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This Script was transcribed by AranMax at The Neverending Story Page.



Based on the book by Michael Ende

Screenplay by Wolfgang Peterson





Limahl’s “The Neverending Story” plays as the

CREDITS PLAY OVER a dazzling display of some

great clouded storm. THE NOTHING. Great masses of

clouds swirl and churn and collide on the screen.

            As the FINAL CREDITS play we…


CUT TO: Bastian’s bedroom


Our story begins as our young friend awakes from a dream. Bastian quickly sits up as if awakening from a nightmare. He looks at a picture of his mom with a sigh and then he picks up the book beside him and marks his spot.


CUT TO: Kitchen.


Bastians father is working on some sort of concoction in the kitchen blender, while Bastian sits at the dining table straining to open jelly for his toast. They exchange a good morning between each other, but they are relatively quiet.



Morning Bastian



Morning Dad


Bastian continues to struggle with the jar until his hand hurts. His father turns to him and gives him a hand. He seems to easily open the jar. As Bastians father returns to his task of the morning drink concoction Bastian breaks the silence.



I had another dream Dad, about Mom.


His father pauses at the blender, but doesn't look

at him and then he continues creating his




I understand son, but we have to get on with things, right? (Bastian looks dejected at this answer.) Bastian we each have responsibilities. We can't let Mom's death be an excuse

for not getting the old job done, right ?


Bastian half-heartedly smears butter on his toast. His father approaches the table and sits down. Time for a father to son talk.



Son, I think it's time you and I had a little talk.

I got a call from your math teacher yesterday.

She says you were drawing horses in your math book.



Unicorns. They were unicorns.(mimics a unicorn)



What ?






            She also says that you haven't been turning your homework

      in on time. And I'm very disappointed you didn't even try out for

          the swim-team.


        ( Pause )


      As for those riding lessons you've been wanting      

                         you say you love horses yet you seem to be afraid to get on a real

                         one. Now, Bastian, you're old enough to get your head out of the

                            clouds and start keeping both feet on the ground. Alright ?


                                                      (he takes a sip of drink.)






Stop daydreaming and start facing your problems.

                 Ok ? (ruffles Bastians hair)



Ok (he says with a half hearted smile)



                                            Ok. Right I think we've had a nice little talk we should have more. (he gulps down his drink and gets up to leave.) Have a nice day and don't be late to school again.



(Bastian turns to him) But yesterday I wasn't…




FADE IN: City street


Out on the street 3 bullies are laughing. As Bastian walks out, they stop.


Bully 1:

Hey look it's the weirdo.


Bully 2:

Hey weirdo, got any cash for us today ?


Bastian turns and runs.


Bully 1:

Hey follow! That's it weirdo. You can't get away

              you jerk ! You're dead chicken!


They yell chasing after him. They chase him down an alley where they corner him and catch him.


Bully 3:

Where's you're money man ?



I don't have any!


Bully 1:

     No money? Momma's little boy is holding out

    on us. You ain't got any money on ya, you go

in the garbage can


All three bullies shove Bastian into a nearby dumpster.


Bully 3:

Maybe chicken can lay an egg in there. (They laugh as they return to the street.)



Bastian comes out of the dumpster and enters the street brushing garbage off himself. The bullies see him and stand up straight.


Bully 1:

             style="mso-spacerun: yes">                  Hey man, who said you could get out of the garbage ?

Get back in there.


(They smile at each other and start towards him.)



Oh no not again. No not again! (He starts running)


Bully 2:

Where do you think you're going wimp? (They chase after him, He ducks into a bookstore and the boys run by. )


NEXT SCENE: Coreander’s Book store


Bastian watches from inside the store as the

three bullies go running by. He sighs felling relief,

but is suddenly startled by a ruff bulldog voice

from somewhere in the store.



Get outta here. I don't like kids.


Bastian walks toward the area he heard to

voice from, and finds an old man siting in

a chair reading. He turns and looks at him.



You still here boy? Didn't you hear what I said?



Um, I was.. (he stutters motioning to the door.)



You're hiding aren't you?



No I was just... (he stutters more)



The video arcade is down the street . Here we just sell small rectangular objects that are called books. Require a little effort on your part and make no b..b..b..beeps. On your way please




I KNOW books. I have 186 of them at home!



Bah. Comic books.



No. I've read Treasure Island, Last of the Mohicans, Wizard of Oz, Lord of the Rings, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Tarzan…



Whoa whoa whoa. Who are you running away from? (he says with new interest.)



Just some kids from school.



Why ?



They wanna throw me in the garbage.



Why don't you give them a good punch in the nose, eh?



Oh, I dunno.(he looks down at his shoes)



The man turns away from him again. Bastian looks at the book he has. His interest has been aroused.



What's that book about?



Oh, this is something special.



(Bastian moves in closer.) Well, what is it ?



Look. You're books are safe. While you're reading them you get to become Tarzan or Robinson Crusoe.



But that's what I like about them.



Yes, but afterwards you get to be a little boy again.



What do you mean?



Listen (he motions for him to come nearer.)



Have you ever been Captain Nemo, trapped inside your submarine while the giant squid was attacking you ?






Weren't you afraid you couldn't escape ?



But it's only a story.



That's what I'm talking about. The ones you read are safe.



And that one isn't ?



Don't worry about it.



But, but you just said it was.... (the phone rings and Coreander puts the book under a newspaper to try and hide it.)



Forget about it. This book is not for you. (he gets up and gets the phone.)


 Bastian watches him. As he talks on the phone Bastian uncovers the book. The title on the book reads, The Neverending Story. above these words is a symbol on the cover. The symbol is two snakes intertwined with each other and biting each other's tail. As the old man hangs up the phone, Bastian grabs the book and runs out. The old man smiles to himself and looks down at his desk proud to have finally gotten rid of the annoying child.


