beat, moment to regroup)
          Grant, take stabs at bomb sizes.

GRANT SYKES. 50 years-old. Virginia State Trooper before
joining the FBI. Law-and-order formidable: sharp-smart
Charlottesville accent. Studies the images for a beat...

                    GRANT SYKES
          From the craters, looks like they
          used a High Explosive... possibly
          military grade: can't fit that much
          TNT into a vest. 20, 30 pounds of
          PETN: they got it. Semtex or C-4:
          they could get it. The third there,
          God knows...that crater looks like
          a plane dropped a 500-pounder...

                    RONALD FLEURY
          Obviously a secondary blast after
          the initial devices used to lure
          first responders to the scene.
          Don't know anything about where or
          what it was yet.

                    GRANT SYKES
          This is how they do it.

ADAM LEAVITT. 34 years-old, sought-after Investigator.
There's a constant, intense grind to this guy, a mind and
mouth incapable of quiet. He paces around the room, then
eagle-eyes the bomb images... starts surge-scrawling crude
diagrams of the blast site on a piece of loose leaf. Feels
more like nervous doodling than work. Not looking up from his

                                        KINGDOM 8/18/06   19.

                    ADAM   LEAVITT
          I already know   the answer, but any
          chance in Hell   we get to go over
          there, use our   hands?

                    RONALD FLEURY
          If you already know the answer
          Adam, why ask the question?

Fleury circles Leavitt's name on the roster. Leavitt never
stops drawing.

          We're not seeing this kind of
          planning and execution anywhere
          else...these ain't hot-wired
          artillery shells waiting for
          Humvees to roll by.
              (pointing at the screens)
          These hits are coordinated:
          planning, timing, and big, broad-
          daylight balls-

                    JANET MAYES
              (almost trance-studying
               the images)
          Yeah, So... did they all happen
          during daylight?

Another great question. Fleury looks over to AGENT #1 on his
immediate right, an egg-head type with a big binder in front
of him. Everyone's eyes follow. Agent #1 flips quickly
through the binder, back-and-forth, searching. Fleury crosses
his name off of his roster. Then:

                    AGENT #1
          Yes. At least the first parts of
          the attacks.

Everyone smells it: that's big -- more proof these attacks
are being carried out by one, very skilled Terror Cell.

                    JANET MAYES
          We had two others...North of Riyadh
          and the oil thing. What was that?

                    ADAM LEAVITT
          The Refinery... Ras Tenura

                    JANET MAYES
          Yeah, south of Jeddah. Same thing:
          daylight, suicide bombers. Right?

                                       KINGDOM 8/18/06   20.

                    JANET MAYES (CONT'D)
          Same thing. Followed by machine gun
          crews. Collect and kill.

                    ADAM LEAVITT

                    RONALD FLEURY
          This is not new in concept. It is
          new in scope. It's bigger. Very
          sophisticated. Command and control
          was flawless. They found the
          largest kill zone they could and
          they did it... they did it by being

                    ADAM LEAVITT
          Any rumors or confirmations of
          uniforms being used in the other
          two attacks?

Fleury circles Mayes' name on the ERT roster.

                    AGENT #1
              (from memory)
          No. I know this is the first for

                    GRANT SYKES
          That's `worst case scenario' if
          you're still asking for my stab,
          Sir. A crew who can build bombs
          this big, with this level of eyes-
          on control and detonation
          coordination... has access to Saudi
          uniforms now...I mean...Baby Jesus.

          Anyone take credit?

Fleury checks from his notes.

          Abu Hamza. Saudi Al-Qaeda. Bin-
          Laden-wanna-be. We know he was in
          Afghanistan, then moved to Iraq.
          Now he seems to have come home.
          He's clearly becoming increasingly

                    ADAM LEAVITT
          If it is Hamza, he's definitely
          turning up the volume over there.

                                             KINGDOM 8/18/06   21.

                          ADAM LEAVITT (CONT'D)
                Not to beat a dead horse, Sir, but
                if there was ever a time to get
                boots on Saudi sand...

      Sykes studies Leavitt with what is best described as
      substantial skepticism. Fleury circles Sykes' name on his

                          JANET MAYES
                They can't afford to appear as if
                they are losing any kind of
                control. They lose control over
                their country, their people...then
                they risk losing control over the
                oil. They won't let us in. No way.

      Fleury's P.O.V.: His open folder on the podium. A memo
      printed on Department of State letterhead. Pulls the memo,
      reads it aloud, calm laced with rage.

                           RONALD FLEURY
                From the State Department, one hour
                ago: `We are in agreement with the
                Saudi security assessment that any
                additional American presence on
                Kingdom soil represents reckless
                risk. Therefore it is the Secretary
                of State's position that only after
                the situation has been evaluated
                and contained, should the Federal
                Bureau of Investigation activate
                Rapid Deployment.'
                    (folding the memo)
                The National Security Advisor and
                the Attorney General agreed.
                I'm going to get us access. Keep
                your go bags hot. It's gonna come

      Leavitt stares at Fleury as he moves fast out of the room.

                           ADAM LEAVITT
                Well... I guess he's gonna go get
                us some access.
                How's he gonna do that?

      Sykes just hard-eyes Leavitt.

31A   SEE 29A - 29D (MOVED, NOT OMITTED)                          31A

                                              KINGDOM 8/18/06   22.


     COLONEL AL-GHAZI, Saudi Police, 45 years-old, mustache as         
     thick as Sykes'. A firecracker-loud crack makes him flinch.
     He stands in the back of the room, not participating in the
     interrogation. Just observing. Clearly not happy about what
     he's observing.

     His POV: The Officer from the second Land Cruiser that rammed
     the fake and killed those inside, Sergeant Haytham. slab-
     cuffed and being worked over hard buy a couple of thick-
     fisted SAUDIS.. Silent tears roll off his cheek, left ear
     split ghastly. A MAN standing far right of him beats him: the
     firecracker sound again.

     Al-Ghazi looks away, biting his tongue. Obviously wants this

     In-charge of the interrogation: GENERAL ABDUL MALIK. He
     doesn't appear sadistic, but very determined to get the truth
     from Sergeant Haytham by any means necessary. Those
     distinctions blur easily. Malik gives a `hold-up' signal. The
     following exchange in Arabic:

                         GENERAL ABDUL-MALIK
               No falsehoods, Sergeant Haytham.
               What was your involvement?

                         SERGEANT HAYTHAM
               Killing those I saw responsible.

                         GENERAL ABDUL-MALIK
               So none could be questioned?

                         SERGEANT HAYTHAM
                   (puzzled, angry)
               I don't understand.

     A nod from General Malik: another vicious crack.

                         GENERAL ABDUL-MALIK
               You were born and raised in Suweidi-

                         SERGEANT HAYTHAM
               -that is not a crime-

                         GENERAL ABDUL-MALIK
               -it should be.

                           SERGEANT HAYTHAM
               It's not.

                                          KINGDOM 8/18/06   23.

                    GENERAL ABDUL MALIK
          Do you know Abu Hamza?

                       SERGEANT HAYTHAM
          I do not.

                    GENERAL ABDUL-MALIK
          Your brother was killed fighting
          the Americans. True or false?

                    SERGEANT HAYTHAM
          I am not my brother.

                    GENERAL ABDUL-MALIK
          Your brother--

                    SERGEANT HAYTHAM
          I am NOT my brother!

                       GENERAL ABDUL-MALIK
          TRUE or-

Al-Ghazi interrupts.

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI                              
          He has answered the question.

Malik shoots Al-Ghazi a unequivocal SHUT THE FUCK UP hard
eye. Then back on Haytham.

                     GENERAL ABDUL-MALIK
          We found six more uniforms than you
          were assigned in your possession --
          that is a crime: especially when
          you consider the Attackers wore our

Another nod, another crack. Al-Ghazi, flinching, becomes more

                       SERGEANT HAYTHAM

General Malik in Haytham's face:

                       GENERAL ABDUL-MALIK

                    SERGEANT HAYTHAM
          I sweat. I'll say it again because
          it is true. I need more uniforms
          because I must change during
          shifts...look at my shirts.

                                            KINGDOM 8/18/06     24.

                         GENERAL ABDUL-MALIK
               I am not interested in your sweat.

                         SERGEANT HAYTHAM
               -then look at my jackets. Please.
               Permanent matter how
               many times they're cleaned...

     Colonel Al-Ghazi grimacing now, leaves the room.                  


     We follow. Al-Ghazi hustling into an evidence storage room.
     Searching. Finds a Locker labelled `Haytham.' Opens it. Pulls
     out several shirts still in the plastic dry-cleaning sheaths:
     yellowed, permanent stains on the armpits of each.


     Al-Ghazi walks back into the room with the shirts, lays them
     down on the table in front of the General -- all business.

                         COLONEL AL-GHAZI                              
               He's telling the truth.

     The only sound for a long, unsettled moment: Sergeant
     Haytham's labored breathing. Malik looks at the shirts, then
     Al-Ghazi, hesitates, steps away.

                         GENERAL ADBUL-MALIK
               You were injured when you used your
               vehicle to protect your country. Do
               you understand?

     Al-Ghazi moves in, begins uncuffing Haytham's bloody-raw
     wrists, hard-eyeing Malik the whole time. These men clearly
     don't like each other.

35   EXT. SAUDI NATIONAL GUARD PRISON - LATER                     35

     Al-Ghazi and Haytham sit alone. Al-Ghazi smokes. Haytham
     looks down at his feet.

                         COLONEL AL-GHAZI                              
               Look at me, Haytham.

     Haytham slowly looks up at Al-Ghazi.

                                            KINGDOM 8/18/06   25.

                         COLONEL AL-GHAZI (CONT'D)                     
               You saved lives today. I believe
               that. You served your country. I
               believe that.

               I love my country.

                         COLONEL AL-GHAZI                              
               I believe that, Haytham...

     Haytham Holds Al-Ghazi's eyes a good long beat...

               I love my country...

     Al-Ghazi slow nods.

                         COLONEL AL-GHAZI                              
                   (beat, breaks eye-contact)
               You will have your revenge for what
               needed to be done to assure them
               you weren't involved.

     Haytham never blinks. Eyes hard. Stoic. Clear.

36   EXT. WASHINGTON D.C. STREETS - NOON                          36

     GRACE looks like a barrel-chested lineman. A four-man
     security detail behind. He and Ronald Fleury walk side-by-
     side. Janet Mayes just behind them.

                          DIRECTOR GRACE
               Everyone's terrified, so nothing
               moves. Paralysis. You and your team
               aren't going anywhere.
               And this meeting is just a circle-
               jerk, Ronnie: Attorney General
               Young's going to go through the
               motions because protocol says we
               get an appeal. We'll be on record,
               but expect nothing more.

     Nothing from Fleury.

                         DIRECTOR GRACE (CONT'D)
               Can you handle this? Keep your
               mouth shut when people way above
               you say things you'll hate?

                                            KINGDOM 8/18/06   26.

                          RONALD FLEURY
               Yeah, sure. No problem.

                         DIRECTOR GRACE
                   (re: Janet)
               What about Agent Mayes?

                          RONALD FLEURY
               Ask her.

                         DIRECTOR GRACE
                   (to Janet)
               What about you?

                         JANET MAYES
               I'll be fine.


     Fleury, Grace and Mayes enter. Handsomely decorated,
     expansive: a lifetime of notable handshakes framed in black
     and white. The biggest is a picture of Young and Billy Graham
     that could be titled, `lucky for you, we have all the

     Gideon Young sits behind his Federalist-era oak desk: a
     marathoner's build, a smile too bright-perfect for his age.

     Two others in-attendance. A pear-shaped 54 year-old man with
     a Midwest-honest, ruddy-oval face: Ellis Leach, Assistant
     Secretary, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, Department of

     And a 51 year-old Hispanic woman in conservative Chanel:
     enough femininity without diminishing toughness: Maricella
     Canavesio, Deputy National Security Advisor, White House

                         DIRECTOR GRACE
               I apologize if we're late-

                         GIDEON YOUNG
               They were early.

                         DIRECTOR GRACE
               You know Special Agent Fleury?

                          GIDEON YOUNG
               I do.

                                       KINGDOM 8/18/06    27.

                    DIRECTOR GRACE
          This is agent Janet Mayes, she's
          one of our Arabic experts.

Janet stares at Young, looking mildly in over her head.

                    GIDEON YOUNG
          OK. The latest.

Grace sits, nods to Fleury: you're up...

                    RONALD FLEURY
          Two suicide bombers. Rumors they
          were dressed as Saudi Police. We
          believe this is the work of Saudi
          terrorist named Abu Hamza.

Young just stares at Fleury kind of odd like a kid staring at
a mushroom flavored Popsicle.

                    GIDEON YOUNG
          Go on.

Fleury continues:

                     RONALD FLEURY
          A Shooter crew served as
          distraction. After the initial
          attack there was a lull to allow
          Saudi Emergency Teams...and our own
 collect. Then a
          secondary blast was triggered,
          aimed at those first responders. So
          they targeted families and rescuers
          with one attack.
              (mildly sarcastic:)
          I think that's a clear signal that
          their definition of `Enemy' is

                    MARICELLA CANAVESIO
          My God.

                    GIDEON YOUNG
          Let us never forget how cheap life
          is over there. Now...I have seven
          minutes before my next meeting, so
          who's talking first?
              (to Fleury and Grace, slow
               like a Kindergarten
          You two digested the memo?

                                       KINGDOM 8/18/06   28.

Stoic nods from each. Ellis Leach raises his hand, a tone
that's worlds away from Young's.

                     ELLIS LEACH
          I'll go first if that's okay
              (off her `yeah, sure' nod)
          First, I'm sorry about Fran Manner.

Gideon Young remembers, nods along solemnly.

                    DIRECTOR GRACE
          As we are about Rex Burr.

                    ELLIS LEACH
          I met with Prince Thamer at the
          Saudi embassy fifteen minutes after
          I heard this morning's news. After
          speaking with Thamer, I advised we
          withhold additional US personnel
          because a big part of the religious
          justification for these bombs is
          the presence of current US
          personnel. More boots on Saudi soil
          make an already combustible
          situation more so. I know that's
          not the answer you want, but...

Motions to Maricella: the floor is yours.

                    MARICELLA CANAVESIO
          My two cents: The Saudis haven't
          asked for FBI help. Sounds like
          they've done just the opposite. If
          we force the issue, that could
          further anger an utterly important
          ally that shares a 1000-mile long
          border with Iraq.

                    GIDEON YOUNG
              (to Grace and Fleury)
          It's all rock-solid logic.

                     DIRECTOR GRACE
          We would just like to be on record
          as saying we think we should go

                    GIDEON YOUNG
          That's not going to happen

                                       KINGDOM 8/18/06   29.

Young stands: we're done. Fleury's look: that's it? Young's
already collecting his briefcase, jacket-

                    GIDEON YOUNG (CONT'D)
              (mock sincerity to the
          -so as we present this to the
          public, let's - as best we can -
          try to view this through an FBI
          Agent's eyes.
              (beat...To Grace:)
          And please let me know if there's
          anything else we can do for you.

Meeting seems over. Not quite. Fleury can't keep his mouth

                    RONALD FLEURY
          Sir, how would you imagine it looks
          viewed through an FBI agents eyes?

                       GIDEON YOUNG
          Pardon me?

                    RONALD FLEURY
          I'm interested in how you think
          this situation is viewed through
          our eyes.

Young, eyes on a Republican-gold Rolex, instantly perturbed
the meeting isn't ending.

                    GIDEON YOUNG
          It's some variation on vengeance...
          When one of your own is killed,
          Agents lose their analytical powers
          - kind of a greatest strength,
          greatest weakness thing...

                     RONALD FLEURY
          If I wanted vengeance, I'd have
          whispered `Rex Burr' into Ellis's
          ear right when we walked in.

Eyes migrate to Fleury --

                    RONALD FLEURY (CONT'D)
          This isn't Terrorism, ma'am. It's
          just Serial Murder.

                    MARICELLA CANAVESIO
          What's the distinction?

                                       KINGDOM 8/18/06   30.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          To call this massacre an act of
          terrorism... that implies a
          specific political agenda. To me,
          these killings are so futile and
          unbalanced that they feel utterly
          sociopathic- more like Charles
          Manson than Osama Bin Laden...

Fleury looks to Mayes. She clears her throat. Delivers the
following with utter precision.

                    JANET MAYES
              (beat, fuck it: Go)
          Al Qaeda lost the first phase of
          this war, so a new, zero-sum phase
          has begun: if you won't join us,
          we'll let loose the truly talented
          Murderers... Abu Hamza. He will
          kill so many of you that the
          resulting humiliation of the Saudi
          Royal Family will cause an exodus,
          a rebellion, both. Because the
          Royal Family simply cannot protect
          you or yours any longer.

Fleury studies Janet with solid respect. He gives Janet a
subtle nod: "Nice work."

                    RONALD FLEURY
          When she says talented, she's not
          talking about the walking-bombs who
          can sneak past any and all
          security, nor the hi-jackers tough
          enough to take an airliner. We're
          talking about the Man who teaches
          them how...

                    JANET MAYES
          --the operational commander who
          organizes, trains, plans,
          encourages. That is who we're

                    RONALD FLEURY
          If we don't get inside Saudi Arabia
          within 36 hours, there is no chance
          we catch the killer responsible for
          Al-Rahmah. None.

                                            KINGDOM 8/18/06   31.

                         ELLIS LEACH
               Okay. I believe it all. So doesn't
               your team in that country represent
               the kind of target one of these
               `Masters' would die for? Trade ten
               of their own for one of you?

                         RONALD FLEURY
               To not engage these criminals out
               of fear for our personal safety is
               just another way of saying `uncle.'

     Fleury takes another deep breath.

                         RONALD FLEURY (CONT'D)
               I'll say it another way: Evidence
               starts to go cold after twenty four
               hours. If we can't get in now, we
               will not find the man or men
               responsible for this crime. We
               couldn't do it at Khobar; we
               couldn't do it in Yemen; we have
               barely scratched the surface in
               Iraq. And we are on verge of not
               doing it here. They are getting
               stronger, we are getting weaker. I
               just lost a very good friend and I
               would very much like to go and do
               my job.


                         GIDEON YOUNG
               That was spirited... let's all
               thank God Special Agent Fleury
               doesn't make policy decisions. He'd
               turn the FBI into Patton's Third

     Young stands. Fleury contemplates career-ending violence.

38   EXT. WASHINGTON D.C. - DAY                                  38

     Janet, Fleury and Grace walking the rows of seven-foot bronze
     soldiers. Street-cart hotdogs from foil wrappers.

                         DIRECTOR GRACE
                   (to Fleury)
               I see the look in your eyes. That
               look is trouble: old school, play
               ground shit, vengeance...

                                       KINGDOM 8/18/06   32.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          It's not vengeance.

                    DIRECTOR GRACE
          It ain't justice. It's stronger.
          We've all been there. I have.
          Vengeance is always dirty, Ronnie.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          I just can't sit this out. I can't
          watch this not get dealt with. Not
              (a beat...)
          Know what my high school football
          coach used to say to me?

                    DIRECTOR GRACE

                    RONALD FLEURY
          "HIT SOMETHING." All night long,
          Coach Bailey would scream "HIT
          SOMETHING." Every play.

                    DIRECTOR GRACE
          That's good coaching.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          I'm fixing to go hit something,
          boss. You with me?

                    DIRECTOR GRACE
          How you gonna do it?

                    RONALD FLEURY
          The Saudis covet good PR as much as
          their Oil: 15 of 19 hijackers on 9-
          11 means most Americans will never
          stop asking if that Saudi Oil is
          worth it. It's all about press.

                    DIRECTOR GRACE
          Few more moves and it's Total War,
          Ronnie. The only time Treason is
          palatable is when it's done
          righteously and completely...

Fleury digesting Grace's words: moments pass. Then he looks
to Janet.

                    JANET MAYES
          Oh, I'm in...Not a question. I'm
          definitely going.

                                              KINGDOM 8/18/06   33.

39   INT. LOCAL COFFEE JOINT - 5:30 PM, EST                       39

     Elaine Flowers, Senior Correspondent, Washington Post: Coffee
     amp'd, deep black raccoon eyes - heavy wrinkled khakis.
     Fleury sits across from her. We've entered mid-scene:

                         RONALD FLEURY
               What's your take?

                         ELAINE FLOWERS
               Looks like every overthrow in
               history: once the guys with the
               guns are no longer trustworthy, the
               government's days are numbered.