ANGLE: Coreanders desk


On his desk in place of the book is a note pad barely legible writing on it, it reads:


" Don't worry, I'll return your book."




NEXT SCENE: Bastians school.


With the book under his shirt Bastian runs through the hall of his school. He stops outside his classroom, then cautiously looks through the small slit of a window in the classroom door. What he sees is his class already started on a very important math test.



The Math test, oh no.


CUT TO: school attic


Bastian runs up the stairs leading to the  school's attic, finds the key and goes inside. There are all sorts of old scholastic objects in the attic. He finds a stack of old gym mats and pulls one out. He sits down and pulls out the book, then he begins reading.





It was midnight in the Howling forest. The wind whistled through the tops of the ancient trees. Suddenly, something enormous crashed and rumbled through the eerie woods.


FADE OUT TO: Fantasia


WIDE SHOT: View of small camp.


 We see a snail look up and there's a small man beside him. There is a Nighthob and his sleeping bat nearby. Suddenly the calm of the camp is interrupted by a great rumbling similar to an earthquake.



What's that ?  (the ground shakes.)


ANGLE: Rockbiter


A huge tricycle comes to a stop in front of them. It is made entirely from stone, as is the giant riding it. The Rockbiter speaks to them in a deep, friendly voice.



 Excuse me, would it be alright if I joined you this evening?



                      Uh huh.




 You see I've been traveling all day.


(he climbs off his tricycle.He rolls it backward and then sits down. The ground beneath him shakes. He sniffs the air and then says, as if he has discovered a secret of theirs)


 Ah hah ! Now I see why you picked this camp. "


He picks up a large rock and sniffs it.



 A delicious looking limestone rock. Nice bouquet, must be a real vintage here.



 Yes, you're right. Those delicious rocks are the reason we camped here alright.


Then he runs over to the little man.



           Psst. is he a nutcase?



                         No, he's a Rockbiter.



     Oh a Rockbiter. A Rockbiter!?



The Rockbiter starts eating the limestone he is holding. Pieces fall all over the place. One piece falls on the snail.



Ooops, sorry.


Then he burps.


Oh, pardon me !







Mmm. That was limestone, with a dash of quartz. Very tasty. Where I come from in the north we used to have exquisite gourmet rocks, only they're all gone.



      Huh, I know how it happened.



The Rockbiter makes a boyscouts honor sign.



I swear it wasn't me.



Hah ! Heck no.



I think I know what it was, tell us more.



Near my home there used to be a beautiful lake, but then it was gone.



 Did the lake dry up?






No, it just wasn't there anymore. Nothing was there anymore. Not even a dried up lake.




 A hole ?



 No, a hole would be something. Nah, it was nothing. And it got bigger and bigger. First there was no lake anymore and then finally, no rocks.



 Hah! If he keeps stuffing his face like that, soon there won't be any rocks left here either!


 (Nighthob complains to the little man. As he starts to walk away, the little man grabs him.)



Nighthob, this could be serious!


Rockbiter, what you have told us is also occurring where I live in the west ! A strange sort of Nothing is destroying everything.



Yes, we Nighthobs live in the south. And it's there too.



So, so it's not just in our part of Fantasia?



 Maybe, it's already everywhere...


(Nighthob hisses looking around suspiciously smelling the air.)


Maybe our whole land is in danger. What can we do?



 My people are sending me to the Ivory Tower, to the Empress for help


Nighthob and Tiny:

 We are..



 We are on the same mission. After all, if the Empress can't save us, who could?



 Then why are we all just standing around here instead of taking off for the Ivory Tower?



 Right, what are we waiting for ?



The little man climbs on his snail while the Nighthob tries to wake up his bat.


Hey wake up! We can't just hang around here. Prepare for take off! Stupid bat!



 We, we can't wait for a snail. Can I carry you?



 Don't worry, it's a racing snail.




Oh, but we can't even wait for a racing snail.


The little man goes peddling off on the snail. Nighthob finally wakes up his bat and climbs on as



         It really is a racing snail.



And nobody gives a hoot about me and my stupid bat.


CLOSE UP: Rockbiter


Maybe I'll take a few of these yummy gourmet rocks, eh.. for the road.




As he bends down to pick some up, he stands straight up again and realizes he hears the nothing coming.

            style="mso-tab-count: 1">            style="mso-tab-count: 1">            style="mso-tab-count: 1">            style="mso-tab-count: 1">            style="mso-tab-count: 1">            Rockbiter:

 Oh no. The nothing!


CUT TO: A golden sunset


View of the sky and Nighthob on his bat.



 Look there it is. The heart of Fantasia.


View of Rockbiter and little man. They stop as they see the Ivory Tower.



 I never knew it was that beautiful. Oh.


EXT. VIEW-Ivory Tower


Wide angled view of the nearing Ivory Tower. It shimmers in its only light as the sun sets behind it.



 Stay awake. I told you to stay awake.


We span the whole length of this Ivory Tower. It is said to be as big as a city. We pass over the base of the tower, then it’s mid section, and finally we near the very top of the structure. It is very intricate here. We begin to zoom in on the Magnolia pavilion. The very tip of the Ivory Tower, the place that the Empress lives.




     The home of the Empress. She's our only hope.




INT. VIEW- Ivory Tower- The Empresses court


The door to the Empress's room opens into the courtyard. Lots of creatures from Fantasia await help from the Empress. The Empress's head servant comes out of her room and speaks to them all.



 Friends, I know why you are all here. The nothing is destroying our world. I also know that you have come to beseech the Empress for help. But I, I have terrible news. The Empress herself has become deathly ill. There seems to be a mysterious link between her illness and the nothing. She is dying. So she cannot save us...


There is much commotion among the creatures gathered there, but he continues.


             But there just might be one chance. The plains people who

 hunt the purple buffalo have among them a great warrior and

he alone has a chance to fight the nothing and save us. He is

our only hope. His name is Atreyu.


CUT TO: School attic- Bastian


View of Bastian. He looks up from the

book and grabs his school bag. He looks

at the Indians on the front.






The Empress had already sent for the great warrior. When he finally            style="mso-spacerun: yes">              appeared on the terrace of the Ivory Tower, he carried with him the hopes of all            Fantasia."


View of a young Indian boy walking up the stairs to the old man.



 A little boy


Close up of Atreyu as the old man speaks to him.



I'm sorry, but this is not the time nor place for children.

I must ask you to leave.



 If you don't want me here,

you shouldn't have sent for me.



 It was not you we sent for. We wanted Atreyu.



 I am Atreyu.



Not Atreyu the child, Atreyu the warrior.



 I am the only Atreyu with the plains people, but I'll be happy to go

back to hunting the purple buffalo. 



       No wait !


Atreyu pauses as the old man continues..


 Come back please.


Atreyu walks back up the stairs. The old man looks at him more urgently now.



 If you truly are the Atreyu we sent for, you

                                                         would be willing to go on a quest?



 Yes of course, what kind of a quest?



 To find a cure for the Empress .....and to save our world.

No one can give you any advice except this, you must go

alone and you must leave all your weapons behind.

It will be very dangerous.



 Is there any chance of success?



 I do not know, but if you fail the Empress will surely die

and our whole world will be destroyed.


Atreyu's eyes grow large and he closes them

and hangs his head down. Then he opens

them back up and looks at the old man

determinedly. He takes off his bow and

quiver of arrows.



 When do I begin ? 



 Now and you must hurry Atreyu,

the nothing grows stronger everyday.



He motions him to come nearer.


 Take this. (He holds up a necklace that has the same

symbol as the front of the book. He fastens it on Atreyu.)


" The Auryn" Could be heard whispered

throughout the court filled with creatures.



 He who wears the Auryn speaks for the Empress.

It will guide and protect you.


END SCENE: view of Atreyu and his horse galloping away from the ivory tower. –Fade out


FADE IN: Dark cave


View of a dark cave and we hear



 At the same time, elsewhere in Fantasia, a creature

of darkness also began his quest.


We see two evil eyes open abruptly followed by a horrid howl in the cave and then a wolf as black as night runs out.


CUT TO: Atreyu & Artax


View of Atreyu and Artax near a stream.


            Atreyu is sleeping and we hear



They had been traveling aimlessly for almost a week,

but they could not find a cure for the Empress. Neither

Atreyu or his horse, Artax, had the vaguest suspicion

that the creature of darkness, the G'mork, was already

tracking them down.


Artax crosses the small stream and wakes up Atreyu by nuzzling him.



 Wha ? What is it Artax. Is it time to go already


 Oh, I know what you want. It's time to eat,

huh? Good idea.



 No, it's a great idea!


Bastian looks up from the book with a smile

and grabbs his lunch from his back pack

and begins to devour it.



VIEW of Bastian holding half the sandwich. He looks at it.



No, not too much. We still have a long way to go.


VIEW of Atreyu and Artax traveling again.


G'mork arrives were they had been and catches

their scent, and takes off following their trail.


CUT TO: Swamps of Sadness


        Atreyu and Artax had searched the Silver Mountains,

the Desert of Shattered Hopes, and the Crystal Towers

without success. And so, there was only one chance left.

To find Morla, the ancient one, the wisest being in

Fantasia who’s home was the Shell Mountain

somewhere in the deadly Swamps of Sadness.


Atreyu jumps off Artax and pulls him along through the swamp.



 Everyone knew that whoever let the sadness

overtake him would sink into the swamp.



Atreyu pulls his horse along saying reassuring things the whole time.



 That's it. You’re doing fine Artax.


Suddenly Artax stops and Atreyu pulls on the reigns. Artax doesn't budge



Come on Artax, what's the matter? What's wrong? Come on boy!


I understand, it's too difficult for you. (He tries pulling him in a

different direction and steps into a puddle up to his waist.

Suddenly he notices that Artax is sinking)



Artax you're sinking! Come on turn around, you have to!

Now ! Come on! Artax !


He goes closer to him and hugs him.


 Fight against the sadness Artax. Artax, please.

You're letting the sadness of the swamps get to you.

You have to try, you have to care. For me, I'm your

friend, I love you.


(Artax doesn't move and Atreyu

slaps the puddle sending water flying toward the

horse. He yells at him again.)


Artax, you're sinking! Come on, turn around, you have to, now!

Come on! Artax! Fight against the sadness, Artax. Artax, please,

you're letting the sadness of the swamps get to you. You have

to try. You have to care, for me, you're my friend, and I love you.

Artax! Stupid horse! You've gotta move or you'll die! Move, please!

I won't give up! Don't quit! Artax! Please!


(then he pleads with him.)


Move please. I won't give up! Jump quick! Artax please!







SPLIT VIEW: of Atreyu sitting on a log crying as he looks at the spot where Artax had once been, and of Bastian looking up from the book. Both have tears streaming down their face, Bastian blows his nose on his handkerchief. Bastian turns the page.


VIEW: of Atreyu walking through the swamps crying. He stops suddenly and we see a mountain.



            style="mso-tab-count: 1">            style="mso-tab-count: 1">            style="mso-tab-count: 1">                 Atreyu:

The Shell Mountain.