                         RONALD FLEURY
               White House call you with a spin?

                         ELAINE FLOWERS
               You kidding? We don't talk since I
               broke the Vice President's guy
               cooking dirty intel on Iran. They
               hate me. What's up, Fleury?

                         RONALD FLEURY
               How hard you gonna hit the Royal
               Family in your column tomorrow?

                         ELAINE FLOWERS
               With a sledgehammer.

                         RONALD FLEURY
               With the bombings? Or other

                         ELAINE FLOWERS
               What's "other" than the bombings?

                         RONALD FLEURY
               I know you're tracking Al Haramain.

                          ELAINE FLOWERS
               Is that what you want to talk
               about? Saudi officials making
               donations that end up... What?
               Blowing up trains in Paris? Buses
               in London?

                         RONALD FLEURY
               Sometimes. Seems that just might

                                       KINGDOM 8/18/06   34.

                    RONALD FLEURY (CONT'D)
          We got some other stuff: Missing
          girls out of a Houston Four Seasons
          Hotel that was heavily populated by
          some "Saudi officials." Little

Flowers eyes go WIDE. Smiling...

                    ELAINE FLOWERS
          Murder...Hookers...Houston? Can I
          take some notes?

                    RONALD FLEURY
          I'm not saying that.

                    ELAINE FLOWERS
          Are you saying anything?

                    RONALD FLEURY
          I need a favor.

                    ELAINE FLOWERS
          I don't do favors, Ronnie.

                     RONALD FLEURY
          When it's real and it will be
          real... I'll come to you with what
          we have first. It's yours.

                      ELAINE FLOWERS

                    RONALD FLEURY
          You call Thamer at the Embassy.
          Tell him that the FBI is getting
          real close to laying out some major
          Saudi VIP indictments relating to
          newly uncovered charity financing
          out of a Boston investment firm.
          We're gonna freeze a lot of Saudi
          cash and roll out some major

                    ELAINE FLOWERS
          Can I mention Houston?

                    RONALD FLEURY
          It's a free world, baby. Ask him to

                      ELAINE FLOWERS
          He won't.

                                            KINGDOM 8/18/06   35.

                         RONALD FLEURY
               Tell him that I'm running the

                         ELAINE FLOWERS

                         RONALD FLEURY
               Tell him that I'm not the nicest
               kid on the block.

                         ELAINE FLOWERS
               That would be accurate.

                         RONALD FLEURY
               I want fifteen minutes with him

                         ELAINE FLOWERS
               Wow. OK. And I get what?

                         RONALD FLEURY
               I come to you first. No one else.

                         ELAINE FLOWERS
               What's really going on here,
               Ronnie? You going strong over Fran

     Fleury just stares at her.

                         RONALD FLEURY
               I'm just trying to do my job,
               Elaine. That's it. Call Thamer.

                         ELAINE FLOWERS
               I'll see what I can do.

40   EXT. WILLARD HOTEL - WASHINGTON DC - NIGHT                 40

     Frenetic Doorman-Valet ballet. 2 black Suburbans with red-
     blue diplomatic plates swing onto the round-about. A bald,
     waif-like 38 year-old Saudi MAN gets out of the lead vehicle.

     Fleury waiting outside, eyes on his watch. To Thamer:

                         RONALD FLEURY
               Get back in.

                                            KINGDOM 8/18/06   36.

41   INT. DIPLOMATIC SUBURBAN - MOMENTS LATER                   41

     A big bodyguard sits up front. Fleury sits in back, aims the
     AC vents his way. Prince Thamer sits next to him. Bright
     lights from the trail suburban illuminate the interior.

     Prince Thamer looks more than a bit baffled.

                         RONALD FLEURY
               Too many people we both know were
               at the bar. It's a pleasure to meet
               you, Your Highness.

                         PRINCE THAMER
               I had an interesting conversation
               with a reporter from the Post.

                         RONALD FLEURY
               She can be a bit of an
               exaggerator... I'm sure things were
               somewhat over-stated. I see myself
               as friend of Saudi Arabia. I just
               need a little cooperation, that's

                         PRINCE THAMER
               What kind of cooperation??

                         RONALD FLEURY
               Full cooperation: my Team cleared
               to land at Prince Sultan Air Base.
               Tomorrow. We want to help in a very
               muscular way, quickly.

                         PRINCE THAMER
               Next month would be as soon as...

     Fleury takes a beat.

                         RONALD FLEURY
               This goes one of two ways. First:
               The FBI with the White House go on
               the kind of aggressive PR "Saudi
               Royal Family Decaying Monarchy"
               bender that just can't help but
               hurt. Really hurt. And I don't care
               how many Chinese are lined up to
               buy the oil. You know it's gonna

                         PRINCE THAMER
               My family is not decaying-

                                       KINGDOM 8/18/06   37.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          And then we bring the hammer down
          hard as hell: Bust Al Haramain - we
          got direct links from Riyadh - two
          wives donating ten million to three
          Arab-American cultural centers in
          Boston. Then what gets kind of not-
          funny is how some of that cash
          found its way to Jakarta and some
          Mosques that have these training
          camps built right next to them.
          It's kinda funny... you got little
          kids playing over here, and some
          not so little kids playing with
          guns over here. That's kinda odd.

                    PRINCE THAMER
          You have no proof of this.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          We're getting there, Sir. And I
          haven't even brought up the two
          girls still missing out of Houston.
          This is big. It is real. And I know
          you only care so much about public
          American opinion, Sir. But the
          story will be covered... Big...

Thamer is clearly rattled. Fleury is starting to crack this

                    RONALD FLEURY (CONT'D)
          And this ain't the Metro section.
          It's above the fold, just below the
          date. Words like these get
          syndicated to papers like the Omaha
          World-Herald, The Terrell Tribune --
          You ever been to Terrell, Texas?

                    PRINCE THAMER
          What is your point?

Fleury looks back to him.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          Last I heard, 112 people lost their
          lives in your country. One of them
          was a good friend of mine. I want
          in and I want in immediately.

That's a rock solid answer.

                                              KINGDOM 8/18/06   38.

                         PRINCE THAMER
               Define "immediately."

                         RONALD FLEURY
               Right now immediately.

     Fleury looks back at the Ambassador. A stare down.

               If your phone doesn't work
               international, you can borrow mine.

     Prince Thamer slowly reaches for his phone as Fleury opens
     his door.

                         FLEURY (CONT'D)
               I'll just be right out here.

42   EXT. DIPLOMATIC SUBURBAN - MOMENTS LATER                     42

     Fleury waiting. Intense.

     The window rolls down, Thamer looking up at Fleury.

     The following is fast, tight negotiating:

                         PRINCE THAMER
                   (trying to maintain cool)
               We cannot allow 100 agents-

                         RONALD FLEURY
               -4. With a 25-man security detail-

                         PRINCE THAMER
               -even 25 more armed Americans could
               spark rebellion-

                         RONALD FLEURY
               That's too bad.

                         PRINCE THAMER
               Saudi Security. That's non
               negotiable. You cannot bring guns
               into the Kingdom.

                         RONALD FLEURY
               Men in Saudi Police uniforms are
               why we're talking now.

                         PRINCE THAMER
               They would be hand picked.

                                             KINGDOM 8/18/06   39.

                          RONALD FLEURY
                Whose hands?

                            PRINCE THAMER

      Fleury blinks.

                          PRINCE THAMER (CONT'D)
                Trust me...that's the only hope of
                this happening.

                If anything happens to me or my
                team... It's on you. Understood?

                          PRINCE THAMER
                Cool it with the John Wayne, Mr.

      Fleury just stares.

                          PRINCE THAMER (CONT'D)
                You can have a week-

                          RONALD FLEURY
                -seven-day or work-week?

                          PRINCE THAMER
                Work week. Five days. No guns.

      Hands shake.

42A   EXT. SAUDI SHACK - NIGHT, SAUDI TIME                      42A

      No "charm." Corrugated tin. A faded blue plywood door. No one
      in sight. On the side of the house: a battered satellite

43    INT. SAUDI SHACK - NIGHT, SAUDI TIME                       43

      A tiny framed Saudi National flag in the middle of a wall:
      green with a white sword underlining script that reads: There
      is no God but Allah.

      No other decoration. The none-too-muffled sounds of traffic:
      a lone window overlooking a four-lane boulevard. Then the
      Athan (call to prayer) for the Isha (last of the five daily
      prayers) trumps the traffic noise.

                                             KINGDOM 8/18/06   40.

     Sergeant Haytham enters, bandaged, blank, then a small smile
     crosses his face. An old man's weathered voice, in Arabic:

                         OLD VOICE (O.C.)
               Just in time.

     Haytham's P.O.V.: His FATHER, glass-frail, lying in a bed, a
     small TV nearby, on but soundless. Haytham goes into a
     routine: rolls out two prayer mats, steps to his Father,
     reaches down to pick him up. His Father readies himself --
     stops everything when he sees the bandages up close, the
     black bruises with outer rings of purple covering 1/2 of his
     Son's cheek. Looks into his boy's eyes.

                         HAYTHAM'S FATHER
               What happened?

     Haytham not returning the gaze, hoists his Father into his
     arms -- pain shoots up his arms from his damaged wrists.

                         SERGEANT HAYTHAM
               You haven't heard about the attack?

                         HAYTHAM'S FATHER
               I choose not to listen anymore.
               What happened to your face?

                          SERGEANT HAYTHAM
               An attack today.

                         HAYTHAM'S FATHER
               Look at me.

     Haytham looks into his father's eyes now. No words. Haytham's
     eyes well with tears. After a long silence:

                         HAYTHAM'S FATHER (CONT'D)
               Is this how they now treat the men
               who protect them? Can you look at
               me? You cannot, can you? Can you
               look at yourself?

     Haytham stares at his father.

                         HAYTHAM'S FATHER (CONT'D)
               You are protecting the true enemies
               of God.

44   INT. AL-GHAZI'S HOUSE - SAME                                 44

                                              KINGDOM 8/18/06   41.


     Al-Ghazi sits on pillows on the living room with his WIFE and
     three DAUGHTERS. A television is on, playing "MAN SAYARBAH AL
     MILIOUN" the Arabic "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire." Al-
     Ghazi's children are playing a game with peas, trying to
     guess which one of his hands Al-Ghazi is hiding the pea. When
     a girl guesses correctly, he eats a pea.

     From outside, we hear the call to prayer. Al-Ghazi and his
     family all move to prayer mats in his living room.

45   INT. ONE ROOM APARTMENT - SAME                               45

     Haytham continues carrying his Father to the prayer mats.
     Gently sets him down, Kneels down himself, carefully rolls
     his Dad to his stomach. Then stands to help tuck his Father --
     in obvious, great arthritic pain -- into a kneeling prayer

     Kisses his father on the top of his head. And both pray.

46   INT. AL-GHAZI'S HOUSE - SAME                                 46

     Al-Ghazi praying with his family.

47   EXT. ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE - MIDNIGHT                       47

     A Load-Master buckling down two paletts of shrink-wrapped
     gear in the belly of a C-130. Sykes and Leavitt sit on a
     stack of FBI paletts, their feet gently tapping on battered
     forensic cases. Mayes approaches from the parking area.

                         ADAM LEAVITT
                   (beat, re: Janet)
               What was Fran Manner to her?

                          GRANT SYKES
               He taught her how to shoot, she
               taught him most everything else.
               Celebrated graduation at the IHOP
               in-town until some Townie called
               Janet something...Something not
               very nice. Townie didn't see Fran
               coming outta the Head. But he
               definitely felt Fran's uppercut
               shatter his jaw.

                                          KINGDOM 8/18/06   42.

                    ADAM LEAVITT
          Fran didn't get bounced for that?

Points to Fleury's dirty Jeep arriving.

                    GRANT SYKES
          SAC Fleury took care of him.

                    ADAM LEAVITT

                    GRANT SYKES
          If I knew how I'd be SAC Sykes. I
          do know the post in Riyadh was part
          of the deal Fleury cut to save
          Fran's career.

Leavitt looks up at Mayes as she gets within ear-shot, plops
down next to them.

                     ADAM LEAVITT
          What did SAC Fleury whisper in your
          ear this morning?

                    JANET MAYES
              (smart-ass smile)
          `Grant's age is a liability.'

The three turn as Fleury approaches. Walking fast, clear          
sense of purpose.                                                 

          Thanks for volunteering.                                

          Actually, I didn't volunteer.                           

          Thanks anyway.                                          

          We're going to Riyadh?                                  


          State department said yes?                              


                                            KINGDOM 8/18/06   43.

               White House said yes?                                   


               Anybody said yes?                                       

               Not really.                                             

               Are we bringing security?                               


     Fleury walks onto the plane. Leaving the three on the tarmac.     

               This is going to suck so bad.                           

     And the three follow Fleury onto the massive plane.               

48   OMITTED                                                      48

49   INT. C-130, AIRBORNE - LATER                                 49   

     Silent. Just the lull of jet engines. The big, long boring is
     just beginning.

     Janet and Leavitt play Scrabble. Sykes sits nearby. Fleury
     sits up front, wide awake.

                         ADAM LEAVITT
               What can four people do in five
               days? Really?

                         GRANT SYKES
               Aren't you the one who demanded to
               go this morning?

                         ADAM LEAVITT
               I meant the FBI. I didn't mean

     Small smile from Leavitt. The Scrabble continues...

                                               KINGDOM 8/18/06   44.

                         ADAM LEAVITT (CONT'D)
                   (to Janet)
               What's it like on the ground?

                         GRANT SYKES

                         JANET MAYES
               I'll be looked at with what I can
               only describe as disdain, pretty
               much the entire time we're on the
               ground... kind of like South

                         GRANT SYKES
               Go easy on my kin.

                         JANET MAYES
               It's a very confused culture.
               Extremely religious. Had nothing;
               wanted nothing. Sixty years ago,
               they hit oil. Simple religious men
               become trillionaires... a
               schizophrenic nation is born. The
               royal family, who we back, and
               everyone else.

     Intercut with the Scrabble.

50   OMITTED (SEE 42A) THRU 53                                     50

54   EXT. PALACE GROUNDS - NIGHT, SAUDI TIME                       54

     Three-Suburban convoy turns up a driveway, waved past a guard
     post bristling with automatic weapons and into the circular
     drive of a massive, walled palace. Impersonal wealth. Two
     dozen SANG troops on security detail. Two Humvees equipped
     with anti-aircraft missiles parked 100 yards apart.

     Colonel Al-Ghazi out of the middle Suburban. Frisked by SANG,      
     rough: no love lost.

55   INT. IMPERSONAL PALACE - SAME MOMENT                          55

     Al-Ghazi is passed to a silent, boundless staff holding
     serving platters jammed with cups of mint tea. A mammoth

                                               KINGDOM 8/18/06   45.

     PRINCE SA'AD BIN KHALED (Saudi Interior Ministry) steps out
     from a 20-foot high doorway: nebbish, thin, bloodshot eyes
     magnified by thick glasses. His hand over his stomach:
     Napoleon's ulcers. A quick wave to Al-Ghazi.

56   INT. PRINCE'S PRIVATE OFFICE - NEXT MOMENT                    56

     10' X 20' gold/glass desk over a 50' X 50' rug in a 100' X
     100' marble room. Al-Ghazi greets the Prince formally: kiss
     the right shoulder near the clavicle. The Prince's tongue
     chalk-white for some reason. In Arabic:

                         PRINCE BIN KHALED
               Four FBI Agents will be allowed to
               land at Prince Sultan Air Base this

     Al-Ghazi: more than mild shock.

                         PRINCE BIN KHALED (CONT'D)
               General Abdul-Malik, Chief of
               Investigative Services for the
               National Guard has been put in-
               charge of solving this crime.

     Clearly not sitting well with Al-Ghazi.

                         COLONEL AL-GHAZI                               
               I know the General. I attended his
               interrogation of one of my men.
                   (beat, putting it kindly:)
               The General does not have
               investigative experience.

                         PRINCE BIN KHALED
               Attackers wore YOUR uniform. Police
               Uniforms. Some of your men may have
               been involved with this Cell, may
               still be involved. You're lucky to
               have a role at all.

     Al-Ghazi silent. The Prince pulls an anti-acid tablet, puts
     it in his mouth: that's why his tongue is chalk-white.

                         PRINCE BIN KHALED (CONT'D)
               And your role will be critically
               important: make sure the Americans
               leave our country as alive as when
               they arrive. Five days they will be
               our guests. Understood?

                                              KINGDOM 8/18/06   46.

57   INT. C-130 - NIGHT                                           57

     Final descent beginning. More stars above than lights below.
     Landing in the middle of nowhere. Sykes sitting near Fleury,
     getting his game-face on.

                         GRANT SYKES
               What's going on in there?

                         RONALD FLEURY
                   (getting his bearings)
               I'm good.

     Sykes puts his hand on Fleury's chest.

                         GRANT SYKES
               Feels like you got a beast in
               there, Fleury.

                            RONALD FLEURY
               I'm good

                         GRANT SYKES
               "Good" is 6:00 am Sunday morning
               when your kid climbs into your bed,
               buries himself into you... sun's
               creeping through the windows -
               soft. Birds and wind-chimes...
               that's "good."

     A BEAT as Fleury looks at Sykes.

                         RONALD FLEURY
               I'm OK...You don't think I'm OK?

                         GRANT SYKES
                   (small smile)
               I think you're not entirely clear
               right now. That's OK, but you got
               to know that. You want to go - we
               go. I got you, but you got to
               check yourself.

                         RONALD FLEURY
               I'm checked.

                        GRANT SYKES
               OK. I'm just checking that you

     Fleury stands up.

                                               KINGDOM 8/18/06   47.

57A   INT. C-130 COCKPIT - NIGHT, SAUDI TIME                      57A

      Fleury pops his head into the cockpit. Two AIRFORCE PILOTS
      sit at the controls.

                          RONALD FLEURY
                How we doing?

                          PILOT #1
                About a half hour out.

                          RONALD FLEURY
                They gonna let us land?

                          PILOT #1
                We've been talking to them about an
                hour or so... they know we're

                             RONALD FLEURY

                          PILOT #1
                You don't mind my asking, but what
                the hell you all gonna be doing
                down there?

                             RONALD FLEURY

                          PILOT #1
                Hunting...? I think of hunting, I
                think quail in Tennessee, deer in
                Pennsylvania. What kind of hunting
                you all gonna do in Saudi?

                          RONALD FLEURY
                Big Game hunting.


      PRINCE SULTAN AIR BASE, SAUDI ARABIA. Our C-130 touches down
      smooth on Saudi soil.

59    INT. C-130 CARGO HOLD - NIGHT, SAUDI TIME                    59

      Engines winding down to nothing. The team standing, slinging
      bags over their shoulders. Groggy but pumped. Fleury looks at
      his team, last bit of advice before game-time.

                                              KINGDOM 8/18/06   48.

                         RONALD FLEURY
               Heads on a swivel.


     The cargo door locks into place on Saudi tarmac. Fleury and
     the Team outside the plane now, bags dropped at their feet.
     90 degrees even this late. Look-up: light washing over a
     small, formal Saudi military team in front of two caskets
     draped in American flags, and a small convoy of bullet-proof
     black Suburbans. Adam Leavitt will never forget this first
     glimpse of Saudi Arabia: surreal. Tears in Janet's eyes as
     she glimpses the caskets.

     Colonel Al-Ghazi steps up, offers his hand to Fleury. Fleury      
     and Al-Ghazi shake:

                         COLONEL AL-GHAZI                              
               Colonel Al-Ghazi.                                       

                         RONALD FLEURY
               Special Agent Ronald Fleury.

                         COLONEL AL-GHAZI                              
                   (beat: the caskets)
               Your two fallen comrades, Mr.
               Manner and Mr. Burr.

     Three men multi-task hustle to forklifts, start them up. Into
     the cargo hold, pulling out paletts. Things moving orderly-
     fast now. The Americans just kind of step back, dazed.

                         COLONEL AL-GHAZI (CONT'D)                     
               Passports and credentials. Please.

     Sergeant Haytham, driving one of the suburbans, steps forward
     with kevlar vests for our crew.

                         COLONEL AL-GHAZI (CONT'D)                     
               Thank you to keep these on whenever
               you are outside of Al-Rahmah.

                         JANET MAYES
               We brought our own.

     The crew hits their bags, pulls out their vests.

     Another OFFICER checks each team member's FBI badge and
     passport. Stops at Leavitt's: an Israeli stamp on his
     passport. Leavitt's quick:

                                            KINGDOM 8/18/06    49.

                         ADAM LEAVITT
               Israeli stamp in my passport?

                         COLONEL AL-GHAZI                             
                   (in Arabic to the Officer)
               That is not our concern.

     Al-Ghazi takes the passports and badges, hands them back.

                         COLONEL AL-GHAZI (CONT'D)                    
               I'm also to collect your sidearms.

     This is like handing over your first-born. Fleury goes first.
     Haytham puts each weapon in a padded case.

                         GRANT SYKES
               And I usually just toss it on the
               kitchen table...

                         COLONEL AL-GHAZI                             
                   (small smile)
               If each of you would please get
               into the middle vehicle.


     The speedometer at 110 m.p.h. Haytham navigates with his left
     hand. Prayer beads hang from the rearview mirror. Al-Ghazi in
     the passenger seat, right hand rubbing another set of prayer
     beads down to nubs. The team in the back rows: all staring at
     the prayer beads on the mirror.

                         JANET MAYES
                   (whispering to Leavitt)
               Wouldn't need the power a' prayer
               if there were 2 hands on the wheel.

                         ADAM LEAVIIT
               110 miles per hour... How do you
               keep so calm? I mean, really? Is
               it breathing--

                         JANET MAYES

                         RONALD FLEURY
               If somebody was tailing us it'd be
               obvious. This is just standard
               operating speed.

     Al-Ghazi on the edge of his seat, no belt, scanning for
     threats: sidewalks, traffic, rooftops.

                                       KINGDOM 8/18/06    50.

His left hand hand wrapped around the stock of an Mp-5
machine gun. Fleury takes in a deep breath: let's see who
this guy is.

                    RONALD FLEURY (CONT'D)
          Colonel, have you ever been to the                    

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            
          I have been there only once. I
          spent four days at Quantico... I
          saw your Michael Jordan play for
          the Washington Wizards.

Small laughs.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          You don't know what you missed...
          you should have seen him play for
          our Chicago Bulls.

Fleury nods to Sykes, giving him the go to start in with the
Bad Cop. Throughout the following exchange, we stay TIGHT ON
FLEURY: in control, using Sykes to ask the questions he
"diplomatically" does not want to ask.

                    GRANT SYKES
          You have portable lights on-scene?

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            
              (loses his smile)
          Yes. But your team cannot work

Janet looks to Leavitt, then Fleury: `what did he say?'
Fleury looks to Sykes, `Keep going...'

                    GRANT SYKES
          We only have seven days: we work
          around the clock.

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            
          Five days. And you are not safe at

                    GRANT SYKES
          We're safe during the day?

Fleury is about to step in when-

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            
              (in Arabic, shocking)
          WATCH IT-SLOW!

                                           KINGDOM 8/18/06   51.

A truck 200 yards ahead in the middle of an abrupt U-turn.
Over the median. Dust cloud. Heading back our way. Something
big in the truck's bed. Our vehicle shimmies as Al-Ghazi
flinches, drops his prayer beads. Mp-5 up to the Colonel's         
sight-line, muzzle tracking the truck. Leavitt leans away
from his window as the vehicles pass: streetlights show two
farmers, a camel sitting in the bed. Missed their left turn.

A long, nearly comical moment.

                       ADAM LEAVITT
             I don't like camels.                                  

Fleury cycling through different angles. Continues:

                       RONALD FLEURY                               
             Colonel, do you believe Abu Hamza                     
             was responsible for this attack?                      

                       COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            
             We don't know.                                        

                       RONALD FLEURY                               
             Were Saudi Police involved in the                     

                       COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            
             We don't know that either.                            

                        RONALD FLEURY                              
             Any word on what that third big
             blast was?

Al-Ghazi getting tired of the questions: exhausted himself.

                        COLONEL AL-GHAZI                           
             Not yet.

                       GRANT SYKES
             You interviewed witnesses?

                       COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            
                 (short-fuse burning)
             We're trying. No one who was close
             enough to see the things we would
             like to know, lived.

                       GRANT SYKES
             Were any of the uniformed bombers

No answer.

                                              KINGDOM 8/18/06   52.

                         GRANT SYKES (CONT'D)
               Do you know yet?

     No answer. Team feeling the tension. Fleury steps in and
     takes charge.

                         RONALD FLEURY
               You don't know the source of the
               blast, don't know if your own
               Officers were involved, but you
               won't let us work nights?

     Al-Ghazi stanches an explosion. Haytham looks over at his
     Colonel: rarely ever seen him like this. Looks in the rear-       
     view mirror to see Sykes, the man giving the Colonel fits.        
     Sykes catches him looking back, gives him a quick wink into
     the mirror. TIGHT ON Haytham's face: the guilty little smile
     you give when someone takes your boss to task.

                          COLONEL AL-GHAZI                             
               47 of my `brother-officers' were
               blown into hundreds of pieces that
               will take months to collect. 80,000
               Officers total, across the country,
               at four uniforms apiece. Thousands
               of people who can sew forgeries.
               Apologies that I don't have
               definitive answers.
               You're still not working nights.

     Fleury stays quiet, studying, calculating, thinking: we got a
     Handler that's going to be tough to handle.

62   OMITTED                                                      62


     Director Grace already sits in front of Young's desk.

                         DIRECTOR GRACE
               Good afternoon, Sir.

     Young says nothing, just pulls a memo from his bag, clears
     his throat -- still no eye-contact -- reads aloud like a poor
     man's Orson Welles:

                         GIDEON YOUNG
               `Sunlight is indeed the most
               powerful disinfectant.

                                        KINGDOM 8/18/06   53.

                     GIDEON YOUNG (CONT'D)
          In that spirit I come before this
          Judiciary Committee with a painful
          Simply: I've lost all confidence in
          the FBI, especially it's uppermost
          echelon. Entrenched and outmoded,
          the Leadership has shown itself
          fearful of the pioneering thought
          this Committee and I have tried to
          imbue. It is thus an Agency at
          contretemps, hindering our every
          effort.' And by `Committee' I mean
          the fucking SENATE SELECT COMMITTEE
          ON TERROR...

Young finally makes eye contact: expecting something like
fear, remorse, back-pedalling...

                    DIRECTOR GRACE
          Senators? Then I'd change
          `outmoded' to `outdated,'
          `echelons' to `ranks' and what in
          God's name is `contretemps?' These
          guys aren't the best and brightest-

Young's face flashes red, seething:

                    GIDEON YOUNG
          -never take the Lord's name in vain
          in this office-

                    DIRECTOR GRACE
          -but you can say `Fucking?'

Young apoplectic now: ready to end the Director right there,
when Grace leans in, lets the vague threat of physical
contact manifest.

                     DIRECTOR GRACE (CONT'D)
          You're going to the Senate Select
          Committee, but not to the President
          who appointed you. Why's that?
          I bet the President wasn't the
          audience you thought he'd be: I'll
          bet he realized you can't have
          Voters asking why the second-
          longest serving FBI Director gets
          fired for doing his job, for
          sending Agents into Saudi Arabia,
          seven months from mid-term

                                            KINGDOM 8/18/06    54.

                         GIDEON YOUNG
               -you really want to bet?

     Grace snaps his ID badge off his lapel, puts it on the table.

                         DIRECTOR GRACE
               I do.

     Young's pallor tells us his bluff has been called. Goes
     silent. Grace smells it, finishes him now:

                          DIRECTOR GRACE (CONT'D)
               Westmoreland made all us Officers
               write our own obituaries during
               Tet, when it looked like the Cong
               were going to end it all right
               there. Once we clued-in that life
               was finite, the loss of it no
               longer scared us: the end comes no
               matter what, it's just a question
               of how you want to go out: on your
               feet or on your knees. After that,
               we went out and pulled triggers
               until barrels melted. And Vietnam
               lasted another seven years.
               The lesson extends to this career:
               I ACT, knowing the end of this job
               will come, no matter what. You
               should do the same.

     Grace waits: nothing else from Young. Stands, snaps his ID
     badge back on his lapel, walks out.

                         DIRECTOR GRACE (CONT'D)
               I'll forward Fleury's reports.


     The convoy brakes impossibly close to a checkpoint. Waved
     through perimeters staffed by SANG and Police. Fatigues,
     automatic rifles, peering at the tinted windows.

65   INT. MIDDLE SUBURBAN - NEXT MOMENT                           65

     Crew arrives at a crime-scene that spans the immediate
     horizon. White tents with SANG sitting under each. Industrial
     lights outline shattered buildings, idle heavy equipment,
     bombed-out automobiles. TIGHT ON MAYES looking out.

                                            KINGDOM 8/18/06   55.

                         JANET MAYES
               That's one of the great horrors of
               television: Crime scene
               manipulation. They say a TV camera
               adds pounds to actresses. Isn't
               that what they say?

                         ADAM LEAVITT
               Who's "they?"

                         JANET MAYES
               That is what they say. Doesn't add
               to crime scenes. Television cameras
               shrink them. Misrepresent. No
               smells. Poor sound. Limited view.
               TV always makes them look smaller.
               You can't feel the hatred on

     TIGHT ON FLEURY: Quiet and focused, taking everything in.

               ...heads on a swivel, people.


     Two more security perimeters of SANG surround the Community
     Center: blinding portable lights, heavy machine guns mounted
     in the backs of Humvees track the convoy as it comes to a
     stop: every troop on-guard. The Team tentatively exits: 100
     pairs of glares from heavily-armed SANG.

     Soldiers descend on the Teams' bags, paletts of equipment.
     Long leers at Janet: not so much `sexual' as `wary.' Janet
     goes for her own bag. Haytham goes for it at the same time.
     Their hands accidently touch. Haytham pulls back fast,

                         JANET MAYES

     Janet notices the nasty marks around Haytham's right ear.


     Florescent lights make it ugly. Haytham dumps duffel-bags by
     their bunks, SANG stack steel travel-boxes from the paletts
     inside. No windows, AC cranked to `coldest.' Americans sealed-
     in - in the name of comfort.

                                        KINGDOM 8/18/06   56.

Janet's area made obvious with a floral partition. She
immediately folds it, puts it into a corner. Haytham watches
her undo his work.

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            
          The bathrooms are through that
          door. I will be here tomorrow
          morning so we can begin.

          What time tomorrow morning?

                     COLONEL AL-GHAZI                           

                    RONALD FLEURY
          What time is sunrise?

                     COLONEL AL-GHAZI                           
          When I knock.

Al-Ghazi and Haytham leave. The doors close behind them, then
the sound of a key turning in a lock. The Americans look on,
half-disbelief, half-comedy: locking us in.

                    GRANT SYKES
          That's against fire code.

                    JANET MAYES
          They don't have fire codes. They
          don't have codes other than codes
          of war. They'll lock us in and dial
          up some kind of earth movers if
          they want to. You know that, Sykes.
          Dig a big hole and push us in. Fill
          it up and no one comes calling.
          You're in the jungle now, baby.

Silence as the crew digests this odd little verbal outage.

                    ADAM LEAVITT
          You alright, girl?

                    JANET MAYES
          Watch it, boy.

                    ADAM LEAVITT
          Just asking...

                     JANET MAYES

                                        KINGDOM 8/18/06   57.

Everyone hits their own bags first.

                (to himself)
            Saudi slow roll...

Fleury pulls out his laptop, wakes it up from sleep mode.
Eyes a photo of Kevin on his desktop, picks up the phone.

                      LYLA FLEURY
                (on phone)

                      RONALD FLEURY
            Hey... How are you? How's my boy?

                      LYLA FLEURY
            We're just fine. How are you?
            Where are you?

                      RONALD FLEURY
            I'm here...
                (quick beat)
            Lemme talk to my boy.

A BEAT as Lyla passes the phone to Kevin.

                      KEVIN FLEURY (O.S.)

            What you doing?

                      KEVIN FLEURY (O.S.)
            I'm talking to you. What are you
            doing right now, Daddy? Right now?

            I'm missing you.

                      KEVIN FLEURY (O.S.)
            Where are you?

            I'm in Saudi Arabia.

                      KEVIN FLEURY (O.S.)
            Did you see Big Fran?

A Beat...

                                            KINGDOM 8/18/06   58.

               Yeah... I saw him...
               I saw him.

                         KEVIN FLEURY (O.S.)
               Is he still tall?

               Yeah... Yeah...he's still tall.

     Silence... as Fleury takes a beat to collect himself.

                         KEVIN FLEURY (O.S.)
               Daddy? Are you still there?

               Yeah, buddy. I love you. Keep your
               eye on your mama. Be the man.

                         KEVIN FLEURY (O.S.)
               You, too Daddy.

               I'll call you tomorrow. I love you.

                         KEVIN FLEURY (O.S.)
               Bye, Daddy.

     Fleury begins unpacking.

68   EXT. AL-RAHMAH COMMUNITY CENTER - 4:30 AM                    68

     Pre-dawn: Eight black suburbans parked on the side street:
     waiting. The doors of the first four open in-unison. 20 Arab,
     suited SECURITY GUARDS exit.

     Al-Ghazi unlocks the door to the compound: the team stands
     dressed, waiting. CLOSE-UP: The Team steps out to see
     massive, organized security.

     From one of the vehicles exits a middle aged AMERICAN -
     sweating a bit, hanging back, watching. This is US Deputy
     Chief of Mission, the Embassy's second-in-command: DAMON

     Another 100 Security CONTRACTORS remain vigilant: SNIPERS on
     roof-tops, in machine-gun nests.

     Schmidt approaches Fleury.

                                        KINGDOM 8/18/06    59.

              (big smile)
          You are in so much trouble.

          Is that right?

          For sure. I mean, I don't know how
          you did it. Nice work, but if you
          live through this, which I put at
          about fifty percent - if you do,
          your balls are gonna get stretched
          and beaten on. Dig that?

Fleury stares at this freak show. Schmidt sticks out a paw.

                    SCHMIDT (CONT'D)
          Damon Schmidt. State Department.
          I'm in charge of getting you out of

PRINCE BIN KHALED and his INNER-CIRCLE exit a Suburban and
approach: All in traditional dress. The Prince locks eyes
with Fleury.

IN THE BG, forklifts rumble-hiss to life, placing Jersey
barriers around the community center.

                    SCHMIDT (CONT'D)
          Don't let go of his hand first.
          Major disrespect.

One of the inner-circle, without a word, takes off the FBI-
emblazoned windbreaker worn by Leavitt and places it on a
short-sleeved Janet. Careful not to touch skin.

Only then does Prince Bin Khaled approach. A lone
PHOTOGRAPHER follows: snapping pictures. Different
definitions of personal space: four inches separation as Bin
Khaled greets each Team member in accented English. Janet
last: the pictures suddenly stop. The Prince gives a little
curtsy, no words, steps back to Fleury: the pictures re-
start. Bin Khaled holds Fleury's hand sixth-grade boyfriend-

                    PRINCE BIN KHALED
              (in Arabic)
          This is our level of commitment to
          bringing Terrorists to justice:

Motions to the Americans. No more unflattering a portrait:
pre-coffee, post-twelve hour flight, hours unpacking...

                                        KINGDOM 8/18/06   60.

As the cameras start flashing. Angle on Al-Ghazi and Haytham
placed to stand next to the Americans. Haytham clearly not
comfortable with this kind of attention.

                     PRINCE BIN KHALED (CONT'D)
          We've invited American legal
          officials into our Kingdom despite
          current difficulties between the US
          and Islam. They will observe our
          advanced investigative techniques,
          offering helpful hints.
               (to Fleury in English)
          You will please honor me with your
          presence tonight at my home.
               (beat, a stunted nod)

The Prince turns back to the convoy. Entire entourage
follows. One of the Security Contractors catches the jacket
Janet hurls back at him, tosses it to Leavitt. Convoy gone.
The team turns: 100 glares again. Fleury blinks out the
camera flashes, takes in all the eyeballs.

Fleury looks up at a retreating Damon Schmidt.

          Nice pictures. You guys ready to go
          home now?

Dead eyes from Fleury. He's clearly not amused.

                    SCHMIDT   (CONT'D)
          OK. If you change   your minds, I got
          a plane fueled up   and ready to go -
          got your name all   over it...

He points a finger gun at Fleury.

                    SCHMIDT (CONT'D)
          Strap your kevlar on tight, people.

SCHMIDT takes off. Sykes by Fleury.

                    GRANT SYKES
          Slow roll... gonna be like when you
          go deep sea fishing in Florida and
          you pay seven hundred bucks for the
          boat and you sit in the ocean for
          hours and the crew jumps around and
          screams and points and you think
          your constantly about to bag a
          Marlin but you never do and they
          keep pointing and jumping and-

                                        KINGDOM 8/18/06   61.


Haytham walks off by himself, shaking off the shady Royal
photo vibe, looking back at the Americans. From behind him:

                    POLICE OFFICER
          You're willing to die to protect
          your enemy?

Haytham turns. An older POLICE OFFICER stands with a GROUP of
SANG twenty feet behind him, eyeing Haytham.

Back to Fleury: he looks to Al-Ghazi.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          What did the Prince say?

                     COLONEL AL-GHAZI                           
          That there are more rules than just
          not working at night.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          What rules?

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            
          You are here as observers. Not

Fleury tries to remain cool.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          That's not accurate--

Al-Ghazi ignores Fleury.

                     COLONEL AL-GHAZI                           
          --I need to make sure the sites are
          secure. Then you can begin

Leavitt looks around at the Security as Al-Ghazi hustles off:

                    ADAM LEAVITT
              (to Fleury)
          How could they get more secure?

The Team slowly realizes they're not going anywhere yet, dump
their bags in a pile, already disgusted.

In the distance, the group of SANG stare back at our team.

                                                KINGDOM 8/18/06   62.

68A   INT. LOCATION UNKNOWN - TIME UNKNOWN                         68A

      Hold on an empty 2' X 1' X 6" balsa wood box set on a dirty
      linoleum floor.

      Ancient hands line the balsa wood box with bricks of putty-
      gray plastic explosive. We immediately notice the right hand
      is missing the index and middle fingers. The hands insert
      bright-red blasting caps into the explosives, lengths of
      detonating-wire emanating from each cap.

      Another set of stronger, younger, in-tact hands gently pours
      a mixture into the box now. Ball bearings, children's jacks,
      marbles, razor blades, roofing nails. Everything malevolent
      densities and angles. Some pieces bounce out, run along the
      floor. The younger hands then start pressing/molding the
      pieces of soon-to-be shrapnel into the putty-gray plastic

68B   EXT. AL-RAHMAH COMMUNITY CENTER - LATER                      68B

      Al-Ghazi and General Malik stand outside.

      The Athan sounds for Dhuhr.

      100 soldiers immediately drop to their knees.


      TIGHT ON FLEURY: focused, Thinking. Sykes next to him.

      O.C. The Athan sounds again for Dhuhr.

                Well, this is going well...

                Saudi Slow Roll.

      Sykes and Fleury lean against the locked door, staring at the
      pathetic sight before them: Janet's truly awful jumper...
      that somehow swishes every time. Before she lands, cocky and

                          JANET MAYES

                                             KINGDOM 8/18/06   63.

     Then the metallic swish of the all-weather net. Leavitt boxes
     out air for the non-existent rebound, grabs the ball, chest-
     passes it Great Santini-hard back to Janet who softly sucks
     in the pass. Playing in their cargo pants and hiking boots.

               How do you do that?

     Janet gently bounce-passes it back:

                         JANET MAYES

               Don't say `good' again.

     Janet takes the check from Leavitt: before he can react, she
     drains a 30-footer. Same cockiness, different word:


     Fleury with Sykes still standing in the same spot. Looks up:
     Al-Ghazi coming into the building. Fleury ready to vent until
     something surprises him: breathless, Al-Ghazi has broken a
     wide-sweat hustling back to the Americans. Fleury's face
     relaxes. He pulls a bottle of water out of a cooler, hands
     it to Al-Ghazi.

                          COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            
               I am sorry for the time.
               You won't need you gear.

     Fleury can't help a small smile.

                   (to Sykes, himself)
               Of course we won't.

70   EXT. AL-RAHMAH - MOMENTS LATER                              70

     Hands in pockets. Soak in the aftermath: shallow but wide
     crater, shredded backstop, nearby buildings torn, blood baked
     into dirt. Fifteen cars.

                         COLONEL AL-GHAZI (O.C.)                      
               The remaining rules: you cannot
               touch evidence, question anyone
               without me present, touch Muslim
               dead, or leave my sight at anytime:
               your safety is my primary concern.