VIEW: of Bastian as he looks up from the book.


            style="mso-tab-count: 2">                        style="mso-tab-count: 2">                            Bastian:

      Morla the ancient one.



Atreyu climbs up the muddy mountain and calls for Morla several times. The mountain      starts moving and he grabs a tree branch. The branch breaks and he slides down the mountain, hurting his shoulder. He lands in the swamp ground below and turns and crawls away to a tree nearby that faces the mountain. He climbs it and sees a giant turtle head coming out of the mountain. Bastian screams and Atreyu and Morla look around.


Bastian sits up SURPRISED.


But that's impossible, they couldn't have heard me.



Are you Morla, the ancient one?



Not that it matters but yes.



Please help me Morla. Do you recognize this?



Well, we haven't seen the Auryn in a long time.



We ? (he looks around) Is there someone else here too?



We haven't spoken to anyone else for thousands of years,

so we started talking to ourselves.


(she sneezes and blows Atreyu out of the tree.)



Morla, I bring terrible news. Did you know that

 the Empress is very ill?



Not that it matters, but yes. Actually we don't care.



If I don't save her, she'll die! There's a terrible nothing

sweeping over the land. Don't you care about that? !



We don't even care whether on not we care.



Do you have a cold?



No, we're allergic to youth.



You know how I can help the Empress don't you?



Not that it matters, but yes.



If you don't tell me and the nothing keeps coming,

you'll die to! Both of you!



Die ? That at least would be something.


She starts to sneeze again, but doesn't so Atreyu relaxes his grip

on the tree. Unknowing that she can sneeze at any moment.



Please tell me. You said you knew the answer.


She sneezes and blows him out of the tree. She becomes agitated.



We're tired of sneezing, go away. Nothing matters.



(He climbs back up the tree)


That's not true.

If it didn't really matter to you then you'd tell me.



        Hah hah, clever boy.



        Tell me please !



We don't know, but you can ask the Southern Oracle.



       How can I get there?



You can't . It's ten thousand miles away.



        But that's so far.



      That's right. Forget it. Good night.



CUT TO: School hallway


The school bell rings and Bastian sits up with a start. The school day

Has ended and everyone is leaving. Bastian walks out as the lights turn off.

The attic is spooky, it is dark and stormy. Bastian grabs his

stuff and runs out of the attic, but then comes back, shaking his head.



                 No. Atreyu wouldn't quit now.


He starts back towards the mat, but lightning followed by a loud clap of thunder

Startles Bastian prompting him to leap backwards. A wolf head from an old school festival falls down in front of him and he screams in terror.


CUT TO: Swamps


View of Atreyu stumbling, exhausted through the swamp. He falls several

times and has to stop for rest. His shoulder really hurts him. Atreyu stumbles

into a puddle up to his neck and we see the wolf running after him. As Atreyu

starts to faint he looks up and sees a dragon coming towards him from high in

 the sky. The wolf reaches him right as the dragon picks him up. The wolf

howls in anger as he misses the boy.




FADE IN: Attic- Bastian


Bastian flops down on his back and sighs. Relieved that Atreyu

escaped the G’mork and the swamps, but what was that creature

that saved him? Bastian sits back up and starts reading again.



After days and nights of unconsciousness, Atreyu slowly

opened his eyes and found himself in strange surroundings.

He was clean and his wounds were dressed.


VIEW: - Atreyu waking up. His is asleep behind the arm of

the dog-like dragon. He lifts it's arm so he can get away.

The dragon opens one eye, then closes it.






The dragon wakes up as Atreyu runs away.

Leaving so soon, hmm?



Uh, I was just going..... I have to ......

I was trying to ... (he stutters.)



            Sneak away?



Yea..... I mean no. No!



I like children.



For breakfast?



Never ! I'm a luck dragon. My name is Falkor.



And my name is..



Atreyu. And you're on a quest.



How'd you know that?



You were unconscious and you talked in your sleep.






(Falkor starts straining to reach his ear, but his leg is to short.)

Could you get round and scratch behind my right ear?



I can never quite reach it.



(Atreyu starts scratching a spot.) Here?



Oh yea. Huh huh huh, oh. That's so good. Thank you.



So little fella, you're on you're way to the Southern Oracle?



Yes, but it's hopeless. It's too far away!



Oh, I wouldn't necessarily say that.



Do you know how to get there?



Why sure, it's right around the corner.



How'd all this happen?!





With luck !



You've already brought me the entire Ten thousand miles?



No, only nine thousand eight hundred and ninety one,

as the dragon flies.



You're amazing!



                      Having a luck dragon with you is the only way to go on a

                     Quest. Things will work out fine Atreyu. Never give up hope and

          style="mso-spacerun: yes">       Good luck will find you.



It's good to have a friend again.



You have more than one. Look.


(motioning behind Atreyu.)



Atreyu goes to a small entrance and bends down to look in.

A tiny old man sits writing in a book and an old lady comes

in humming a tune. She throws some worms into a pot and

stops to eat one. Atreyu closes his eyes disgusted.

Atreyu smile as they start fighting.


Get out of my light wench. You're disturbing my scientific work.



You and your scientific work. What the boy needs now is one of my potions.



The boy will need my scientific advice much more.



Yes, yes, but not until he's well. Get back to your own place.

I'm always finding you in my place!



I'm going.


Atreyu clears his throat to get their attention



He's well! Now it's my turn with him.




Oh no you don't! I decide when he's well.

It's your turn when I say it's your turn.


VIEW -She gets a cup full of the mixture in the pot and comes to stand in front of him.



Well, little man, still in pain ?


He puts a hand on his shoulder as he speaks to her. Testing the bandage.



         Um, a little, but it's all right.



I like that. The patient telling the doctor it's all right.

It has to hurt if it's to heal.


(She stops and sniffs the cup then holds it out to him.)


Here. Drink that.


       (He takes it from her and starts drinking.)



Good, huh? That's my batwing broth. There's eye of newt

in there, tree mold, old lizard brains, scales from a

rancid sea serpent.


Atreyu looks at the cup like he's sick. The old man stands and speaks to him.



Just where did you and your dragon come from?

What are you onto? Anything of interest to the

scientific community?



My name's Atreyu. I came here to find the Southern Oracle.



Oh, you've come to the right place my boy.



           Here we go again.



I am somewhat of an expert on the Southern Oracle.



        It's my scientific specialty.

       (she mocks Engywook)



            It's my scientific specialty.




Why don't you sit down and be quiet for once ?!



You keep quiet wench.



Oh !



It's now my turn.



 My name is Engywook. Uh, she's Urgl. Ever heard of me?



I don't think so.



You don't move in scientific circles.



Atreyu smiled apologetically and shook his head no.



I am the expert on the Southern Oracle.

Oh you've come to the right place my boy.



There's no fool like an old fool.



Wait. Stay here. To the observatory. he says stopping her.

To the winch ,wench !



View of Urgl turning a handle of a large machine that pulls a

Basket carrying Engywook to the top of a high ledge on one

of the surrounding rocks. Atreyu follows him on the ground.




Come on lazy bones, can't you go any faster ?


I've been studying the mystery of the Southern Oracle for

years, someday I'll publish my book : A Century of Studying

The Southern Oracle by Professor Engywook, volume one

The Early Years.



Have you ever been to the Southern Oracle ?



Well, what do you think? I work scientifically.


As Atreyu pulls himself up on the ledge he sees 2 great sphinx-like statues.

The man looks into a improvised sort of telescope and then tells Atreyu to do the same.



Is that the Southern Oracle ?



Well, no. It's the first of the 2 gates you must pass through

before you reach the Southern Oracle and get me the final

information for my book. Of course, most people never get

that far.






The sphinx's eyes stay closed until someone who does

not feel his own worth tries to pass by. Ah !

Here comes one that looks fancy.


VIEW of a man in fancy armor approaching the gate.



Let's see what he really thinks of himself


(Atreyu watches through the telescope.

The man starts to hesitate.)


Go on scaredy cat. Oh, go on!



Oh, it's my turn, let me see.


(Atreyu ignores him.)


I'm the scientist.



He's going on. I think he's gonna make it.



                        style="mso-tab-count: 1">            The sphinx's eyes, are they open are shut? Let me see !



They're shut.


(he looks back and forth between them.)


No wait ! The eyes are open !


Ray’s of pure light shoot out of the sphinx's eyes and zap the man. Atreyu looks up, shocked at the sight he had seen.


Oh no! Did he make it ? Did he?



(Atreyu shakes his head.) No.


Fancy armor doesn't help much. The sphinxes can see

straight into your heart. Listen boy, next time let me see

what happens ! It's my telescope.



(Atreyu sets his jaw determinedly.) I'm gonna try it.


Atreyu starts climbing down as Engywook calls after him



No ! Don't go yet. I haven't told you about the next gate.

It's even worse than this one. Atreyu ! Atreyu !


Atreyu continues on and approaches the gate. As he walks up the eyes stay closed.



He'll never make it. He'll never make it.


Atreyu does fine until he sees the fallen man, who is just a charred skeleton. He panics and starts looking back and forth between the 2 sphinxes.



(The old man cries out.)

Don't start to doubt yourself now ,be confident !



(Bastian cries out )

Be confident , be confident.


The eyes open and Bastian cries out.


Run Atreyu run !



Run Atreyu !


Atreyu looks straight ahead and Bastian calls out.



Run now!


Atreyu runs through the gate and just barely makes it. He turns and looks back, then sighs.


Engywook is so happy he jumps in the basket and falls out when he gets back to where Falkor and Urgl are.


He made it ,he made it !


View: Urgl is giving Falkor a shot.


You could do with a dose of juicy vitamins too.



He made it, Atreyu, he made it through the sphinx gate.

I always said he could do it.


 Oh good ! But that's no reason for you to go falling out of the Basket again?



Oh hogwash!



I knew he would be safe.



Nonsense ! You don't understand anything!

The worst one is coming up.

Next is the Magic Mirror gate.

Atreyu has to face his true self.



So what ? That won't be too hard for him.



Oh ! That's what everyone thinks. But kind people

find that they are cruel, brave men discover that

they are really cowards. Confronted with their true

selves most men run away screaming !


of Atreyu in a blizzard. He approaches the Mirror gate and looks into it.

 After a while, he sees Bastian reading the story. Bastian looks up then

throws the book across the room.


No. This is going too far.


(He pauses and looks at the book.)


What if they really do know about me in Fantasia?


(He picks the book back up.)




of Atreyu. He sticks his hand through the Mirror and then pulls it back out.

Then he walks through the gate.


(Bastian lights a candle)

The Southern Oracle?


Atreyu approaches another two sphinxes. As he approaches they start speaking to him.



                 Do not be afraid. We will not harm you.

                    We have been waiting for you a long time Atreyu.


(they speak in unison.)



Are you the Southern Oracle?




Yes, we are.



Then you must know what can save Fantasia !



Yes we do.



Well, what is it ? I have to know.



The Empress needs.... a new name.



A new name. Is that all ? But that's easy !

I can give her any name she wants.



No one from Fantasia can do it, only a human child.



A human child ? Where can I find one?