                                       KINGDOM 8/18/06   64.

          I would have thought your primary
          concern was investigating a crime.

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            
          And you would be mistaken.

Sykes looks over to Fleury. Crooked smile.

              (to Fleury)
          I think it's one of those
          "something happens to us... his
          head comes off" kind of deals.
              (to Al-Ghazi)
          Is it one of those kind of deals,

Al-Ghazi ignores Sykes.

          So, if you're not running the
          investigation...who is?

Al-Ghazi motions to 50 MEN in uniforms different than his:
SANG troops digging, bagging evidence, marking the scene with

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            
          The National Guard's Military
          Police Brigade is conducting the
          investigation. My orders begin and
          end with your health.

The Team: so we're on Tour. Fleury still silent.

                    ADAM LEAVITT
          I thought the SANG were soldiers--

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            
          --the bombers didn't wear a
          soldier's uniform. They wore mine.

Fleury finally speaks, asking the most important question:

                    RONALD FLEURY
          Who is in charge of the
          investigation then?

Al-Ghazi points to a Man we've seen before, General Abdul-
Malik. Haytham's Interrogator. He pours over a table 20 feet
away: maps, blueprints, utility schematics spread before him.

                                         KINGDOM 8/18/06   65.

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI                             
          General Abdul-Malik. He's given us
          permission to walk through each

                    RONALD FLEURY
          To walk through? Are you kidding

                      COLONEL AL-GHAZI                           
          I am not.

Starting to get heated.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          Get him over here now and let's
          clarify this situation.

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI                             
          There is no lack of clarification.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          There sure as hell is! I don't know
          what kind of game you're playing
          but you got the wrong guy, Colonel                     
          Al-Ghazi! That was not the deal-

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI                             
              (getting hot)
          This is not a game show, Mr.
          Fleury! There are no deals made
          here. There is me telling you what
          you may or may not do and there is
          you doing it.

Beat. As Al-Ghazi stabilizes...

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI (CONT'D)                    
          You will be permitted to walk
          through the crime scenes. When we
          have determined that it is safe.

A stand off. Fleury eyes Al-Ghazi. Trying to figure this guy

Sees something that looks like a flash of embarrassment in Al-
Ghazi's eyes: unable to perform his profession, relegated to
Tour Guide. Leavitt begins taking notes. Haytham sees his
notebook, snaps his fingers at Al-Ghazi who looks, nods: let

                      RONALD FLEURY

                                              KINGDOM 8/18/06   66.

     Fleury tight-grins. Looks off. In one of the apartments, he
     sees a PERSON looking down at them from behind a curtain.

     He tries a new tactic.

                         RONALD FLEURY (CONT'D)
               How have you guys been doing with
               the witnesses?

               What witnesses?

     Al-Ghazi just stares at Fleury.

               I'm guessing there are a bunch of
               Americans, Brits... Australians?
               Someone must have seen something.
               I'm sure they're just dying to talk
               to you guys, seeing as how the
               killers were wearing your uniforms.
               That must be a real confidence
               booster for them.

     Al-Ghazi silent, staring.

                         FLEURY (CONT'D)
               Let me talk to them.

     Al-Ghazi looks unsure. He was not expecting this.

71   EXT. RIPON FAMILY HOME                                       71

     Fleury and Al-Ghazi walk up the front walk. Fleury noticing
     kids bikes, hockey gear, a comfortable easy chair covered in
     fur outside on the front porch, toy guns.

72   INT. RIPON FAMILY HOME - MOMENTS LATER                       72

     Fleury sits with the RIPONS: EARL (40s) JANINE, his wife
     (30s), and MADDY, Earl's mother (late 60s). Earl sits on an
     ugly couch, a plywood sheet right above their heads. Everyone
     uneasy save the CAT in Maddy's lap. Fleury waves off a bottle
     of water from Janine. Al-Ghazi hovers awkwardly by the front


               There's still a couple of hundred
               of us living on the compound.

                                       KINGDOM 8/18/06     67.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          Why Saudi Arabia?

A moment as Earl and Janine get a bit defensive:

          Neither of us did anymore schooling
          than Electra High, Electra Texas.

                    RONALD FLEURY

Al-Ghazi sees Janine smile, squeeze Earl's hand tighter.

          And the jobs here pay twice what
          you'd make in Midland or the Gulf
          a' Mexico. Plus the house is free.

Earl's mother Maddy looks at Fleury, pets the cat.

                    JANINE RIPON
          I call it combat pay. This place
          has gone Guns - Guns - Guns.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          So has Everyone else now.

          My girlfriends in Texas spend their
          combat pay on diamonds... I spent
          mine on a safe room.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          Two nights back. Can you start one
          second before you knew anything was

          We didn't really see anything. Just
          hit the ground and hustled to the
          safe room. Closed our eyes and
          prayed. It was so fast. So loud.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          So you really didn't see anything.

          I hit the deck. Horrible.

          Not `til after. Just the screams--

                                            KINGDOM 8/18/06   68.

               -- the kids... they were screaming.
               That got me out of the house. Those

               Which kids were those?

               The Jackson kids. Tracy Jackson
               next door was murdered looking out
               her window...front of her children.
               No safe room over there...
                   (right at Al-Ghazi)
               Not even the Men that did this
               should die in front a' their

     Fleury lets moments pass. Earl rubs his wife's leg, trying to
     comfort her. Al-Ghazi hides emotion.

                         RONALD FLEURY
               She live with her husband?


                          RONALD FLEURY
               If I'm facing your house, is the
               Jackson home to the right or left?


     Fleury looks out the window towards the Jackson house.

73   EXT. JACKSON HOME - SAME MOMENT                            73

     Next door to the Ripons. Fleury knocks. Door opens: a sad MAN
     with black bags under dying eyes. Disgusted-resigned breath
     through a half-open mouth. Silver watch and Polo insignia...
     sees Al-Ghazi, eyes come alive, teeth grit.

                         RONALD FLEURY
               Mr. Aaron Jackson?

                         AARON JACKSON
                   (re: Al-Ghazi)
               Get him away from me-

                                        KINGDOM 8/18/06   69.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          -easy, Sir. He's a friend to us-

                    AARON JACKSON
          -I don't know either one a' you.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          I'm Special Agent Ronald Fleury of
          the FBI. This is Colonel Al-Ghazi                     
          with the Saudi State Police-

                    AARON JACKSON
          -the Police: they attacked.

Al-Ghazi quietly backs away, walks away. Fleury looks after
him, turns back to Mr. Jackson who stares after Al-Ghazi:
hate. Fleury unsure what to do next.

                    AARON JACKSON (CONT'D)
          I just put my boys down for the
          first time in two days. I can't
          wake `em and sure as hell can't be
          gone if they stir on their own.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          Can I come back?

                       AARON JACKSON
                 (too loud)

                    RONALD FLEURY
          Your boys...

Jackson remembers the warning he just spoke...

                    RONALD FLEURY (CONT'D)
          To ask about two nights ago.

Fresh tears re-animate his face:

                    AARON JACKSON
          When my wife's jaw was shot off in
          front of our sons? My sons who sat
          with her while she bled to death?
          Couldn't speak because she didn't
          have the bottom of her face and I
          wasn't home and my baby boys are
          destroyed for life and my five year-
          old had a box of band-aids in his
          hand when I finally got home?

                                              KINGDOM 8/18/06   70.

     Silence outside of Mr. Jackson's sobbing. Fleury sick to his
     stomach. Desperate to let this man alone. No eye contact.

                         RONALD FLEURY
               ...I won't pretend to know...

     Aaron Jackson settles, wipes away tears, appreciates the
     honesty. Then bites back into his rage:

                          AARON JACKSON
               Kill everyone that had something to
               do with this. Everyone related to
               them. Everyone who knew them.
               And all you'd be doing is their
               recruiting for them... It's an
               entire generation: not small and
               isolated like they say. But a
               generation that thinks what they
               did to my wife, to my children, is
               a "calling"...

                         RONALD FLEURY
               Up the street, there was a wreck,
               did you see any-

                         AARON JACKSON
               -notice how it wouldn't take a lot
               to disguise your friend
                   (points to Al-Ghazi)
               as a Mexican? Think he couldn't
               handle crossing our deserts? Look

                         RONALD FLEURY

                         AARON JACKSON
               -LET ME FINISH GOD DAMN YOU-

     A child's scream from inside. Piercing. Scary. Jackson goes
     red, clenched fists, steps to Fleury who takes an instinctive
     step backward, guard-up. Jackson stops, spins back inside. A
     door slam that rattles the plywood sheet covering the
     shattered window. The screams become night terror shrieks.

74   EXT. JACKSON HOME                                            74

     A LONG, SAD BEAT, as Fleury and Al-Ghazi stand alone in front
     of the Jackson house.

                                             KINGDOM 8/18/06   71.

                         RONALD FLEURY
                   (to Al-Ghazi)
               Can we tour the compound? Can we
               please do that?

     Slow nod from Al-Ghazi.

75   EXT. BOMB SITE - LATER                                      75

     The team tours the site.

     As they fan out. They walk casually, but focused through the
     first bomb site. An inquisitive Mayes, already peering into a
     mostly in-tact car, halfway out of its parking spot. Al-Ghazi
     and Haytham watch the Americans like mother-hens.

                         JANET MAYES
               He or she almost made it.

     Fleury steps, looks inside: blood and safety glass coat the
     seat. Janet points to keys in the ignition: still at the `on'
     position. Then the stick-shift, pulled to the back right:
     reverse. The shift-knob bloody...

                         JANET MAYES (CONT'D)
                   (beat, quieter)
               Makes me think of the Trade Centers
               -- the people on the floors above
               the impacts -- no matter how fast
               or strong or smart you are, if
               you're in the wrong spot, `it' will
               not let you get away.

               That's what makes this a War.

     Sykes notices something on the ground... he picks up a
     military detonator, discretely hands it over to Fleury.
     Fleury quietly pockets it.

76   EXT. THIRD BLAST SITE - MOMENTS LATER                       76

     Structures 100 feet away look like they've been hit with a
     God-sized sawed-off. The crater: 25-feet wide, 7-feet deep.
     Blackened frames and bits of vehicles circle the crater. The
     bottom of the crater filled with water. A syphon-pump works
     overtime. No SANG Investigators around.

                         COLONEL AL-GHAZI (O.C.)                      
               About one hour into the rescue.

                                            KINGDOM 8/18/06   72.

                         ADAM LEAVITT
               Hit a water main?

                         COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            
               No -- from the tanks of this fire
               engine: that's the water that
               didn't evaporate in the blast.

     Al-Ghazi points to a mass of black metal: looks like a fire
     truck the way a Jackson Pollock looks like the Mona Lisa.
     Leavitt and Grant stand back. Quiet:

                         GRANT SYKES
                   (eyes on Fleury)
               Hole is the case. See, there's
               "evidence" down in that hole. You
               understand evidence? Little things
               that are "clues." Clues can be very
               helpful to a fella when he's trying
               to solve a crime.

                         COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            
               I understand that.

                         GRANT SYKES
               Glad to hear it. So can we get in

                         COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            

     Sykes holds Al-Ghazi's gaze. Smiles.

                         GRANT SYKES

     Fleury is taking in the entire crime scene. He notices a four
     story building half a mile off the perimeter.

     He watches Al-Ghazi rip at a chunk of floorboard wedged into
     the mud, bag it himself, search for someone to give it too.
     Nobody. Sets it down. Stands, wipes his hands hard on his
     pants. Fleury could swear the dirt stains are intentional:
     trying to feel like he's doing something.


     The Land Cruiser Haytham rammed - driver's side crushed,
     bullet holes, out-of-control skid-marks, asphalt scars from
     the snapped drive shaft...

                                         KINGDOM 8/18/06   73.

Fleury is moving around the scene, restaging the shoot out.
Instantly lining up the angles.

Leavitt's taking digital snaps of the shattered Land Cruiser.
Through the viewfinder: the caved-in door. Two snaps.

A SANG passes Adam, his gun aimed a touch high.

                    ADAM LEAVITT
              (to Fleury)
          A little high...

              (to SANG, "Lower," in

                    ADAM LEAVITT
          Watt-tee fuck (alt: "Watt-tee
          hell...") is his gun doing up so

                     COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            
              (to Fleury)
          This vehicle was stolen. Two
          drivers murdered. A team outside
          the blast-radius...shooting at
          anything. Everyone.
          Sergeant Haytham ended this part.

                    ADAM LEAVITT
              (to Al-Ghazi)
          Are the Shooters in-custody-

                    SERGEANT HAYTHAM

So Sergeant Haytham speaks English...

          Were any of these shooters your

                    SERGEANT HAYTHAM

Fleury's thinking, looking into the car. Searching the
horizon, he spots a distant apartment building providing a
view of the crime scene.

                                              KINGDOM 8/18/06    74.

                 They got into the compound.
                 Somehow...took control of this
                 vehicle. I'm guessing they didn't
                 politely ask whoever was in this
                 car if they could take it for a
                 little ride?

       Fleury gets in the car, checking out ballistic shreds in the
       back of the passenger seat headrest.

                 No, they didn't. There were two
                 officers in the car. Both were

                 I understand that. Those men were
                 your men--

                           SERGEANT HAYTHAM
                 -- they were. They were Police.

                 I'm sorry.

       Al-Ghazi offers the slightest of nods to Fleury.

                           FLEURY (CONT'D)
                 Where was this car when they hit

a77A   EXT. AL-RAHMAH - MAIN GATE                                a77A

       Al-Ghazi leads our team to the main gate.    Sykes and Fleury
       follow close.

                           COLONEL AL-GHAZI                             
                 Security is a combination of the
                 police and military.

       Leavitt and Mayes lag behind a bit. Leavitt makes eye
       contact with a YOUNG SAUDI behind the .50 caliber.

                           JANET MAYES
                 Good news is that if he shoots you,
                 he's gonna shoot you sitting on an
                 American tank... with an American-
                 made bullet. So, it's kind of "all
                 in the family."

                                             KINGDOM 8/18/06   75.

                          ADAM LEAVITT
                How about we get into those
                American Suburbans... with their
                American A/C...

      Al-Ghazi continues the tour as Fleury once again notes the
      familiar apartment off in the distance.


      A car port. Fleury and team moving around the area. Fleury
      picks up some broken glass from the ground.

                The car was parked here?


                Backed in?


      Fleury studies the scene.

                They were attacked from the front.
                Must have assumed the killers were
                fellow officers... Have any of
                these men been identified?

                          COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            
                Not yet. We will check certain
                neighborhoods. It is likely that
                the four men prayed at the same

                          JANET MAYES
                The same Mosque is enough to
                identify them, link them to a cell?

                          COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            
                Yes. If the Mosque is in Suweidi.

                             ADAM LEAVITT

                                        KINGDOM 8/18/06   76.

                    JANET MAYES
          Suweidi is a known militant
          stonghold. Al-Qaeda could recruit
          from storefronts.

On Fleury: he looks back at the homes, then up and around: He
locks on the OBSERVATION BUILDING in the distance.

          Can we go to check out some of
          these surrounding buildings?

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            

          Seems reasonable that the Planner
          had to observe and based on Hamza's
          past history, it's consistent that
          he would want to video the attack.
          Is that true? Is that accurate?

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            
          That is true.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          Well, in order to video, in order
          to observe, you need a view.

Fleury points to one particular building.

          That building sees all three crime

Al-Ghazi looks up to the building. Back to Fleury.

                     COLONEL AL-GHAZI                           
          It's outside the walls-

                    ADAM LEAVITT
          -c'mon now. This is insane: we got
          enough security to invade Suweidi,
          let alone that building-

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            
          -no you don't.

              (to Al-Ghazi, respectful)
          Could you ask?

                                              KINGDOM 8/18/06   77.

                         FLEURY (CONT'D)
               We're already seeing the crime-
               scenes individually -- why not all
               at once?

                         COLONEL AL-GHAZI                              
               Any answer will take-

               -time. I understand.

     Fleury speaks slowly and clearly now: like he's cementing his
     words in his own head as he speaks them.

                         FLEURY (CONT'D)
               You have to ask the General, then
               the General would ask the Prince.
               Does it go higher or is that... is
               the Prince the end of the chain?

     Al-Ghazi hesitates, can't help but be charmed. Fleury clearly
     knows when to step-on or lay-off the gas. He's smooth... and
     HIGHLY EFFECTIVE: Al-Ghazi nods `yes' to the strange half-

                          FLEURY (CONT'D)
               We'll be at the Community Center.
               Janet, wanna play hoops?


     We're in the big gym as our team sits and waits. Leavitt taps     
     on a laptop.                                                      

     Janet shoots free throws by herself.

                         JANET MAYES
               This is the kind of radical
               circumstance that could have
               seriously upped Shaq's free throw
               percentages. Take a man. Ship him
               off to Riyadh. No phones, constant
               threat of death, no girls, no hip
               hop. Nothing... just free throws.
               Shaq, he'd be shooting at least
               seventy percent. Lakers would still
               be together. Kobe and Shaq lovers

     Leavitt calls to Fleury.                                          

               Hey, Boss... check this out.                            

                                             KINGDOM 8/18/06     78.

      Fleury moves over to Leavitt. Checks out the screen.              

                          LEAVITT (CONT'D)                              
                Just posted half hour ago.                              

      footage shot from the rooftop of all three bombings and some      
      of the machine gun killings.                                      

                          LEAVITT (CONT'D)                              
                So self congratulatory. Makes me                        

      Fleury studies the footage. Backs it up plays it again and        

78A   INT. LOCATION UNKNOWN - TIME UNKNOWN                        78A

      A set of stronger, younger, in-tact hands gently pours a
      mixture into a box now. Ball bearings, children's jacks,
      marbles, razor blades, roofing nails: everything malevolent
      densities and angles. Some pieces bounce out, run along the
      floor. The younger hands then start pressing/molding the
      pieces of soon-to-be shrapnel into the putty.


      Five car convoy moving quickly through the city.

80    EXT. SPOTTER APARTMENT- LATER                                80

      Our convoy pulls up in front of the apartment. They exit the
      vehicles. Our team stands surrounded by a 50-man security
      detail, rifle-stocks to shoulders. Double-time it - outside
      the walls now, hostile territory. Two-man sniper teams out
      front. Al-Ghazi ten steps ahead.

      A SANG five car security CREW pulls up, tracking Fleury and
      company. A stand off between the two police forces.

81    EXT. SPOTTER APARTMENT - NEXT MOMENT                         81

      The SANG Officer in-charge steps to Al-Ghazi. In Arabic:

                          SANG OFFICER
                This is unacceptable.

                                       KINGDOM 8/18/06   79.

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            
          It's cleared with General Abdul-
          Malik. We have five minutes here.

                    SPECIAL FORCES OFFICER
          We were told they must remain in
          the vehicles...

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            
          That is not true...

                    SPECIAL FORCES OFFICER
          They must stay in the Toyotas-

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            
          -report me then when you get in-
          touch with the General-

-Officer reaches down from nowhere and hammers Al-Ghazi open-
handed as Al-Ghazi tries to step past. Collective shock.

In that breath, Haytham punishes the Officer with a left-
cross: knees buckle before he comprehends what hit him.
Haytham's kick follows, catches the Officer in the sternum as
he hits ground.

Al-Ghazi shakes it out, trades blows with the SANG second in-

Leavitt moves, catches a rifle butt to the shoulder after two
steps. Fleury aims, drills the Soldier that butted Leavitt:
instant night-night. Another SANG steps up. Fleury throats
him, knee caps him, and grabs his weapon before the dude hits
the ground.

Fleury can obviously fight... all the above happens in four

Then, a `knock-it-off' gunshot aimed at the sky pops one-foot
from Janet's head. We hear what she hears: one half-second of
the shot, then the big ring. On her knees immediately, hand
over her ear. In response: heavy-caliber gunfire flies: group
flinch-n-crouch. The warning shots from a .50-caliber mounted
on a Humvee racing this way from Al-Rahmah: dust plumes from
the speed. Members of the security detail and the Special
Forces go Mexican stand-off.

                    JANET MAYES
          Tell me it didn't burst-tell me it
          didn't burst-

                                               KINGDOM 8/18/06   80.

     Al-Ghazi the first to her, touching her hand to pull it away
     from the ear. A SANG nearby sees this: spits two inches from
     Al-Ghazi. Al-Ghazi leans to Janet's non-ringing side:

                            COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            
               No blood.

     The Humvee now slides to stop ten feet from the fracas.
     General Abdul-Malik out of the passenger seat, in Arabic:

                            GENERAL ABDUL-MALIK
               WHO FIRED?

     That Soldier's hand goes up sheepish. Two men out of the
     Humvee's backseat break him down, face first in the dirt:
     cuff him, lock him in the vehicle.

                            GENERAL ABDUL-MALIK (CONT'D)
               AND WHY?

                         SPECIAL FORCES OFFICER
                   (standing, doubled over)
               A disagreement.

     The General grabs the Officer by the back of his head: an
     abusive Dad. Walks him to the side.

                         GENERAL ABDUL-MALIK
                   (back to Al-Ghazi)
               FIVE MINUTES.

     Al-Ghazi looks back down at Janet, at Leavitt's bruise, at
     the man Fleury knocked out. Angry. Impressed: fought
     alongside him. Haytham hasn't moved an inch, not even when
     the General came, chin raised to an entire platoon: say when.

                         COLONEL AL-GHAZI                               
                   (to Fleury)
               Five minutes.

     The SANG move back. The team staggered, slowly remembering
     why they're here in the first place, finally make their way
     to the Roof Top.

82   EXT. ROOF TOP - CONTINUOUS                                    82   

     Fleury finds a table with a view. Tabletop: holes and finger-
     paint stains. Al-Ghazi three feet away. Both look in the same
     direction: two Tigers being held back.

                                       KINGDOM 8/18/06   81.

Fleury's studying the housing compound through a video          
camera, comparing the images on his camera with what he saw     
posted on the internet.                                         

          You've seen the images of the                         
          attack posted on the internet?                        


          Look for yourself.                                    

Al-Ghazi takes the camera from Fleury. He lines up the same     
shots we saw posted on Leavitt's computer: clearly a match.     
This is where they shot the video                               

          He was here...                                        

Another long moment. Al-Ghazi looks at the table, discarded
trash: the Capri Sun containers, the candy wrappers.

                     RONALD FLEURY                              
          Formed the plan up here: saw
          everything he could hit.
          Way too pretty a' plan to have been
          fully hatched on just one visit. He
          came here a couple times.

Al-Ghazi quiet for a long while. Then he reciprocates:          

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            
          The man who did this is a Saudi -                     
          this place, this neighborhood... if                   
          foreigners were up here, someone
          would say something.

Fleury looks over to the two dozen LOCALS peering out with
suspicion at them on the rooftop.

          I see.

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            
          Nobody's talking. Here, many people                   
          love Hamza - they think of him like                   
          Bin Laden. Like your Robin Hood.                      

Fleury smiles small at whatever just passed between them. Al-
Ghazi stays stoic, then looks straight at Fleury:

                                         KINGDOM 8/18/06   82.

                       COLONEL AL-GHAZI (CONT'D)                  
            A man who thinks of something like
            this ...while maybe his family
            played around him... scares me more
            than I have words to express.

                      RONALD FLEURY
            Two big answers in two small
            minutes. Imagine if we had a couple
            days together.

Al-Ghazi pauses.

                      RONALD FLEURY (CONT'D)
            I'm sure the General is good
            guy...and I'm just as sure he's no

Al-Ghazi stands still, silent. Fleury reaches into his
pocket. Reveals the detonator to Al-Ghazi. Al-Ghazi reaches
to take it. Fleury holds it for a BEAT...

                      RONALD FLEURY (CONT'D)
            Let me help you.

He hands the detonator to Al-Ghazi.    Al-Ghazi now pockets it.


                      COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            
            We break now: too hot to work
            outdoors. Then we will leave for
            the Palace.

                      RONALD FLEURY
            And I imagine that will run until

                       COLONEL AL-GHAZI                           
            I had televisions delivered to your
            quarters to pass the downtime.

Fleury just nods back.

                      COLONEL AL-GHAZI (CONT'D)                   
            Miss Mayes will not attend this
            evening. Men only.

Fleury looks over to Janet. Hurt, yet extremely defiant, she
looks ready to attack anything that comes near her.

                                               KINGDOM 8/18/06   83.

               You want to tell her that?


     Cobra gunships covering the convoy as it blurs past police
     checkpoint after police checkpoint. Intersections shut down.
     Bracketed front and back by Saudi Humvees.


     Al-Ghazi in the passenger seat, hand on the stock of his Mp-
     5: again searching for threats. Our team in back, freshly
     scrubbed, collared-Polos as formal as anyone thought to pack.
     Team frustration has evolved into angry acceptance.

     The convoy zipping alongside a wall now: desert-orange in
     color, twelve-feet high, blue ottoman tiles running the
     length of the wall's horizontal center-line.

                         COLONEL AL-GHAZI                               
               We're here.

     The helicopters peel off at steep angles, the sound of the
     rotors reverberating in your chest. Leavitt watching them go:

                            ADAM LEAVITT
               Big wall.

                         COLONEL AL-GHAZI                               
               It's a big palace.

85   INT. PRINCE BIN KHALED'S PALACE - DAY                         85

     Majlis - a Saudi political ceremony in which Saudi citizens
     and local politicians (most aristocratic and exclusive) are
     permitted a brief audience with the Prince. A bizarre
     receiving line of sorts.

     Our team moves through a massive marble hallway towards the

                         ADAM LEAVITT
               How many Princes are there?

                            COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            
               Over 5000.

                         RONALD FLEURY
               They all get palaces this big?

                                                KINGDOM 8/18/06   84.

                          COLONEL AL-GHAZI                               
                Some get bigger.

                          ADAM LEAVITT
                Who pays for all this?

                          GRANT SYKES
                General Motors, Ford, Chevrolet...

                          ADAM LEAVITT
                Hey, man - I drive a Hybrid.

                          COLONEL AL-GHAZI                               
                    (a beat...)
                The Prince will ask you about your
                flight, the accommodations...lite
                subjects. If he offers you the
                chance to hold his Raptors, don't
                flinch: it's a compliment.

                          ADAM LEAVITT
                    (to Grant: genuine worry)
                What's a Raptor?

      Damon Schmidt appears.

85A   INT. PRINCE BIN KHALED'S PALACE - LATER                      85A

      The Prince sits on a sea of pillows. There are several small
      flat screens playing business reports, CNN and Al-Jazeera.

      Seen from behind the Prince: everyone but Leavitt standing
      next to faces we've never seen. The table holds six gold
      serving platters. Enough food to kill a famine, tended by a
      frenzy of servants.

      Sykes puts a hand over his cup to stop the constant tea re-

      Leavitt stands to the Prince's left, thick leather glove on
      his hand, a falcon perched on it. Leavitt holds it away from
      the rest of his body like he's already made peace with losing
      the arm. Servants hold three others close-by.

                          PRINCE BIN KHALED
                His talons slice bone.

                          ADAM LEAVITT

                                       KINGDOM 8/18/06   85.

                    PRINCE BIN KHALED
          That's my most prolific Hunter. I'm
          trying to teach his friends there
          by example, but I fear it's
          something you're born with or not.
          Do you agree, Mr. Ronald? Innate or
          not at all?

                    RONALD FLEURY
          I do.

                    PRINCE BIN KHALED
              (nodding: I could tell)
          What have you seen so far of our
          Kingdom? -- and know I can arrange
          tours anywhere within our borders.

When I bull-rush our hosts you'll know it: In his quiet, calm-
amidst-the-bullets tone:

                    RONALD FLEURY
          I've seen that the man who planned
          the worst crime in your Kingdom's
          history is without a doubt Saudi...

Pin-drop silence in response to Fleury murdering the Prince's
"lite subjects," his attempt to extend the gilded circle-jerk
by offering tours. Bin Khaled's face sinks to gray again
after the excited pink of talking about his Falcons. His hand
slowly moves back over his stomach: Napoleon's ulcers. As
Fleury speaks, people unconsciously put their tea-cups down,
look up at him with wide-eyes.

                     RONALD FLEURY (CONT'D)
          ..and that if you walk 300
          kilometers from the compound, you
          will find a rooftop where the
          attacks were planned. I've seen
          that the person in this room "born
          with it" is right there...
              (points at a gawking Al-
          Everything I just said came from
          Colonel Al-Ghazi: his observations                     
          of the scene while he was
          protecting us. And I think you're
          absolutely right Sir: that kind of
          instinct can't be taught: not to
          Falcons. Definitely not to SANG
          Generals. Innate or not at all.
          You want the murder to stop as much
          as I do. Let us help.

                                        KINGDOM 8/18/06   86.

The Prince stares at Fleury, cataloguing everything Fleury
just said. Stands. In Arabic:

                    PRINCE BIN KHALED
          Colonel Al-Ghazi, a word.                             

As the Prince walks out with Al-Ghazi, he signals another
corps of servants to serve another round of cups: coffee.
Dinner over. A servant takes the Falcon from Leavitt just as
he was starting to smile at it.

Fleury sips his coffee. Schmidt and Sykes approach.

                    GRANT SYKES
          That was impressive.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          Think it will work?

                    GRANT SYKES
          Yeah. Maybe. I mean, you can only
          play the "I'm going to the press
          card" like three more times. So,

                    RONALD FLEURY
          They're paranoid and overly self-

                    DAMON SCHMIDT
          They aren't protecting anyone.
          There's no conspiracy. They're just
          terrified. Finally. The Saudis have
          finally seen the Monsters they
          helped create, because those
          Monsters have come home. And if
          Saudis don't catch Saudi Monsters,
          that's the end.

Fleury opens his mouth to interrupt.

                    DAMON SCHMIDT (CONT'D)
              (right through Fleury's
               attempt to speak)
          And that end could come double-
          quick if they let the US "Shaytan"
          catch those Monsters for them.
              (Fleury silent, gets it)
          Because that's what the Saudi on
          the street suspects: the only thing
          keeping the Royal Family upright is
          American evil.

                            KINGDOM 8/18/06   87.

          GRANT SYKES
That's dead on accurate. Very
impressive. That's why they're
making it hard on us, and that's
why he wants to help `em turn the

They can have every shred of credit-

-you see the slums on the way in?


See that even though their homes
are falling down, they had
satellite dishes bolted on?


Everyone already knows you're here.
Credit? If the Saudis cracked this
Cell while these servants were
pouring coffee, Al-Jazeera still
leads the story with your Team.

Have you been to the crime-scene?


-if you had, you'd see the evil
work of real Talent. The kind that
doesn't stop until it's forced.

And the path to Hell is paved with
good intentions.

You having fun?

    (genuine smile)
Beats hell outta visa-stamping.
    (smile vanishing)

                                             KINGDOM 8/18/06   88.

                         DAMON SCHMIDT (CONT'D)
               You're on an island. I hope you
               know how to get off.

                         RONALD FLEURY
               By catching Abu Hamza.

     Raising his coffee, toasting Fleury's cup:

                         DAMON SCHMIDT
               Then here's to you. Let's bet: when
               this Colonel Al-Ghazi comes out,                       
               he's in-charge of the investigation
               -if so, you set me up on a date
               with Janet Mayes.


     100 m.p.h. Semi-grins from the Team: how the fuck did he do
     that? Al-Ghazi on a cell, rattling orders in excited Arabic:

                         COLONEL AL-GHAZI                             
               ... every investigator on-scene by
               midnight, 50 more portable lights,
               three more pumps-

                           RONALD FLEURY
                   (to   Leavitt)
               Do me a   favor and tell Janet that
               she and   Damon Schmidt got a date
               when he   gets back to the States.

     Al-Ghazi points into darkness...

                          COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            
               The rules still stand.
               But tomorrow will be a new day.

87   INT. UNKNOWN LOCATION - SAME MOMENT                         87

     TIGHT ON blasting caps, military detonators, nails, wing-
     nuts, bolts, jacks, marbles... young hands feed lengths of
     detonating wire through pre-drilled holes on a wooden cover.
     The cover is attached to the box with nails and a rubber
     mallet: no sparks. The wires are braided into one, clipped to
     a lead on a servo-motor attached to the box-top.

     A vehicle is being fitted with tire guards and heavy-duty
     crash bumpers - all as a man quietly talks.

                                            KINGDOM 8/18/06   89.

     WIDEN to reveal the MAN, being VIDEOTAPED: foretelling of new
     threats, face obscured by his head wrap. Several other MEN
     watch and listen.

     TIGHT ON the man's eyes. REVEAL PHOTOS on a nearby table: the
     Al-Rahmah compound, Fleury with Al-Ghazi, Leavitt and Mayes,
     Sykes and Haytham.

                                                       CUT TO:


     Half-assed gardening party. Al-Ghazi worked through the
     night, hasn't slept since we last saw him. Looks like it.

                         COLONEL AL-GHAZI                             
               From now on, any evidence you find
               you hand over.

     Al-Ghazi smiles...

                         COLONEL AL-GHAZI (CONT'D)                    
               I'm "all ears," Special Agent

                         RONALD FLEURY
               We should start with the dead

                         COLONEL AL-GHAZI                             
               They had no identification on them.
               Fingerprints and dental have come
               up empty.

                         RONALD FLEURY
               Can we photograph all three of
               them? Couple hundred copies each...

                         COLONEL AL-GHAZI                             
               No problem.

                          RONALD FLEURY
               Good. If it's OK with you, I'd like
               to suggest we split up as

     Sykes and Leavitt can't help small smiles. Finally getting to

                                             KINGDOM 8/18/06   89A.

a89   EXT. BLAST SITE - MORNING                                  a89   

      Sykes climbs down into the mud hole.                             

                          GRANT SYKES                                  
                    (from the crater)                                  
                Fellas, what we want to do is get                      
                this water out of here... see                          
                what's really going on. Understand?                    

      No reaction from Saudi police                                    

                          GRANT SYKES (CONT'D)                         
                C-VIN hunting--Data Plates--                           
                Something drivable blew up. That's                     
                pretty obvious. Feels like ANFO to                     
                me, boys--Ammonium Nitrate Fuel                        
                Oil. Let's dry this hole and see                       
                if we can't figure what she was.                       
                Gotta pump?                                            

                                            KINGDOM 8/18/06   90.

89   EXT. BLAST SITE - LATER                                      89   

     Grant at the Crater. Three brand-new industrial-sized pumps       
     draining it. 30 Police INVESTIGATORS watch Sykes.

                         GRANT SYKES
                   (to the Saudis)
               Got to get a little dirty, people.
               Crawl up in it. Make deep contact.
               You get that?

     Dead, confused stares from the Saudis into the mud hole...        
     Sykes happy as a pig in shit.                                     

                         GRANT SYKES (CONT'D)
               Get nasty, dirty, filthy.

     He smiles, watches another Officer write Saudi translations
     on the stainless-steel paint cans into which you load
     evidence: shrapnel, soil, DNA, shells, etc.


     A JUNIOR OFFICER double-times it to Al-Ghazi with a stack of
     photos: Rough head-shots of the three dead SHOOTERS. Fleury
     takes some, hands the rest back to Al-Ghazi.

                         RONALD FLEURY
               Have him pass these out to the
               compound security. See if anybody
               knows them.

     Fleury, Leavitt, and Al-Ghazi walk past the Land Cruiser
     Haytham took out. 15 Police INVESTIGATORS on-scene: Leavitt
     stops, drops his bag. Al-Ghazi introduces him to the Officer

     Leavitt opens his evidence kit. A couple of Police can't help
     but sneak a peek, checking out what the American's got

91   INT. RIPON HOME - LATER                                      91

     Fleury stands with Al-Ghazi back in the Ripon home.

                         RONALD FLEURY
               Would you mind doing one more thing
               for me?

                                         KINGDOM 8/18/06   91.

          No, Sir.

Fleury pulls out the photographs.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          Could you tell me if you recognize
          any of these men?

Fleury puts the three photographs down on the dining room
table: not pretty pictures. Earl and Janine study the photos.


A few moments, then:

          I don't know any of them.

Fleury thinks a minute. Looks outside.

          I'm just wondering. That chair out
          side. Looks like it gets a lot of
          wear. Looks comfortable.

          That my mom's chair.

          See, that's exactly what I was
          thinking. I'm guessing she spends a
          lot of time sitting outside?

          All day.

          She must pretty much see it all.

          She does.

          Where is she?

          She's sleeping.

Pause: Fleury slow nods, then...

                                        KINGDOM 8/18/06   92.

            Let's wake her up.


Maddy up at the dinning room table, looking down at the

            I've seen him.

                      RONALD FLEURY

Maddy thinking...

            Like, a week ago. Twice I've seen
            him. Watering...With the garden
            crews. I remember he was wearing a
            Liza Minnelli T-shirt. I thought
            that was funny.

                      RONALD FLEURY
            What about the others?

                (closer examination)
            No. Just him. I remember the T-
            shirt. I remember thinking it was

                      RONALD FLEURY
            What, the Liza Minelli shirt?

            No. I do think Liza Minelli's gone
            odd, but that wasn't it.

                      RONALD FLEURY
            What was odd?

            He was a Saudi. The gardener.

                      RONALD FLEURY

            Saudis, like Americans, don't do
            manual labor. Blowing leaves is
            beneath them.

                                                 KINGDOM 8/18/06   93.

      Fleury looks to Al-Ghazi for confirmation. Al-Ghazi nods.

                           RONALD FLEURY
                    (to Maddy)
                Thank you.

      Fleury and Al-Ghazi start to leave.

                Who is he?

      Fleury looks back to Earl.

                          RONALD FLEURY
                That's one of the many things we're
                trying to find out...

92    EXT. RIPON FAMILY HOME - NEXT MOMENT                           92

      Al-Ghazi gives the photo of the IDENTIFIED SHOOTER to an AIDE
      waiting outside.

                Find out if he worked with the

      The aide takes the photo, starts walking away.

                             AL-GHAZI (CONT'D)

      Freaked, the aide about jumps out of his skin...starts

92A   EXT. BLAST SIGHT - DAY                                        92A

      Sykes has a SAUDI WORK CREW digging in the hole, pulling out
      pieces of charred metal. He is slowly laying out the pieces
      and studying them like a puzzle, trying to figure out what
      the hell blew up.

93    EXT. MOBILE FIELD MORGUE - SAME MOMENT                         93

      Janet and Haytham approach a 2000 square-foot M.A.S.H. Tent
      attached to refrigeration units.

                                              KINGDOM 8/18/06   94.


     SANG OFFICERS look down at the Americans, dead eyed, watching
     them work.

94   INT. MOBILE FIELD MORGUE - NEXT MOMENT                       94

     The Muslim dead wrapped in white linen according to the
     Sunna. Western bodies lie separated from Arabs. A Saudi
     TECHNICIAN blankly hands Janet and Haytham lab coats to cut
     the cold. Three Police OFFICERS in the tent with them:
     Watching Janet.

     Haytham is looking uncomfortable as if he is embarrassed to
     be seen with the American woman.

95   EXT. JACKSON HOME - LATER                                    95

     Fleury knocks at Aaron Jackson's door. A pause, the peep hole
     darkens. A longer pause, then the door opens. Aaron Jackson
     doesn't look any better. Same shirt.

     Packed boxes. Suit cases. Jackson is clearly getting out of

                          RONALD FLEURY
               How are your Sons?

     Jackson's eyes shrink-wrapped in tears. After a long silence
     with no answer, Fleury hands him a sheet of paper:

                         RONALD FLEURY (CONT'D)
               That's the name of a clinical
               psychologist. Works with Embassy
               kids...apparently very good at
               explaining violence-

                         AARON JACKSON
               -what do you know about what my
               kids need? What they saw? What the
               rest of their lives might be like?

                          RONALD FLEURY
               I thought maybe your Boys...without
               their Mom anymore...might ask you
               why sometime...

                                         KINGDOM 8/18/06   95.

Aaron Jackson begins shaking his head yes. Tears flow free:
sorrow and gratitude. He hangs on to Fleury's hand for a very
long time. Silent apologies.

                    RONALD FLEURY (CONT'D)
          I will find the man responsible for
          the death of your wife. We're

                     AARON JACKSON
          Tomorrow it'll be somebody else's

Fleury quiet.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          Then tomorrow I'll come back.

Fleury turns his head: Al-Ghazi approaches on the next lawn
down with three JUNIOR OFFICERS. Fleury nods goodbye to

Fleury approaches Al-Ghazi, holds up the Shooter's photo.

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI                             
          The gardener. We know who he is.
          He's on several watch lists.

Fleury - a slight nod of satisfaction.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          We know where he lives?