They can only be reached beyond the boundaries

of Fantasia. You must hurry Atreyu. We do not

know how much longer we can withstand the nothing.


(The sphinxes start crumbling. Atreyu runs away calling for Falkor.)


VIEW - Falkor with Atreyu on his back. They are flying over Fantasia.



Hurry Falkor, the nothing's everywhere.



Don't worry. We'll reach the boundaries of Fantasia.



Do you know where they are ?



I have no idea.



Then how are we supposed to find them?



With luck.



Faster Falkor, faster.



            style="mso-tab-count: 2">                        style="mso-tab-count: 2">                            Falkor:

All right ! Hang on tight!


Falkor carrying Atreyu over many different lands of Fantasia.

A beautiful display of landscapes play over the screen then we


CUT TO- Attic window – CLOSE UP of Bastian.




What a shame they don't ask me. My mother,

she had such a wonderful name.


He closes the window and goes back to reading the book.


On and on they flew until they reached the

Sea of Possibilities where they could go no further.


VIEW of Falkor and Atreyu. The sky is gray and is incredibly windy.

Great storm clouds can be seen all around churning and expanding.

It is the Nothing, the force destroying fantasia, and Falkor and Atreyu

Have ended up right in the center of part of it.



Look Atreyu, the nothing.


Falkor is tossed around in all directions, Atreyu tries to hold on as best as he can. The wind blows wilder and wilder until finally it tosses Falkor onto his back, and knocks his passenger into the air. Atreyu falls, but Falkor cannot get to him before he disappears into the chaos below.


CUT TO- Attic


The window bursts open and Bastian climbs up and closes it. Against a torrent of rain and wind. Finally he gets the window closed and he looks down at the book, he is soaked, and a bit winded at his experience. Then he remembers the story hero.


            style="mso-tab-count: 1">            style="mso-tab-count: 1">            style="mso-tab-count: 1">            style="mso-tab-count: 1">             Bastian:            style="mso-tab-count: 1">            style="mso-tab-count: 1">            style="mso-tab-count: 1">            style="mso-tab-count: 1">           

 Atreyu !


View of Atreyu on a lying on a beach. Atreyu wakes with a start,

and discovers that the Auryn is gone. He stands up and looks at

 the sky, searching frantically for his friend Falkor, but Falkor is

not there.



Falkor !Falkor !Where are you? Falkor !


Somewhere in the heavens Falkor is searching for Atreyu.



View of Falkor calling for Atreyu." Atreyu ! Atreyu !



Falkor !


Atreyu reluctantly gives up on calling Falkor. He turns his eyes

to the beach, he finds a trail of foot prints in the sand, but they were not his,

but that of a large beast. Atreyu follows them and Finds himself following a

path to a city that has seen better days.On his way he stopps to rest leaning

against the remains of what seems like a stone wall, but he soon finds that it

was not a wall at all, but a Rockbiter. The giant looks down at atreyu and holds

 out his hands.



They look like big, good, strong hands. Don't they?


       (Atreyu looks down saddened.)


         I always thought that's what they were. My little friends.

      The little man with his racing snail, the Nighthob, even

    the stupid bat. I couldn't hold on to them. The nothing

pulled them right out of my hands. I failed.


Atreyu looks down, feeling terrible.


No you didn't fail. I'm the one who was chosen to stop the nothing.

But I lost the Auryn, I can't find my luck dragon, so I won't be able

to get past the boundaries of Fantasia.



Listen, the nothing will be here any minute.

I will just sit here and let it take me away too.

They look like big, good, strong hands. Don't they?


Rockbiter starts crying as Atreyu shakes his head yes and fights his own tears.

He continues along the trail again, and finds himself in a different part of the city.

Ahead of him is a larce mostly intact building, Atreyu dodges falling rocks and

enters an opening.


On the walls are paintings of everything that's happened during his Quest.

The Empress giving the Auryn to Carion, Carion giving the Auryn to Atreyu,

 Atreyu trying to save Artax in the Swamps of Sadness, Morla, and Falkor,

and more.


As Atreyu turns a corner he sees a painting of a wolf, then he turns another

 corner and sees the wolf hiding in a smaller opening. It growls wildly at Atreyu

as he approaches




If you come any closer I will rip you to shreds.


Atreyu squats down where he's at and looks at the wolf.



Who are you?



I am G'mork. And you, whoever you are,

can have the honor of being my last victim.



I will not die easily. I am a warrior.



(G'mork laughs.) Brave warrior, then fight the nothing.



But I can't ! I can't get beyond the boundaries of Fantasia.


G'mork laughs and Atreyu grows angry.


What's so funny about that ?



Fantasia has no boundaries.


A storm grows closer to the city, slowly shaking it to pieces…

 Rocks fall here and there.


That's not true. You're lying.



Foolish boy. Don't you know anything about Fantasia?

It's the world of human fantasy. Every part ,every

creature of it, is a piece of the dreams and hopes of mankind.

Therefor, it has no boundaries.


There's a crash and more rocks fall.



But why is Fantasia dying then ?



Because people have begun to loose their hopes

and forget their dreams. So the nothing grows stronger.



What is the nothing ?!



It's the emptiness that's left. It's like a despair,

destroying this world. And I have been trying to help it.




But why ?



Because people who have no hopes are easy to control.

And whoever has control has the power.


A large crash shakes the ground. Atreyu loses his balance for a moment,

but quickly regains it and turns back to the wolf. He gives him a cold look

then asks him,


Who are you really ?



I am the servant of the power behind the nothing.

I was sent to kill the only one who could have

stopped the nothing. I lost him in the Swamps of

Sadness. His name was Atreyu.