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI                             
          We will very soon.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          You don't seem very excited.

                     COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            
          These are always the easy ones to
          catch. Rarely does it lead to the
          I want to take you somewhere.

                    RONALD FLEURY

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI                             
          To someone who may be able to help
          us catch Hamza.

                                              KINGDOM 8/18/06   96.

96   EXT. BLAST SITE - DAY                                        96

     Ten Police Investigators in the crater with Grant. Outside
     the crater: pieces of vehicles laid out outside: 1/2 of a
     door, 1/4 of a front axle, bits of engine. Five feet away
     from that: stacks of bagged evidence, two dozen evidence

     Sykes clambers out of the hole, streaks of re-animated mud
     where sweat streams out of his hairline, mad-dashing for his
     chin. A chunk of metal in one hand, something small in the
     other: a marble. He drops it in the appropriate cannister
     then steps to a chunk of metal: one half of an alternator.

     Sykes stares down at the pieces of completely mangled metal.
     He studies a piece of twisted, half-melted iron. Thinking...

     He walks over to a second larger piece of twisted metal.
     Starts trying to fit the two a puzzle.

97   INT. MOBILE FIELD MORGUE, PRESENT DAY - NOON                 97

     The dead, oblong faces of the dog-walkers. Janet uses forceps
     to pull a wing-nut from one of the dog-walkers. Places it on
     a sanitary table littered with shrapnel: tiny bits of colored
     glass, ball-bearings, parts of razor blades, spent slugs, and
     scraps of unidentified metal.

98   EXT. BLAST SITE - CRATER                                     98

     Sykes still works the two large pieces of trashed iron. Until
     something clicks. The fit. Sykes looks down at the connected

               It's a gurney.

     Sykes looks down at the mud colored DIGGERS.

                         SYKES (CONT'D)
               Who's missing an ambulance?

     Just stares from the Saudis.

                         SYKES (CONT'D)
               Could somebody please go get
               Sergeant Haytham?

     Confused stares from the Saudis.

                                               KINGDOM 8/18/06   97.

                           SYKES (CONT'D)
                Sergeant Haytham!

      Inside the crater: water-level down to the ankles. Three
      Saudis dig around what looks to be one of the dualie-style
      back tires. Re-positioning to get a better grip, Sykes
      notices the top of what looks to be a sizeable, ragged hole,
      still mostly submerged. Pointing:

                             GRANT SYKES

      Sykes slogs over. He drops to his knees, reaches his hand in,
      all the way to his shoulder, the side of his face to the
      water: void. Out of the crater, Sykes points to a Bobcat
      earth-mover, in Arabic:

                          GRANT SYKES (CONT'D)
                Who has the keys?

99    INT. / EXT. MOBILE FIELD MORGUE - SAME                       99

      Janet stands with the Saudi Pathologist. She prepares to take
      a fingerprint from a body. As the moves in to touch the Arab
      hand, one of the GUARDS unloads in her direction - a full
      guttural Arabic assault. No idea what he's saying, but it's
      obvious he's furious. Haytham starts firing back. This is an
      un-translated argument. We sense that the guard is doing more
      than expressing his displeasure regarding Janet. This seems
      to be personal. Janet's getting very nervous. A frightening
      display. Then, Haytham turns:

                You cannot touch any Muslims.

      Janet takes a breath as the Police hard-eye her.

                No problem. Can I still touch

                Of course.

      Janet moves back to the American dead, as the Saudi Tech
      continues with the Muslims. She pulls another shard of
      COLORED GLASS from a wound.

100   INT./ EXT. SUBURBAN - DOWNTOWN RIYADH                       100   

                                       KINGDOM 8/18/06   98.


A two car convoy drives deep into the city.                    

The Convoy is forced to stop across the street from a gas
station as a construction crane backs into a drive way.
Al-Ghazi and Fleury stare across the street as a large gas
truck fills up the heavy tanks of a Saudi gas station.

          What's gas running a gallon out
          here, Al-Ghazi? Penny gallon?

Al-Ghazi smiles.

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI                           
          It was an American. An engineer
          named Karl Twitchell. Hired by
          Saudi Arabia to find water. He
          didn't find so much as a dried
          oasis, but he found this. Enough
          oil to turn the earth.

Fleury stares out as the oil spills out overflowing from the
station tank.

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI (CONT'D)                  
          They say my country sits on over 1
          trillion more barrels of
          recoverable oil.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          A trillion reasons for our Leaders
          to hold hands another one hundred

                      COLONEL AL-GHAZI                         
          A trillion reasons to keep
          fighting. For both sides of this
          I think our oil has begun
          destroying more than it creates.

                    RONALD FLEURY

                                               KINGDOM 8/18/06   99.

                           COLONEL AL-GHAZI                              
                 I'm 46 years-old.
                     (beat, tired)
                 I have three daughters. And I find
                 myself in a place where I no longer
                 care about `why' we are attacked. I
                 only care that 100 people woke up a
                 few mornings ago had no idea it was
                 their last. When we catch the Man
                 who murdered these people, I don't
                 care to ask even one question...I
                 just want to kill him...stop him.
                     (beat, a bit embarrassed)
                 Do you understand?

                              RONALD FLEURY
                 Yes, I do.

       A long moment. Just road noise. We see two men, as different
       from each other as they could be, yet made from the same

                           RONALD FLEURY (CONT'D)
                 Is your first name `Colonel?'                           

                           COLONEL AL-GHAZI                              
                     (a small smile)

100A   INT. MOBILE FIELD MORGUE - CONTINUOUS                     100A

       A glazed Haytham works with a Pathologist on the Muslim
       bodies. Their own collection of foreign objects. Janet pulls
       free 1/2 of a marble from a burrowed hole: explains the
       shards of colored glass. Cleans it in saline, holds it up to
       the light. We stare at it with her.

       Janet begins piecing together glass shards - reconstructing a

101    EXT. DEATH SQUAD SCENE - DAY                                101

       Police Investigators eat lunch under a tent 50 yards away
       with Leavitt.

       Then a red laser-sight moves across him: Three MEMBERS of his
       Police security-detail: smirking, pretending to fidget with
       an AR-15's aperture.

       Leavitt stares. Subtle defiance. Nobody blinks. Silent
       moments pass.

                                               KINGDOM 8/18/06   100.

      The smallest of the detail reaches over, pulls the cocking
      device of the rifle: round in the chamber, so stop looking at

102   INT. BOMB SITE - CRATER                                      102

      Sykes, covered in mud, digging, searching for any signs of
      identification amongst the charred, mangled metal.

103   EXT. INTERNET CAFE - LATER                                   103

      The small convoy pulls up next to a run down, late seventies
      chunk of architecture which looks like a combination bombed
      dentist office/ accounting firm. Weird. Two TEENAGERS in Tu-
      pac T-shirts smoke in front.

      Fleury, Al-Ghazi and a couple of Police head for the blacked
      out front door.

104   INT. INTERNET CAFE - CONTINUOUS                              104

      Moving up two flights of stairs. Dark, rundown shredded
      carpet. Old hip hop - cheap bass, thin speakers. Smoke.
      Everything grows in intensity as they move up the stairs. Two
      more TEENAGERS skulk past.

                    (half joking to Al-Ghazi)
                Feel like I'm back home in Detroit.

      Al-Ghazi keeps moving up and into what is definitely on
      Fleury's top ten list of the most bizarre places he's ever


      Two rooms: First is some kind of snack/smoke/TV lounge.
      FILIPINOS serve drinks. Packs of young Saudi MEN drink Cokes,
      tea, coffee, and smoke.

      Odd Saudi talk shows mix with hip hop.

      Behind, another room: bigger, overflowing with stacks of mis-
      matched computers. Dozens of them. Dozens of Saudi TEENAGERS
      plugged in. Head-phoned and mic'd. All chain smoking, all
      fully plugged in to CALL OF DUTY (an American war game) on
      line. These kids play with rabid intensity, smoking and
      screaming and killing.

                                              KINGDOM 8/18/06   101.

      Al-Ghazi moves through the crowd. A small middle aged SAUDI
      spots Al-Ghazi. They exchange words. Al-Ghazi waves Fleury to

      Fleury does and follows Al-Ghazi through the computer room,
      into a back office.


      A middle aged Saudi: TALAL. He sits behind a cluttered desk.
      Art books and computers everywhere. He gets up and embraces

      Al-Ghazi then turns to face Fleury.

                          COLONEL AL-GHAZI                              
                At one time, Talal was Arafat's
                senior bomb-maker and planner in
                the occupied territories. He joined
                Bin-Laden when Al Qaeda brought the
                fight to the Royal Family.

                           RONALD FLEURY
                OK. Shouldn't we arrest him or
                shoot him or something?

      Small smile from Al-Ghazi.

                          COLONEL AL-GHAZI                              
                He turned himself in last year
                during an amnesty. He's now part of
                a new government effort to balance
                the experience of Saudi Youth.

                          RONALD FLEURY
                This place is community service?

                          COLONEL AL-GHAZI                              
                If America figures out a way of
                keeping their kids off the
                computers please let us know.

                          RONALD FLEURY
                Why did he turn himself in?

      Before Al-Ghazi can answer, Talal begins talking to him in
      Arabic. Al-Ghazi translates:

                          COLONEL AL-GHAZI                              
                `You only come after I see there
                were bombs.

                                      KINGDOM 8/18/06   102.

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI (CONT'D)
          Did you know Bin Laden put 5
          million-dollars on my head? Why
          shouldn't it be 10?'

Subdued laughter. Then Talal becomes quiet, grave. Al-Ghazi
continues the translation:

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI (CONT'D)                   
          The Man who made War on Al-Rahmah
          is someone my age -- this kind of
          skill is learned over decades.

Talal looks at Fleury now, speaking directly to him through

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI (O.C.) (CONT'D)            
          A Man who can plan the mass-murder
          of women and children, then go home
          at night to his own and sleep
          soundly...? That kind of Man is
          supremely difficult to catch.

                    RONALD FLEURY
              (through Al-Ghazi)
          How does he know he slept soundly?

Colonel Al-Ghazi hesitates, then relays Fleury's question.      
Talal stares: eyes touched by war-blood-atrocities committed.
Someone who believes he's going to Hell.

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI (O.C.)                     
          Because he hasn't stopped. You stop
          when their faces don't let you
          close your eyes...

                    RONALD FLEURY
              (through Al-Ghazi)
          Is that why you quit?

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI (O.C.)                     
          17 days without sleep will make you
          quit anything.

Two TEENAGERS stick their heads into the office. They're mad
about the sharing of a computer. Talal puts a fast stop to
it. It's obvious he's good with these young boys. He smiles
as he speaks to Al-Ghazi.

Al-Ghazi translates to Fleury.

                                        KINGDOM 8/18/06   103.

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI (CONT'D)                    
          He says he makes my job easier.
          Here, at least they only fight and
          kill on computers.

Al-Ghazi shows Talal the detonator. The old man studies it.      
Al-Ghazi and Talal speak in Arabic about the detonator.          

Al-Ghazi looks to Fleury, translates.                            

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI (CONT'D)                    
          He says that there are several ways                    
          to get American military equipment                     
          like this detonator but not many                       
          men in Saudi Arabia that know how                      
          to get them.                                           

          How do they get them?                                  

                     COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            
          Usually smuggled from Iraq by                          
          corrupt soldiers working with the                      

          Could Hamza get this equipment?                        

Al-Ghazi asks Talal.                                             

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI                             
          Without question. Yes, he could.                       

                    RONALD FLEURY                                
              (through Al-Ghazi)
          How do we find him?

He thinks for a moment, then speaks. The boys chuckle as Al-
Ghazi continues translating:

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI                             
          Prayer. Luck. Handshakes.

Fleury looks at Al-Ghazi, doesn't quite get it...

                    RONALD FLEURY
              (to Al-Ghazi)
          Well, I think I get the `prayer'
          and `luck' parts...

Talal slowly stands, Al-Ghazi helping him up, moves to
Fleury. Reaches his hand out to him, quietly:

                                              KINGDOM 8/18/06   104.

                          COLONEL AL-GHAZI (O.C.)                       
                His hands will feel like this.

      Fleury shakes Talal's hand, turns it over: index finger gone.

                          COLONEL AL-GHAZI (O.C.) (CONT'D)              
                Every Amir at some point gets
                bitten by his work.

106   EXT. BLAST SITE - DAY                                       106

      The Bobcat digs   into the crater, over the unknown hole.
      Already a large   pile of dirt. Another sizeable scoop down
      about two feet:   nothing. Haytham now stands over the crater
      watching Sykes.   Leavitt has joined him.

                           GRANT SYKES
                Whatever this is, it blasted-off
                like NASA.

      Haytham yells to the Machine Operator in Arabic:

                          SERGEANT HAYTHAM
                Driven in at an angle... go

      Another gouge of earth: 4 feet. Nothing. Grant sits back.

                          GRANT SYKES
                `High-order explosion' doesn't do
                it justice: what's left a' this
                looks like it was put through a

      Leavitt rubs his eyes: adrenaline long gone. Looks at his
      watch: time passing fast. Sykes drops to his stomach, reaches
      in with the TRENCHING TOOL to see how much farther the hole
      goes: a metallic `clink.

      An oxygen tank. The kind used in ambulances. Nozzle assembly
      gone, burst in the explosion with a force that drove it
      several feet into solid ground. Haytham takes a razor blade,
      scratches off samples of the soil and carbon for explosive
      residue into a fresh cannister. Then takes a wet rag, begins
      cleaning the tank to reveal Arabic script...

                          SERGEANT HAYTHAM
                    (to Sykes)
                Hospital Identification...
                Ambulance identification.

                                             KINGDOM 8/18/06   105.

                          GRANT SYKES
                Do you know this hospital?

                          SERGEANT HAYTHAM

                          GRANT SYKES
                Call it in.

107   INT. AL-RAHMAH COMMUNITY CENTER                            107

      Now a mini command post. Al-Ghazi works phones with Fleury
      and Mayes by his side. Sykes and Leavitt muddy, sitting on
      their cots. Leavitt tags evidence from the shootout.

      Al-Ghazi hangs up, looks to Fleury.

                          COLONEL AL-GHAZI                             
                The ambulance was reported stolen
                from King Fahd Hospital last
                Wednesday, three days before the

                          RONALD FLEURY

                          COLONEL AL-GHAZI                             
                There's more: I told you it
                wouldn't be hard to find the

                          RONALD FLEURY
                    (focused; to Al-Ghazi)
                What you got?

                          COLONEL AL-GHAZI                             
                The stolen ambulance had a twenty
                man crew that rotated shifts on it.
                We checked all twenty men. One of
                them, Muaath Hazmi is now of
                interest to us.

                          RONALD FLEURY

      Al-Ghazi reaches for the photo of the dead shooter/attacker.

                          COLONEL AL-GHAZI                             
                Because this gentleman is Fathi
                Hazmi, Muaath's brother.

                                             KINGDOM 8/18/06   106.

                          RONALD FLEURY
                Where's Muaath?

                          COLONEL AL-GHAZI                             
                I'm going to show you.

108   EXT. SUBURBAN RIYADH STREET - AFTERNOON                    108

      A five block radius has been sealed off by Police Vehicles.
      Fleury and his team are at the outer perimeter, crouched
      behind barricades at the entrance of a cul-de-sac. They're
      not allowed anywhere near the line of fire.

      They sport bullet-proof vests and helmets: look like
      reporters in a war-zone. Police turn away cars, neighbors.
      Snipers stand posted on near-by rooftops. Helicopters audible
      overhead. Street deserted.

                          GRANT SYKES
                We never get to do anything fun.

                          JANET MAYES
                Sykes, I'm guessing you don't even
                remember how to load your gun.

                          GRANT SYKES
                That's not funny.

                          ADAM LEAVITT
                She's not trying to be funny.

                          GRANT SYKES
                I'm a very good shot.

                            JANET MAYES
                I'm sure.

      Haytham hands Al-Ghazi a walkie-talkie, in Arabic:

                          COLONEL AL-GHAZI                             
                Neighbors clear?

                            VOICE (O.S.)

                          COLONEL AL-GHAZI                             
                Activity or communication?

                          VOICE (O.S.)
                Snipers have seen nothing. No
                telephone line into the house.

                                              KINGDOM 8/18/06   107.

                           COLONEL AL-GHAZI                             
                Allahuakbar. Go.

      Two black Suburbans roll around the corner: out-fitted with
      running boards and hand rails upon which a 12-man SWAT team
      rides: 3 on each rail, 2 vehicles. SWAT team: military
      fatigues, black hoods, Mp-5 close-quarter sub-machine guns.
      Flying down the cul-de-sac: Half-way down the street, one of
      the Snipers open fire: BOOM-BOOM-BOOM. That moment an RPG
      fires wide of the lead Suburban. Over Al-Ghazi's walkie-
      talkie, in Arabic:

                          VOICE (O.S.)
                ONE DOWN! RPG!

      The two SWAT-Teamers at the front of the running boards open
      up with their MP-5s one-handed: the front of the house puffs,
      bursts, disintegrates. Suburbans rip to a stop. SWAT off,
      move fast. Three toss flash grenades into and around the
      house. Massive flash-bangs. Six through the front door. Six
      sprinting around back. Loud AK-47 bursts from inside
      now...screams. Then an RPG fired inside: the rushing sound
      and yellow-white flash past two windows. A section of the far
      left wall of the house detonates from the inside out.

      More mechanical, silenced thwacks from the SWAT Mp-5s.
      Silence. Then voices from Al-Ghazi's walkie-talkie.
      Ambulances round the corner, fly toward the house:

                          VOICE (O.S.) (CONT'D)

109   INT. TARGETED HOUSE - MOMENTS LATER                         109

      The team enters, wide-eyed. Four men in civilian garb, all
      dead: multiple bullet wounds. An Officer with four 8 X 10 mug-
      shots, matching them to the dead faces, dropping mug-shots on
      respective chests. Once he's finished, a police photographer
      takes new pictures of each. At the far side of the House:
      engineers use 2x4s to support the wall hit with the RPG. All
      of it has the feel of standard Saudi operation procedure.

      Al-Ghazi appears from the back of the house. Bends over each
      of the four dead men: lifting each of their hands, examining
      the backs of the hands quickly.

                          GRANT SYKES
                Prints are on the other side...

                                             KINGDOM 8/18/06   108.

                          COLONEL AL-GHAZI                             
                I'm not looking for prints. I'm
                looking for fingers.

      Stands after the last: a look of controlled frustration that
      Fleury files. Then Al-Ghazi motions to Sykes and Fleury.

110   INT. REAR OF THE HOUSE - NEXT MOMENT                       110

      Back to the rear of the house: stacks of plastic explosives,
      buckets of shrapnel, two Paramedics working feverishly on a
      SWAT Officer hit multiple times. Fleury goes about his
      business like a man isn't dying six feet away.

      Sykes is a kid in a candy store: rummaging through
      explosives, blasting caps, shrapnel.

                             RONALD FLEURY

      Janet makes her way back. Immediately moves to the wounded
      SWAT Officer.

                          RONALD FLEURY (CONT'D)
                He's gone... This shrapnel look
                like the stuff you pulled at the

                          JANET MAYES
                Yeah... I pulled so much it's hard
                to remember it all.

                             RONALD FLEURY

                             JANET MAYES

                             RONALD FLEURY
                Wing nuts?

                             JANET MAYES

                          RONALD FLEURY
                Razor blades?

                             JANET MAYES

                                      KINGDOM 8/18/06   109.

Al-Ghazi begins tossing the room, motions to Fleury: help.
Fleury moves to him.

                    RONALD FLEURY
              (calling back)

                    GRANT SYKES

Al-Ghazi dumps desk drawers: pictures of government-looking
buildings, walled-compounds. Lays them out in rows, studying
each. Leavitt appears, focuses on the C-4 immediately.

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI (O.C.)                    
          -the front gates of every other
          western housing compound in Riyadh.

Everybody looks at the Colonel, pointing at the pictures:      

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI (CONT'D)                  
          And Embassies: Italy, Japan, Korea,
          Norway, England...

                     ADAM LEAVITT
          The Coalition...

Leavitt steps, scans the pictures, picks up two in
particular: buildings with scaffolding and heavy equipment.

                    ADAM LEAVITT (CONT'D)
          These are all countries with Troops
          in Iraq -- Japanese and Italian
          embassies are under construction?