The ground shakes and Atreyu falls over backward. He grabs a long, sharp

piece of broken stone and stands up. He then yells at G'mork.



If we're about to die anyway, I'd rather die fighting.

Come for me G'mork ! I am Atreyu!


G'mork growls and jumps at him. Atreyu plunges the sharp rock into the beasts

heart, killing the G’mork. As Atreyu pulls himself from the carcass of the G’mork,

 Atreyu finds that the beast managed to inflict a wound on Atreyu. He stands and

 winces at the deep gash across his chest. Another crash echoes through the

ruins as Atreyu makes his way out of the ruins.


CUT TO- Ocean –Falkor under water


Falkor dived deep into the Sea following a slight ray of light from beneath the

waves. As he swims deeper and deeper more and more bubbles form around

his body, finally he reaches a coral reef, and finds that the ray of light was

coming from the lost necklace. Falkor opens his mouth, and plucks the Auryn

 from the coral with his teeth.


Driven by a will much like his own he headed straight for the abandoned city.

Below him he could barely make out the form of Atryeu leaving a collapsing



Atreyu comes out of an opening and latches onto a tree as the Nothing consumes

more and more the surrounding land. Atreyu calls out for Falkor and this time Falkor

calls back.


                        style="mso-tab-count: 2">                        style="mso-tab-count: 1">            style="mso-tab-count: 1">            Falkor:

     Atreyu, hang on!


Atreyu holds tight to the tree as strong winds threaten to rip him from the branches.

Almost as he was losing his grip Falkor plucked him out of the tree, and headed for

 safer skies. But that was all there was left, below them the Nothing enveloped the remaining pieces of land. Fantasia was gone.


                        style="mso-tab-count: 2">                        style="mso-tab-count: 1">            style="mso-tab-count: 1">            Bastian:

                        style="mso-spacerun: yes">       That was the end of Fantasia. Only a few fragments remained

    of this once rich and beautiful world had been left by the nothing.



Falkor flies through a belt of fragments still remaining after the Nothing.

The sky is  graveyard of left over pieces of Fantasia. Atreyu wakes from

his exhaustion and looks around with a heavy heart.



Good old Falkor, can you see anything ? Anything at all ?



No, all the land is gone.



I know, and all because I failed.



You tried.



Do you suppose the Ivory Tower is still standing?



Let's hope so, Atreyu. Let's hope so.


Atreyu looks down at the amulet dangling from his neck, and gets an idea

 that might just help them.



Let the Auryn guide you.


(He clutches the medallion with his hands )


If the Ivory Tower still stands take us there.




The Auryn starts glowing and the fragments move, behind them standing

 in all its glory is the ivory tower.



Falkor ! The Ivory Tower !


They approach the tower. And it appears to have been spared by the Nothing.

We span over all its beautiful features before we come to rest at the court

before the Empress’s chamber.


VIEW-  Bastian. He leans forward and whispers


                        style="mso-tab-count: 2">                        style="mso-tab-count: 2">                            Bastian:

The Empress





Atreyu walks up the stairs that lead to the Empress's room. The chamber

door begins to open. He pauses and looks back at Falkor.



Go on.


He enters the room and the door closes behind him. Before him was the Childlike Empress in person. She sits silently on her bed, her gaze never leaves Atreyu.


            Childlike Empress:

                        style="mso-tab-count: 2">                        style="mso-spacerun: yes">        Atreyu, why do you look so sad?


He takes off the Auryn and hands it to her. She looks at it, and then him

for an explanation.



                        style="mso-tab-count: 2">                        style="mso-spacerun: yes">            I have failed you Empress.


            Childlike Empress:

                                                  No, you haven't. You've brought him with you.



   Who ?


            Childlike Empress:

                        style="mso-tab-count: 1">            style="mso-spacerun: yes">        The Earthling child. The one who can save us all.



               You knew about the Earthling child ?!


            Childlike Empress:

                        Of course. I knew everything.



(Atreyu grows angry with her)


My horse died, I nearly drowned, and I just

 barely got away from the nothing. For what ?!

To find out what you already knew ?!


            Childlike Empress:

                                           It was the only way to get in touch with an Earthling.



                                                  But I didn't get in touch with an Earthling !


                 Childlike Empress:

                                                                           Yes, you did.


Bastian sits up slowly as we hear what she's saying.


            Childlike Empress:

                                    He has suffered with you. He went through everything you went

                                     through. And now, he has come here with you. He's very close.

                                                       Listening to every word that we say.


Atreyu looks around, as does she.


                        style="mso-tab-count: 2">                        style="mso-tab-count: 1">            style="mso-tab-count: 1">            Bastian:

                        style="mso-tab-count: 2">                        style="mso-tab-count: 1">            style="mso-tab-count: 1">            What ?!


Two fragments of Fantasia collide and explode shaking the Tower Violently.


            style="mso-spacerun: yes"> Atreyu:

 Where is he ? If he's so close, why doesn't he arrive ?!


            Childlike Empress:

                        style="mso-tab-count: 1">            style="mso-tab-count: 1">            He doesn't realize that he's already a part

                        style="mso-tab-count: 2">                        style="mso-tab-count: 1">            of the Neverending Story.



                        style="mso-tab-count: 2">                            The Neverending Story, what's that ?


            Childlike Empress:

                        style="mso-tab-count: 1">            style="mso-tab-count: 1">            Just as he is sharing all your adventures, other's

are sharing his. They were with him when he hid

from the boys in the bookstore.



    But that's impossible!


            Childlike Empress:

 They were with him when he took the book with the

Auryn symbol on the cover, in which he's reading his

own story right now.


            style="mso-tab-count: 1">              Bastian:

I can't believe it, they can't be talking about me.