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI                           
          The entire Diplomatic Quarter is
          being retro-fitted to sustain
          bigger bomb blasts.

Janet pops her head in:

                    JANET MAYES
          -the Prince's Convoy just showed.

Al-Ghazi's face: fear.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          This is bullshit. You know it.
          Meaningless. There's no leader
          here. These are kids. That's it.

                                                KINGDOM 8/18/06   110.

      Al-Ghazi says nothing.

                          JANET MAYES
                We're out of here.

                          RONALD FLEURY
                Yes, that's it. Smile for the
                cameras, body-bag some children.
                Wrap it up, but us -- out. I get

                             COLONEL AL-GHAZI                             
                I'm sorry.

111   EXT. FRONT OF TARGETED HOME - MOMENTS LATER                   111

      Prince Bin Khaled touring the scene: reporters,
      photographers, his personal top-line security detail: the
      business suits and boots, the special ops M-4s. All on edge
      to be in a Saudi neighborhood. Rahman, looking like he needs
      sleep and vitamins. Lecturing in Arabic:

                          PRINCE BIN KHALED
                Only in death will our enemies
                realize Allah never permits
                defiance of his almighty will.

      Damon Schmidt trailing behind the Prince's detail. The Prince
      locks Al-Ghazi with a mad-dog stare in-between lesson points.
      One of the Prince's inner-circle heads straight for Al-Ghazi,
      in Arabic:

                Take the Americans inside now and
                keep them out of sight. You will be
                spoken to about their presence

112   INT. TARGETED HOUSE - NEXT MOMENT                             112

      The Team sitting on the floor, below the window sills, away
      from the holes and doors. Al-Ghazi standing, looking out the
      window at the spectacle. Damon Schmidt steps in: sees dead
      bodies and goes ghost, almost collapses. Leavitt pops up,
      helps him sit.

                          RONALD FLEURY
                You need water?

      A quick `no' nod: like the second before you lose lunch.

                                         KINGDOM 8/18/06   111.

                    ADAM LEAVITT
          You really ought not look at this.

                    DAMON SCHMIDT
              (pointing at the dead)
          That fella got shot right through
          his God damn nipple...

                    JANET MAYES
          Don't stare too long. It'll start
          living in your dreams.

Janet's voice causes Schmidt to immediately force composure.

                    DAMON SCHMIDT
          No -- I know.

                     RONALD FLEURY
          You do?
          How did you know we were here?

                    DAMON SCHMIDT
          The Prince has Men at Al-Rahmah.

                      COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            
          What Men?

                     DAMON SCHMIDT
          Ask him.
          3 vehicles will stay behind when
          the Prince and Press leave. You'll
          convoy straight to BA flights into
          Dulles -- last minute fares come
          out of your budget, by-the-by.
          Tried to swing upgrades, but check
          at the counter.

Pissed, reproachful head-shakes.

                    DAMON SCHMIDT (CONT'D)
              (beat; color returning)
          Turn those frowns upside down,
          people. This will be pitched as a
          stunning Saudi-only counter-punch
          that killed those responsible for
          Al-Rahmah. Al-Jazeera will play up
          an FBI presence, we'll play up
          their ties to Terror as checkmate.
          And everyone that was so
          righteously pissed back home is
          gonna eat crow.

                                      KINGDOM 8/18/06   112.

                    DAMON SCHMIDT (CONT'D)
          Already a rumor that the guy who
          wrote our State Department memo-

                    RONALD FLEURY
          -Ellis Leach?

                    DAMON SCHMIDT
          You know him? He's gonna be put out
          to pasture: made an example of by
          the President to ensure all levels
          of government get tough on Terror.
              (right at Fleury)
          You won the hand on the River card.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          We didn't win shit, Schmidt. These
          are teenagers... children with
          pictures that someone far senior
          has provided them.

                     DAMON SCHMIDT
          -kidding me? You mean those are
          Terrorist targets? Holy Wow.
          Momma, don't let your children grow
          up to be cowboys.
          Just get ready to go home and revel
          in the fact that for the next few
          weeks your shit won't stink.

The phone rings that instant. Leavitt hands it up to Fleury.
Schmidt holds his hand up to Janet: high-five -- she gives it
up slowly, warily, semi-charmed:

                    DAMON SCHMIDT (CONT'D)
              (to Janet)
          Double or nothing that's a
          congratulatory call.

                     RONALD FLEURY
          Yes, Sir. We're all here and
          healthy. I'm sitting next to their
          corpses but this may not be over.
          These don't feel like anything
          resembling senior leadership-
          -thank you Sir. I do.

                                              KINGDOM 8/18/06   113.

                          RONALD FLEURY (CONT'D)
                Please do me one favor before we
                board: warn every `Coalition-of-the-
                Willing' or whatever the hell we're
                calling our Iraq allies now, that
                pictures of their Riyadh embassies
                were found in this Cell's safe-

113   INT. SUBURBAN - LATER                                       113

      Flying down a highway. Haytham driving. Sykes up front. The
      rest of the team crammed in back: Fleury next to Al-Ghazi;
      Mayes and Leavitt on the back bench. Everyone spent. Grant
      stares up at a distant jet climbing-out. The police radio
      belching calm codes and calls every few seconds.

                          RONALD FLEURY
                    (to Al-Gahzi)
                What do you think?

      Al-Ghazi looks up at Fleury, slowly shakes his head.

                Amateurs. It's a small win.

                            RONALD FLEURY

      A beat.

                          RONALD FLEURY (CONT'D)
                I'm thinking about New York -
                February 26, 1993. The first time
                they tried to hit the Trade Towers.

                          GRANT SYKES
                I'm thinking about going straight
                to Dan's, gonna order six PBRs-

                            JANET MAYES

                          ADAM LEAVITT
                Keep it real. You ever drink PBR,


                            GRANT SYKES
                Any beer?

                                       KINGDOM 8/18/06   114.

                (small smile)

                    GRANT SYKES
          Now...that's just unreasonable.
          Good Police work and problem
          drinking are like a chicken and egg
          thing: which enables the other?

In the back, Al-Ghazi can't help a small smile either.
Fleury's not into it. All business, pissed, clearly does not
want Pabst.

                    RONALD FLEURY
              (to Al-Ghazi)
          Remember how we caught that cell?

          Yes. Car bomb. He went back to pick
          up his deposit on the rental car.

                    RONALD FLEURY
          Four hundred dollars. For four
          hundred dollars, he was caught.
          Stupidity. Catching the cell was
          easy. Just like this. The cell came

Fleury looks at Al-Ghazi. He knows the win is small. Also
knows that's all she wrote, for now.

                    RONALD FLEURY (CONT'D)
          I'll be back.

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            
          Yes, you will.

The POLICE BAND suddenly squelches loud with excited Arabic.
Everyone perks, leans up to listen to the urgency.

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI (CONT'D)                   
              (translating radio
          Religious demonstration in
          progress. Back near the City

A small collective smirk, sigh of relief. Fleury turns in his

                                            KINGDOM 8/18/06    115.

                          GRANT SYKES
                I'm serious. Beer will open up your
                subconscious. Canned beer
                especially. Give you instincts they
                can't teach-

      Fleury notices the Suburban bringing up the rear has dropped

                          RONALD FLEURY
                    (looking back)
                Is he responding to the call?
                Dropped back...

                          COLONEL AL-GHAZI (O.C.)                      

      Al-Ghazi and Fleury both looking back to the following
      Suburban now. Dropped back, sunglasses and blank faces
      staring back at them.

      Fleury looks to the overpass above - he sees a YOUNG MAN on a
      cell phone. As they pass, the kid runs to watch them from the
      other side.

      Al-Ghazi gets to the CB radio, in Arabic:

                          COLONEL AL-GHAZI (CONT'D)                    
                Tighten up-

      -the trailing Suburban doesn't `tighten up.' It falls further
      back. Fleury instinctively turns, wide-eyed -- out the
      window: a small brown truck swerves out of the opposing
      lanes, flying across the desert median, aimed at the Convoy.
      Without hesitation Fleury reaches over Haytham, rips the
      steering-wheel right, nosing away from the approach...

114   114 THRU 116 OMITTED                                       114

117   EXT. SAUDI HIGHWAY - SAME MOMENT                           117

      Our Suburban on two wheels: The lead Suburban turns the same
      direction a twitch too late. The small brown truck detonates.
      The lead Suburban takes a massive fraction of the explosion
      broadside, essentially shielding our vehicle. Flame spits
      through the lead vehicle as it spins, flips onto its roof.

                                             KINGDOM 8/18/06   116.

118   INT. OUR SUBURBAN - NEXT MOMENT                             118

      Off-road now, violent impacts on bare rims shedding rubber.


      The lead Suburban: tortoise on its back, engulfed, still
      sliding. Fleury's Suburban fish-tailing.

      The Lead Suburban blows in-half now as the gas tank ruptures.
      A football-sized shard of metal explodes through our

120   INT. OUR SUBURBAN - SAME MOMENT                             120

      - and smashes straight out the back, taking the rear cargo
      door with it.

      The shock of it causes Haytham to lose control in earnest
      now. The Suburban flips, barrel rolls. Violent pounding
      inside the vehicle. Motion stops: upside down, just the roar
      of the big Detroit V-8 red-lining, wheels spinning in air.
      Everyone dazed, border-line unconscious. Fleury's bell rung
      the worst, trying to function, get his bearings.

      Fleury touches Leavitt's face, can barely see through the
      gathering smoke that smells like oil.

                             RONALD FLEURY
                You whole?

                             ADAM LEAVITT
                Think so-

      Leavitt unbuckles his seat belt and smashes head first into
      the ceiling -- running FOOTFALLS approach, quick yell-yips in
      Arabic: commands?

      The Driver and three other Police Officers from the trailing
      Suburban. Smoke fills the interior now: thank God these
      Police Officers have ripped open a door: saviors. They grip
      Leavitt by his hair because it's the only thing they can

      Alarmed, Al-Ghazi begins to scramble for Leavitt.

                          COLONEL AL-GHAZI                              
                This is not right!

                                              KINGDOM 8/18/06   117.

      Haytham gets a good look at the driver, recognizes him as the
      officer who shamed him at the compound on day one. Haytham
      moves to unbuckle.

      Fleury's trying to claw towards Leavitt. Throwing upside down
      punches at the air. Unbuckles himself now.

                            RONALD FLEURY
                WHAT THE-

                          JANET MAYES
                ADAM! WHAT -- WHAT ARE THEY DOING?

      Alarm rising, everyone else unbuckles and smashes into the
      ceiling as horizons go flip-flop confusion.


      Leavitt's throwing punches as he's dragged with velocity to
      the trail Suburban, idling. Pistol-whipped viciously,
      repeatedly until they're able to kick him inside. Another
      Officer from the trailing vehicle steps up with an AK-47,
      pulls back the cocking mechanism, ready to spray the dazed
      occupants of our Suburban-

      -the Officer's ankles and shins detonate. POP-POP-POP-POP
      from the driver's seat: Haytham. Screams from the would-be
      shooter at double volume. Haytham keeps firing as the
      Officer, hit multiple times, falls hard.

      The trailing Suburban hesitates,   slams into our Suburban just
      as Fleury is getting out of the    wreckage. Everybody else
      still inside, knocked silly. The   trailing Suburban backs up
      quick. Fleury instinctively goes   for his holster: empty for
      days now.

                            RONALD FLEURY

      Trailing Suburban accelerates away now, as Janet struggles
      out. Haytham's 9 MM in-hand racked open: empty. Fleury steps
      away from the now black smoke pouring from the vehicle -- in
      the passenger seat of the trail Suburban, he sees the Officer
      that checked passports at Prince Sultan Air Base.

                          GRANT SYKES
                -DOOR HELP-

      Fleury rips Grant's door open. Trapped smoke billows, clears:
      Grant's arm closest to the outside of the vehicle dangles at
      an unnatural angle, bleeding badly.

                                      KINGDOM 8/18/06   118.

                    GRANT SYKES (CONT'D)
          Can't release-

Fleury begins sawing Grant's seat-belt with a jagged piece of

                    RONALD FLEURY
          Hands up -- you're gonna fall-

Sykes still does, ugly. Fleury and Janet rip him free of the

Haytham's pulling shotguns, handguns, ammo from the flipped
vehicle. Haytham pointing ahead, to the fading roster-tail.
In Arabic:

                    SERGEANT HAYTHAM
          They're going to disappear...

Desperate, Fleury looks in the direction of the fleeing
Suburban: the rooster-tail it leaves getting smaller. Al-
Ghazi nods, swings his head to thesnarled/wrecked highway
traffic. PEOPLE hesitantly step toward uniforms they trust on
instinct. Haytham dumps the pile of weapons at the Team's
feet, re-loads his 9MM. Janet ties a half-assed tourniquet
around Sykes' reminder of an arm.

Al-Ghazi steps toward the approaching crowd: they see his
state, his gun, and turn back: panic starts to infect the
larger mass, then the topper-

-AUTOMATIC GUNFIRE from somewhere. Glass-dirt-metal bursts
around us: this attack is still going.

Fleury looks up: just the roof of an old Mercedes on the
median, dirt kicked up behind them, running behind lines of
stopped-wrecked traffic now. The barrel of a rifle held high
out the window like a taunt. Accelerating for another opening
to finish the job.

Scared motorists devolve into terrified motorists. Many have
abandoned their vehicles to sprint into the desert, the rest
go smash-'em-up derby-folly: 50 panicked drivers aiming for
the same spots. Fleury snatches an M4A1 from the stack
dropped by Haytham, up to his shoulder, hustling toward the
next break in traffic. The Mercedes is approaching at 80 MPH.

                    RONALD FLEURY
              (back to his crew)
          GET DOWN!

                                       KINGDOM 8/18/06   119.

Al-Ghazi starts screaming in Arabic, motioning frantically to
the CITIZENS who have turned back, running toward them, in

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI                            

Fleury's view blocked by fleeing Saudis: just intermittent
flashes of the Mercedes braking hard, massive dust cloud
behind them, sliding toward the opening Fleury pre-sighted.
Intermittent wild shots fired from the SUV, vaguely in our

Fleury flips a switch on the left side of the rifle, just
forward of the handle: full-auto. Takes a deep, measured
Sniper's breath, eases the stock snug aimpoint up to his
right eye, and without hesitation lets loose the entire clip
perfectly: one heartbeat before the Mercedes hits the gap.
The right side of the Mercedes shreds just as it appears.
Fleury's clip gone in a flash, yet more rounds still hit the
Mercedes: Al-Ghazi four feet away, firing his own salvo from
a knee. Something bright red pops against the driver's side
window now, the Mercedes rip-slides to a stop. Commotion
inside. Wild, half-aimed shots back at us.

Then it starts up again. Al-Ghazi bolts toward the line of
stopped traffic. Searching for something big, empty, still
running. Fleury right on his heels.

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI (CONT'D)                   

Early 90's Land Rover. Desert tough. Driver long-gone,
exhaust plumes pumping out. Al-Ghazi dives into the Driver's
seat, Fleury shotgun. Guns it to the rest of the Survivors,
an eye on the rooster-tail of the Mercedes he and Fleury just
shredded, heading the same direction as Leavitt's kidnappers.

Al-Ghazi jumps out, ushers Haytham into the Driver's seat. In

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI (CONT'D)                   
          You know Suweidi -- you know how to
          go fast.

Fleury helps Sykes into the rear. Janet loads the weapons.
Jump in.

The Land Rover spits it's own tell-tale plume as it sprints
away down the median, dodging traffic, in desperate pursuit.

Startling silence comes sudden now as the fight moves
elsewhere. Receding engines. Petering screams/shouts.

                                            KINGDOM 8/18/06   120.

      Hold on the flipped, still burning/still smoking Suburbans.
      Surreal in the sun/smoke/haze.

122   INT. TRAIL SUBURBAN - SAME MOMENT                         122

      Driving as fast-hard as possible. No regard for anyone/thing.
      Passport Officer up front pulls a cell-phone. A THIRD AND
      FOURTH in the back still beating and zip-cuffing Leavitt.

123   INT. LAND ROVER - NEXT MOMENT                             123

      Janet's sitting with Sykes in the rear, readying weapons and
      ammo. She hands him twin Berettas - Sykes' double-fisting
      despite his wound, looking forward to a fight.

                Nobody's gonna hurt Leavitt but me.

      Driver's Seat P.O.V.: on the median, 95 MPH, dodging
      abandoned and escaping cars. High-beams flashed on-off-on-
      off, constant horn, gaining on the Mercedes' rooster-tail
      ahead of them.

124   INT. TRAIL SUBURBAN - SAME MOMENT                         124

      Powering deep into the Suweidi neighborhood. Skid-stopping
      and backing into an alley between broken down three story

125   INT. LAND ROVER - SAME MOMENT                             125

      Haytham scanning as he drives: straining to see the plume
      from the second attacking vehicle way ahead, blending with
      other fleeing, scared motorists. We watch as the distant
      plume cuts hard left, at a high rate of speed... then

126   INT. UNKNOWN ROOM - SAME MOMENT                           126

      Quiet. The 32 year-old son we met on the rooftop is on his
      cell phone again, speed-assembling an ancient VHS camera atop
      a tri-pod.

                          THE SON
                    (in Arabic, frantic)
                DO NOT COME HERE!

      Intercut with the Mercedes Driver yelling frantic into his
      cell phone:

                                             KINGDOM 8/18/06   121.

                          MERCEDES DRIVER
                He's been shot! BE READY.

      Back in the room, A HUGE MAN dressed in paramilitary black,
      face wrapped in his shumagh, so only the eyes are visible,
      stands in front of a sheet hung from the ceiling, quietly
      practicing/reading a speech for an imaginary audience. Lots
      of gesticulating and head movement.

      The handle of large knife sticks from his waste band.

      Door BURSTS open, bottom hinge rips from the jamb. Leavitt is
      slammed to the ground. Passport Officer shoves the practicing
      Speaker out of the way- Turns to the wide-eyed 32 year-old.

                          PASSPORT OFFICER
                NOW. HURRY.

      Leavitt's face already swollen-black-bleeding, scanning the
      room with terrified fury in his eyes. He sees the handle of
      the knife sticking from the Huge Man's waistband. His tears
      leak all at once.

      The Officer takes the knife, turns to Leavitt: dirty 11-inch

127   INT. LAND ROVER - NEXT MOMENT                              127

      Haytham searching for the turn-off: where the rooster-tail
      they were following cut left, died. At the last minute, he
      sees tire marks headed down an embankment into a decrepit,
      decaying apartment block neighborhood. Haytham cuts hard,
      fish-tails. Sykes' head SMASHES into the rear-side window,
      starring it.

      They're being lead into Riyadh's most hostile neighborhood.

                We should not be here...

      JANET'S POV: scanning for the trail Suburban and the Mercedes
      - she can't help but notice the neighborhood. Halfway past an
      intersection, Fleury yells:

                          RONALD FLEURY
                BRAKES-REVERSE-TO THE RIGHT...

      Haytham brakes, reverses: the Suburban.

                                            KINGDOM 8/18/06   122.


      Without hesitation Haytham pulls across the cramped street,
      surrounded by the same decaying buildings. Ahead: CIVILIANS
      huddled behind cars, poking heads out from behind shacks.

      A second passes: these people know where the attackers went.
      Al-Ghazi locks eyes with a little boy... he quickly-quietly
      just shakes his head no. In the back, Sykes has fallen on his
      back. He looks up through the window: sees a shape jet past
      on the top of the closest building -- three stories up: the
      little boy was nodding a warning-

      What follows is fast, chaotic, eyes-closed combat:

                          GRANT SYKES
                -GET OUT OF-

      -big BOOM of close-in shells. As Haytham throws it in reverse
      and punches, the front of the Rover shreds. The windshield
      bursts. Engine dies: tachometer and speedometer needles
      bottom out instantly. Haytham and Al-Ghazi tuck into the
      dash. Fleury tries to get as close to the backseat floor
      panels as possible. Janet covers Sykes.

      A Thump-Thump-Thump can be heard on the roof: A GRENADE
      thrown with too much arm by the guy Sykes spotted bounces off
      the roof and into the Land Cruiser.

      Frantic, Fleury swats it out.

      The blast releases a massive airburst and bits of shrapnel
      into the vehicle, starring windows, rocking it: creak of
      shocks and struts. Fleury lifts up now, grabs the M-4:
      returns fire indiscriminately through the windows at any and
      all surrounding rooftops. That provides cover and reminds
      everyone in the car they're armed. Janet exits with a rifle:
      firing out the back door, more covering fire. Civilians who
      were ready to see a massacre scurry now that it's a fight.