The Ivory Tower cracks. Atreyu turns around to

see where it cracked, then he turns back to the




What will happen if he doesn't appear?!


            Childlike Empress:

                        style="mso-tab-count: 1">            style="mso-tab-count: 1">            Then our world will disappear, and so will I.



          How can he let that happen ?!


            Childlike Empress:

                                            He doesn't understand that he's the one who has the

                                            power to stop it. He simply can't imagine that one little

   style="mso-spacerun: yes">           boy could be that important.



                                                                         Is it really me ?




                        style="mso-tab-count: 1">            style="mso-spacerun: yes">              Maybe he doesn't know what he has to do !


            Childlike Empress:

                      style="mso-spacerun: yes">                                            What do I have to do ?!


            Childlike Empress:

                        style="mso-tab-count: 1">            style="mso-tab-count: 1">            He has to give me a new name. He's already

                                                          chosen it, he just has to call it out.



          style="mso-spacerun: yes">                                              It's only a story, it's not real. It's only a story.


The Ivory Tower shakes and cracks some more. Atreyu falls over backward

and is knocked unconscious.


            style="mso-tab-count: 1">            style="mso-tab-count: 1">            style="mso-tab-count: 1">            style="mso-tab-count: 1">            Bastian:

                                        style="mso-spacerun: yes">                      Atreyu ! NO!


            Childlike Empress:

                        style="mso-tab-count: 2">                        style="mso-tab-count: 1">            style="mso-tab-count: 1">            Atreyu !



the courtyard is being taken away by the Nothing. Because of Bastians new

found disbelief the Nothing has grown stronger and is now attacking the last remaining part of Fantasia.


            Childlike Empress:

  Bastian, why don't you do what you dream, Bastian ?



                        style="mso-tab-count: 1">            style="mso-spacerun: yes">       But I can't ! I have to keep my feet on the ground!


            Childlike Empress:

                                                Call my name ! Bastian, please ! Save us !




                                            All right, I'll do it. I'll save you. I will do what I dream!


He climbs up to the window and opens it. He leans out into the storm and calls out the name he had chosen for her.






Darkness, pure and black as night. We hear Bastian speak.



                        style="mso-tab-count: 2">                        style="mso-tab-count: 1">            style="mso-spacerun: yes">        Why is it so dark?


            Empress Moonchild:

        In the beginning it is always dark.



A small light appears and starts growing until the two childs faces are

 illuminated. It is coming from an object in Moonchild's hand. Bastian looks at it.



                        style="mso-tab-count: 2">                        style="mso-spacerun: yes">                        What is that ?


            Empress Moonchild:

       style="mso-spacerun: yes">                                  One grain of sand. It is all that remains of my vast empire.



                                                           Fantasia has totally disappeared ?


            Empress Moonchild:

                                   style="mso-spacerun: yes">                                               Yes.



                                                          Then everything has been in vain.


            Empress Moonchild:

                                                    No, it hasn't. Fantasia can arise in you .

                                                       In your dreams and wishes Bastian.



                                                                                 How ?


            Empress Moonchild:

                               style="mso-spacerun: yes">                                          Open your hand.


She puts the grain into his hand and he looks at it.


            Empress Moonchild:

        What are you going to wish for ?



                                                                       style="mso-spacerun: yes">      I don't know.


            Empress Moonchild:

                                                       Then there will be no Fantasia any more.



                                                                   How many wishes do I get?


            Empress Moonchild:

                                            As many as you want. And the more wishes you make,

                                                     the more magnificent Fantasia will become.



                                                style="mso-spacerun: yes">                               Really ?


            Empress Moonchild:

                                                                                 Try it.



               style="mso-spacerun: yes">                                                     Then my first wish is...


Moonchild follows his gaze and smiles.


CUT TO- Bastian riding Falkor


            Below them Fantasia has been reborn. Everything appears as before.



                          style="mso-spacerun: yes">                                Falkor, it's even more beautiful

                                                                          than I thought.



                                                                               Like it ?



                                                                     Falkor, it's wonderful !


                                                                   (Bastian looks around.)


                                                            Falkor, it's like the nothing never was.


They fly over Rockbiter, the Nighthob, and the little man. Bastian waves

to them and Rockbiter waves back. They change their direction and suddenly below them is a great endless field, the Great Plains. Bastian looks down and sees a familiar face from his imagination, only now its real.



                        style="mso-tab-count: 2">                        style="mso-tab-count: 1">            style="mso-spacerun: yes">         Atreyu ! Artax !


             Atreyu looks up, laughs, and waves as he and Artax are headed for home.



                                        style="mso-spacerun: yes">                What would you like to wish for next?


Bastian leans over and whispers in his ear. Falkor laughs.



View of the three bullies talking out on the street where they had chased Bastian the day before. They look up at the sky as Falkor and Bastian appear and start chasing them. They scream…



                                                                            A monster !



                                                  Yea ! Look there they are ! Get 'em Falkor.

                                                         Let's see how you like it chickens!



                                                                            Down here !


(one of them cries pointing to the alley. They start to rest, but Falkor chases

them down there too. They start running again.)



                                                                     We're gonna get you guys !


They run down the alley and jump into the dumpster as Falkor flies by them, laughing. They peer out of the dumpster and then duck back in.


VIEW- of buildings and the sky. We hear a voice, a narrator.



     Bastian made many other wishes and had many other amazing

           adventures before finally returning to the ordinary world.

                                          But that's another story.





This Script was Created by AranMax

Neverending Story, The

Writers :   Michael Ende  Wolfgang Petersen  Herman Weigel
Genres :   Fantasy  Adventure  Family

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