129   EXT. ROOF TOP - NEXT MOMENT                               129

      A SHOOTER: black-hood, black T-shirt, old-school red-white-
      black Air Jordans, snub-stock AK, an open, filthy North Face
      backpack at his feet holding spare clips, God knows what

      Shots from below keep him two feet away from the ledge,
      firing down in random sweeps, head turned like he's lighting
      a fire-cracker.

                                            KINGDOM 8/18/06   123.

      We see things from above, three stories down, a sweep of
      blindly-fired shells pop the asphalt inches from Fleury's
      head, soiling his face in black-top debris. But Fleury never
      stops firing back, his own head slightly turned, flinching on
      reflex. Air Jordan grabs another grenade just before he
      disintegrates: Fleury's three-feet away with the riot gun.
      Another rack and blast to make sure A.J. stays down for

      Fleury spots and bull-charges a second SHOOTER: Ballistic
      Chicken, Fleury wins. A sound... Fleury spins, racking the
      riot gun, aims and FREEZES: 2 six year old BOYS stare from
      the doorway.

130   EXT. SUWEIDI STREET - NEXT MOMENT                           130

      Haytham crouches in front of the Land Cruiser. Rocks thrown
      now from somewhere: KIDS peeking from behind shacks
      Palestinian-style. He's pelted in the side of the head.

      Janet and Sykes move to a stopped vehicle and take cover.

      From the rooftop, Fleury yells down to the men on the ground.

                          FLEURY (O.C.)
                I CAN SEE THE MERCEDES... BLOOD-
                THE NEXT BUILDING-

131   EXT. ROOF TOP - SAME MOMENT                                 131

      Fleury's P.O.V.: an Apartment complex that looks like a
      roadside motel: exposed stairwells, walkways, entrances. A
      puddle in front of one of the front doors on the third floor.
      Then we look right, one street over: civilian FIGURES, some
      in traditional dress, starting to mass.

                MOB FORMING NEXT BLOCK!

      He drops the riot gun, picks up the AK from the man he just
      killed, pops a new clip from the backpack, slings the
      backpack over her shoulders. Starts to hustle down.

132   INT. UNKNOWN ROOM - SAME MOMENT                             132

      Gunshots reverberating from outside. Echoes. The 32 year-old,
      hands shaking with nerves, screwing the camera into the tri-
      pod: set-up almost complete. The Passport Officer is posted
      at the door: head poking out, weapon up and ready.

                                            KINGDOM 8/18/06   124.

      We can hear Arabic yells down what sounds like a hallway.
      Passport Officer barks something back.

      The Driver of the Trail Suburban squats, pinning Leavitt's
      head down with his knee, knife near a long, white expanse of
      neck. The Huge Man sits on Leavitt's stomach, keeping him in
      place. Leavitt trying to gasp for breath: eyes-wide panic.


      Just as the 32 year-old nods yes, Leavitt explodes with his
      last bit of effort: kicks just enough to nudge the Camera,
      trying to knock it over. The 32 year-old gets his hands on it
      as it falls, almost catches it, slips out, smacks the ground,
      battery pops off. The Driver and Huge Man both begin
      hammering Adam.

                          PASSPORT OFFICER (O.C.)
                    (in Arabic)
                GOD DAMN HIM!

      32 year-old picks the camera up again, trying to re-attach
      the battery as Adam fights for his life. Spit and claws and
      snot and blood rage.

133   EXT. CINDER-BLOCK APARTMENTS - NEXT MOMENT                  133

      Running down side stairs, Fleury spots a grenade launcher
      poking from a door, next-door to the apartment with blood-
      pool in front.

                          RONALD FLEURY

      Empties his clip into that vicinity: windows shatter, wood
      splinters. The grenade launcher recedes. Janet and Al-Ghazi
      start to run. The launcher fires from its new position...The
      trail suburban DETONATES. Al-Ghazi and Janet knocked flat on
      their asses for second and third times: dazed.

      Fleury searching: I know that Fuck with the RPG is reloading,
      how do I kill him. Drops the bag off his shoulders, pulls a
      grenade out, fires it as hard as he can: 40 yards on the fly.
      Bounces just on the third floor landing-

134   INT. ENEMY APARTMENT - SAME MOMENT                          134

      -RPG Soldier just locking the new rocket tube in, brings the
      reticle up to his eye. Grenade blast splits through what's
      left of the front window.

                                              KINGDOM 8/18/06   125.

      Big flinch-tense on his part: rocket fires inside, roars down
      the hall, hits two feet in-front of the door Passport Officer
      has been peaking out of.

      Massive, contained detonation.   Passport Officer vanishes. The
      32 year-old and his camera are   blown through the Driver
      waiting to saw Leavitt's neck.   Because Leavitt was held so
      tight to the floor, he escapes   the worst of the blast. Still
      fucked up.

      Leavitt's P.O.V.: ears roar with the ring, no sounds. 32 year-
      old and Driver lay in a heap on the floor. Huge Man's on his
      back, trying to get up. Leavitt breathes, rolls to the Driver
      and the boy: grabs driver's blade. Hand to hand war as
      Leavitt gets his payback. He does not stop.

135   EXT. CINDER-BLOCK APARTMENTS - SAME MOMENT                  135

      Sykes takes cover between two cars, holding down the rear,
      firing warning shots and screaming football plays to freak
      out the LOCALS.

                THIRTY EIGHT RAZOR MAD DOG!!!

      He fires above the crowd, as Janet heads into the building.
      Two LITTLE KIDS slowly approach carrying water, obviously
      terrified at the sight of the wounded American.

      Sirens and helicopters sound in the distance.


      Base of the stairs: Mayes joins Fleury and a dazed Al-Ghazi &

                          COLONEL AL-GHAZI                              
                A tunnel networks through all these                     
                places... they use attached                             
                civilian Apartments, innocent                           

                          JANET MAYES                                   
                I do not like these people.                             

                          RONALD FLEURY                                 
                We go in the front door. Haytham -                      
                cover the stairs. Janet - hallway.                      
                Watch the side doors. Watch your                        

      Silent nods. Bracing for war...                                   

                                             KINGDOM 8/18/06   125A.

      They move 3 levels up the stairs into the building, following
      the blood-trail from the SUV to the Apartment. PEOPLE step
      out of their doors. Al-Ghazi aiming at them:

                          COLONEL AL-GHAZI                              
                    (in Arabic)

137   INT. / EXT. APARTMENT 303 - NEXT MOMENT                     137   

      The puddle of blood, a trail leading under the door. The
      front wall/window/entrance of the next apartment down, still
      smoldering from Fleury's grenade. No sounds, words. Our team:
      fingers on triggers, weapons to shoulders, sights-aligned.
      Ten feet back. Shoulders already flexed with tension,
      expecting a suicidal blast at any moment. Janet grabs another
      grenade, moves to secure the hallway.                             

                                            KINGDOM 8/18/06   126.


      Intercut Sykes outside. Haytham on the stairs.                  

                          RONALD FLEURY                               
                    (beat, to Al-Ghazi)
                Is Allah on the other side of that

      Al-Ghazi raises his prayer beads to Fleury.

                I think were about to find out, my                    

      Fleury moves forward: I'm primary through the door. Al-         
      Ghazi's right with him. Fleury gets three-point-stance low,
      hits the door like Jim Brown. Scattered gunfire. Fleury opens
      up in response.

      Fleury never stops forward motion. Stumbling headlong into a
      kitchenette, hard into a refrigerator and cabinets, firing
      the whole time. Al-Ghazi blasting anything that looks like a
      body. Straight mop-up operation.


      Securing the hallway, Mayes steps into a charred apartment
      through doors blown off hinges. She heads in deeper, towards
      the bedroom. Finds the closet - it tunnels into the
      apartment below. She peers into the hole--

                          JANET MAYES

                                            KINGDOM 8/18/06   127.

      -- sees a bloody knife below thrown by an unseen hand. Janet:
      wide-eyed horror, about to pull back, when she is YANKED into
      the hole by her hair.

139   INT. UNKNOWN ROOM - NEXT MOMENT                           139

      Huge Man ATTACKS Janet. Vicious hand to hand blows. Still
      tied, Leavitt does what he can, kicking at the attacker.
      Adrenaline morphs Janet from scared and out-sized to
      desperate and equally vicious. This is SAVING PRIVATE RYAN
      shit with Leavitt as the observer. He's no coward - he's
      doing everything he can.

      Huge Man overtakes Janet, slow-choking her... she's gasping,
      dying... Janet has a knife out and is shredding the big man's   
      back right thigh and ass. BOTH SCREAMING. From nowhere,         
      Fleury ends the fight with a butt-end baseball-swing of the
      shot gun to Huge Man's head.

      Janet: fucked up, but alive.

                          JANET MAYES
                    (to Leavitt)
                Sykes is going to kick your ass.                      

      Al-Ghazi follows Fleury into the room. Leaning to Janet,
      Fleury sees Leavitt, puts his hand on his head. Leavitt's
      somewhere else, tears in his eyes, just taking deep, measured

                          RONALD FLEURY
                Everybody OK?                                         

      Slow nods from Leavitt and Janet as Fleury cuts Adam's ties.

                There's at least three more of

      As Janet's eyes catch on something: a sheet/half-assed
      backdrop hung from the ceiling has been nearly pulled down -
      exposing a crude square cut out of the wall - a path into
      another Apartment.

      Janet points to the hole in the wall. This isn't over: a
      seven-year old GIRL peers out at her, shaking, tears in her
      eyes. Janet tries her best Motherly smile.

                          JANET MAYES
                It's okay Little One.

                                              KINGDOM 8/18/06   128.

      The little girl backs away. Janet gets up, steers Leavitt
      outside. Sits him down. Hands him a Glock.

      Fleury and Al-Ghazi step through the hole. Janet follows. A
      blood trail snakes through Little One's room, out her door,
      and deeper into another apartment. Little girl long gone into
      the main part of the Apartment. Then, Arabic SCREAMS, the
      metal-crashing sound of automatic GUNFIRE.

      Sirens overheard outside now.

140   INT. ATTACHED APARTMENT - NEXT MOMENT                       140

      Hustle cautious into the apartment. Haytham stands in the
      room already: the muzzle of his AK still smoking, held on a
      man down. The other occupants of the room are a cowering
      FAMILY: KIDS and a couple of real OLD FOLKS, all terrified. A
      little boy cries by himself, huddled in a corner. The
      collateral damage of random violence. Janet quick scans the
      room. LOCKS EYES on the traumatized little boy, his innocence
      draining as she watches. Can't take her eyes away.


      Taking this all in: The violence. The terror of this family,
      the defiance on the faces of these young souls.

      Al-Ghazi, post-game shakes, a tear running down his cheeks,
      spattered in blood, stares at Fleury. The man Haytham shot is
      not dead: ragged gasps. Fleury and Al-Ghazi lock eyes, then
      take in the tragedy of the room -- kids their children's age,
      never to be the same. Al-Ghazi to the room, In arabic:

                          COLONEL AL-GHAZI                              
                Is everyone alright?

      Silent stares from the Saudis. The little girl Janet saw
      earlier, eyes still on Janet, moves to her brother - he holds
      her tight, his eyes down. Janet kneels, heart-breaking, holds
      her hand out: I can help you little one.

      The Little Girl holds a fist out to Janet, tears in her eyes:
      okay. Janet slowly crouches over to her, the older women's
      eyes on her, piercing.

                           COLONEL AL-GHAZI (CONT'D)                    
                    (to the little girl, in
                It's okay.

                                      KINGDOM 8/18/06   129.

Little One trembles. One of the women in the corner calls to
her in Arabic, sharp. Janet just strokes the back of her
little bloody fist. Her little hand opens, shaking: this is a
gift for you.

Janet's face ghost white: Little One is trying to give her a

Al-Ghazi steps closer, sees the marble. Processes things.
Immediately looks over at the huddled mass: THE GRANDFATHER
staring right back at him. We now see the old man clearly. Al-
Ghazi shaking, slowly steps to him, hands out...

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI (CONT'D)                    
              (in Arabic)
          Let me help you up, Old Man...

The old man nods a `no.'

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI (CONT'D)                    
              (in Arabic)

Al-Ghazi rips Grandfather up now. The family screams. Al-
Ghazi pulls the old man's hands from under his thobe: missing
fingers. Bends at the knees to look the Old Man right in his
eyes, lifts his chin with his hand.

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI (CONT'D)                    
              (dazed, starting to                                

The old man looks up at Al-Ghazi: rage and defiance.             

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI (CONT'D)                    
          I got you. Abu Hamza, you are under

ABU HAMZA stares, hatred burning into Al-Ghazi.

          You are a traitor to your
          country... a traitor to your God.

                    COLONEL AL-GHAZI                             
          I am no traitor to my God. You are.

Al-Ghazi's chest explodes before we hear the booms: the 15
year-old Grandson, firing a cheap, nickel-plated 9MM.
Everybody drops. The family huddles that much closer to the
floor. Al-Ghazi falls back to the floor, pulling Grandfather
with him.

                                             KINGDOM 8/18/06   130.

      Fleury's standing stock still, out-of-body now: He can only
      see a teenager built like a river-reed, like his own Son...
      not a Murderer who just shot his friend. Quiet-sick:

                          RONALD FLEURY

      The 15 year-old steps to the doorway, pulls the trigger
      again: the cheap 9MM jams. Janet lifts up with her AK, aims
      it at the boy's chest.

                          RONALD FLEURY (CONT'D)
                ...drop it, Son...please...

      ...The teenager wiping his tears: so he can see clear enough
      to clear his jammed weapon. Half young boy, the other half
      something much more dangerous...Expert movements from his
      hands, racking back the slide, thumbing the still smoking
      shell from the ejector, letting the slide go, racking another
      round into the chamber.

      Then... Fleury finally pulls his trigger.

      Utter Distortion as the old man reaches for the teenager's
      fallen hand gun. Janet, screaming, raises her gun towards the
      old man as Al-Ghazi shoots the old man in the chest. Sobbing,
      the little boy runs to his fallen grandfather. Janet, still
      screaming, covers the family. The Grandfather whispers
      something we cannot hear in the Little Boy's ear.                

      TIGHT ON HAYTHAM taking it all in: the bleeding, dying           
      teenager; his hysterical sister; Hamza choking, clutching for    
      his grandson. CHAOS, CONFUSION, CONFLICT swirling in             
      Haytham's eyes.                                                  

      A platoon of SAUDI POLICE slowly enter the room.

      Janet goes to the shot 15 year old, starts trying to stop the

      Fleury reaching for the dying Al-Ghazi, cradling him. Tears
      spill as his eyes move from the dying boy to the old man,
      back down to Al-Ghazi.

      Fleury grasps Al-Ghazi's hand, as a Saudi man would.

                          RONALD FLEURY (CONT'D)
                You got him. You got him... You got

141   EXT. CINDER BLOCK APARTMENTS - LATER                       141

                                             KINGDOM 8/18/06   131.


       From the air as choppers hover and SOLDIERS swarm.

                                                       SMASH TO:

142    INT. CONVOY - SAUDI ARABIA                                142

       One last convoy heading out of town. Fleury, Leavitt, Janet,     
       and Sykes: battered war scars, million mile stares.              

143    EXT. PRINCE SULTAN AIRBASE - LATER                        143    

       Our crew watch from a deserted terminal as a C-130 touches

       Haytham enters: came to say good-bye. The team's first smiles    
       -- collective. Fleury stares at Haytham...thinks about what
       he's seen the past few he has come to admire this
       Kid. Haytham smiling, bandaged himself. Halting and awkward,     
       he shakes Janet's hand.                                          

                     (in Arabic)                                        
                 Thank you.                                             

                           JANET MAYES                                  
                 Thank you, Lieutenant Haytham.                         

       Haytham says good bye to Leavitt and Sykes. Comes to Fleury.     
       Hands him a beautiful wooden prayer bead necklace.               

                 May peace be with you.                                 

                 May peace be with all of us,   my                      

       The two men shake hands.                                         

143alt OMITTED                                                 143alt   

                                 KINGDOM 8/18/06   132.

144    OMITTED                                       144   

145    OMITTED - SEE SCENE 150                       145   

A146   OMITTED                                      A146   

B146   OMITTED                                      B146   

                                              KINGDOM 8/18/06   133.

146   INT. WASHINGTON FIELD OFFICE - CUBICLE - DAY                146   

      Fleury, Sykes, Leavitt and Janet sit around Janet's cubicle.      
      Bandages, awkward silences, and 1000-yard stares. Subpoenas       
      stacked on the corner of Janet's desk. Leavitt quiet,             
      obviously fucked up.

      Grace approaches.                                                 

                           DIRECTOR GRACE                               
                We're going to testify next                             
                Tuesday. Fleury's going first. I'm                      
                gonna go through it with each of                        
                you one on one in advance - make                        
                sure we're all on the same page. If                     
                they ask if we've talked about                          
                this, the answer is unequivocally                       
                "No." OK?                                               
                You did outstanding work over                           
                there. I'm proud of you. You hold                       
                your heads high.                                        

      SILENCE from the team.                                            

                          DIRECTOR GRACE (CONT'D)                       
                Ronnie, you ready?                                      

                           RONALD FLEURY                                

      Grace turns to leave. Fleury gets up to follow. They head         
      down the hallway.                                                 

                          ADAM LEAVITT                                  
                Janet... my dreams are...                               
                    (beat, intent)                                      
                What did he whisper to you?                             

      Confusion from Janet.                                             

                          ADAM LEAVITT (CONT'D)                         
                In the briefing ... to get you to                       
                stop crying about Fran... before                        
                any of this... before we even got                       
                Airborne? What did he say to you?                       

      Janet looks up:   Leavitt waiting...                              

                                                        FLASH TO:

                                           KINGDOM 8/18/06   133A.

147   EXT. SUWEIDI GRAVEYARD - DAY                              147

      The eight year-old Grandson. Tears in his eyes, standing in
      front of fresh graves. His AUNT kneels down next to him,        
      tears flowing, in Arabic:

                Will you tell me what Grandfather
                whispered to you before they took

      He turns to his Aunt...

                                                       BACK TO:

                                              KINGDOM 8/18/06   134.

148    INT. WASHINGTON FIELD OFFICE - CONTINUOUS                  148   

       Leavitt still waiting:                                           

                           ADAM LEAVITT                                 
                 Do you remember?                                       

       Janet looks at Leavitt, PAUSES...                                

                           JANET MAYES (ALT: RONALD FLEURY)             
                 He said... "We'll kill them all."                      
                 (alts: "We will win this." "We                         
                 will end this." "We will finish                        

                                                        FLASH TO:

149    EXT. SUWEIDI GRAVEYARD - SAME MOMENT                       149

       The boy quietly answers, in Arabic:

                 "Don't worry: we'll kill them all."                    

       And in his saucer-wide brown eyes, shrink-wrapped in angry
       tears, we see the parts of the future that will burn.

149A   OMITTED                                                   149A   

                                              KINGDOM 8/18/06   135.

150   EXT. WASHINGTON, DC PARK - TIME LAPSE                       150   

      Sunlight shines TIGHT ON Fleury's face: stitches the length
      of his cheek remain. PULL OUT: Fleury and his son throwing a
      baseball. Lyla watches, standing by a tree.

                                       KINGDOM 8/18/06   136.

Father and son throwing the ball back and forth.

                    KEVIN FLEURY
          You stop the people that hurt Uncle

Fleury stops, just staring at his little son. Tosses back the

                    KEVIN FLEURY (CONT'D)
          Did you get the bad guys, Daddy?

Fleury catches the ball, stares at his son.

TIGHT ON FLEURY: He reaches and pulls his son close, holding
him for what might just be forever... (alt: He hands Kevin Al- 
Ghazi's prayer beads.)                                         

                    KEVIN FLEURY (CONT'D)
          There's a lot of bad people out                       
          there... aren't there, Daddy?                         

                    RONALD FLEURY                               
          Yeah, there are...                                    
              (a beat)                                          
          But you want to know something?                       

                    KEVIN FLEURY                                

                    RONALD FLEURY                               
          You're not one of them. (alt:                         
          There's a lot of good guys, too)                      

Kevin smiles up at his dad.   For the first time in a long      
while, Fleury smiles back.                                      


Kingdom, The

Writers :   Matthew Michael Carnahan
Genres :   Action  Drama  Thriller

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